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Hallo Community,

es ist für dieses Spiel leider noch kein Leitfaden vorhanden.
Wer einen dazu erstellen möchte, bitte vorher unsere Regeln lesen Leitfäden - Regeln, Übersicht und Rangliste.

Da wir unsere Leitfäden einheitlich gestalten, haben wir euch hier ein Tutorial erstellt, wie ein Leitfaden regelkonform aufzubauen ist → Leitfaden-Tutorial.


Nach der Zuteilung des Leitfadens, der Fertigstellung, dem Ablauf der jeweiligen Frist und der Einarbeitung aller wichtigen Tipps und Tricks, kannst du hier im Thread Bescheid geben, damit dieser geschlossen und für die Startseite fertig bearbeitet werden kann.

Vielen Dank

Das Team unterstützen

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Falls den Leitfaden noch nachträglich jemand erstellt, kann der Hinweis hinzugefügt werden, dass die Server abgeschaltet wurden und die Platin nicht mehr möglich ist. ;)


zur freien Verfügung..



Trophäen-Leitfaden - MLB® 13 The Show™ (PS3)
1x platin.png  5x gold.png  9x silber.png  17x bronze.png  = 32 | Gesamtpunkte: 1155

Allgemeine Infos:
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 Bringing the Heat
Earn a save by throwing all fastballs (one and two-out saves don't qualify; only earned if playing an uninterrupted 9-inning game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Dreaded Leadoff Walk
Draw a walk with the first hitter of an inning (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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Hit a home run immediately after an intentional walk (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 2-Out Rally
Score 3 or more runs after the first two batters of an inning made outs (not achievable in RTTS; only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Quick Thinking
Pull off a successful 1-2-3 double play (not achievable in RTTS; only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Small Ball
With a runner on second and/or third with no outs, hit a ground out to the right side of the field that advances the runner(s) (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Strike ‘Em Out, Throw ‘Em Out
Turn a double play by striking out the batter and throwing out the runner stealing (not achievable in RTTS; only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 So Close, Yet...
In Oriole Park (BAL), hit the scoreboard in right field (on the fly, in fair territory).

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 Bronx Bomber
In Yankee Stadium™ (NYY), hit a home run into the second deck of the right field stands (excludes classic stadiums).

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 Arr, Matey!
In PNC Park™ (PIT), hit a home run that hits the PIRATES hedge in center field (on the fly).

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 Latest and Greatest
Complete a The Show™ Live game (only earned if playing an uninterrupted 9-inning game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 First Person
In Road to the Show, catch a fly ball using the new Manual Catch feature.

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 Fall Ball
Complete a Postseason Mode game (only earned if playing an uninterrupted 9-inning game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Derby King
Win an Online Home Run Derby™ contest.

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 First Steps
Advance to Beginner Hitting Rank 2 (not achievable in Practice or Training modes; only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Going Green
Use the Card Recycler in Diamond Dynasty.

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 Escape Artist
As the pitcher, escape from a no out, bases loaded jam without any of the runners scoring (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Payback Time
After getting hit by a pitch, hit a home run on that player's following at-bat (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Average Boost
Get 5 hits in a single game, with a single player (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Brand New Ballgame
Tie the score after being down by 4 runs in a game (not achievable in RTTS; only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Worm Killer
As the pitcher, induce 15 or more ground outs in a single game (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Piling On
In a single game, score 20 or more runs (not achievable in RTTS; only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Brewed Fresh
In Miller Park™ (MIL), hit a home run in the stands to the right of the center field hitter's eye (on the fly).

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 Land Ho!
In Safeco Field™ (SEA), hit a home run into the bullpens in left-center that lands on dirt.

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 Hail to the Chief
In Nationals Park™ (WAS), hit a home run off the right field foul pole.

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 Didn't Even Break a Sweat
Have your starting pitcher throw a complete game with 58 or fewer pitches thrown (only earned if playing an uninterrupted 9-inning game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Number 17
In a single game, hit 4 or more home runs with the same player (not achievable in Home Run Derby™; only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Winning Combo
Throw a combined no-hitter with 2 or more pitchers (not achievable in RTTS; only earned if playing an uninterrupted 9-inning game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Credit Extension
In Citi Field™ (NYM), have a player hit for the cycle (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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 Bang the Drum
In Turner Field™ (ATL), hit a home run to center field that hits the bongo drum (on the fly).

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 In the Books
Earn all of the MLB® 13 The Show™ Trophies.

Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs).
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten.


 Sitting Dead Red
Hit a home run after having successfully guessed fastball (only earned if playing an uninterrupted game against the CPU, without switching sides or fast forwarding).

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