Nel0 Geschrieben 9. August 2009 Geschrieben 9. August 2009 Training No collectibles Saber Mansion No collectibles Saber Mansion: Exfiltration No collectibles Basement Silver Data Disk #1: After the room with the first vending kiosk, at the end of the curved hallway under the elevated walkway. Silver Data Disk #2: Once you shut down the 4 valves and enter the heating hub, it is behind the big control panel with the monitor on it. Silver Data Disk #3: When dropping into the heating ducts after first learning to use infrared vision, take the right fork and follow to the end. Gold Data Disk #1: Appears in the elevator to the office complex after the fight with the computer and two alarm clocks. Saberling Offices & Computer Center Note: When you first enter the Saberling Offices, you can buy a map showing you where Data Disks are in the Data Offices but you won't be able to get to them yet. Just continue following the objectives until you are in the Design Offices. Design Offices Silver Data Disk #4: After getting the motion sensor to open the door to the reception area, climb onto the desk and vertical boost to the top of the ledge over the desk. Go through the vent to find the disk. Silver Data Disk #5: After it tells you about Mooch disabling lasers by shooting the emitters, before going into the next room, climb up on the display case on the left and enter the vent above it to access a room with the Disk. Silver Data Disk #6: After escaping the satellite dish barriers that are closing in, when you exit the vents back into the room and it tells you about shooting the satellite dishes with the motion detectors, MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT LEAVE THE ROOM YET. Use the motion detector to kill the satellite dishes (hover to get the laser high enough to kill the 2nd one) and get the Disk on the other side of the room. Saberling Offices Gold Data Disk #2: After a big fight with toasters, irons, and alarm clocks, it will appear on the east side of the room by the elevators. Silver Data Disk #7: After climbing up a pipe and hearing that you are fully protected from the speaker's supersonic charge, turn right and go down the stairs to get the Disk. Silver Data Disk #8: After #7, go back up the stairs and through the door to the left. Lure the motion sensor to blast the door to the left (south) and the Disk is on the top shelf in this room, which also has an elevator keycard. Silver Data Disk #9: When you have to send mooch through the ducts to disable the satellite dish, go all the way to the end of the duct where the moving red barriers are coming from and get the Disk on the right. Silver Data Diak #10: In the curved hallway with the paper shredders, it's on a shelf on the right side near the 2nd shredder. It's easier if you sprint all the way through the hall and then come back for the Disk. Saberling Computer Center Silver Data Disk #11: When planting the Wi-Fi transmitters, in the hallway for the one to the east, when you send mooch around to disable the satellite dish, it is clearly visible in the room between the two vents/fans. Grab it with mooch on the way. Silver Data Disk #12: When planting the Wi-Fi transmitters, in the hallway for the one to the west, enter the room on the right side of the hallway and it's on top of the mainframe in the center of the room. Gold Data Disk #3: After defeating the Torch, it will appear in front of the central computer console. Saberling Maintenance Tunnel I Driving mission - No collectibles Packing & Shipping Silver Data Disk #13: In the large room with the first vacuum cleaner, activate the motion sensor, then stand near the glass barrier in the center of the room, on the other side from the motion sensor. Jump onto the ledge and stand near the right edge of the glass facing the motion sensor and the laser will reflect off the glass barrier and the office windows to destroy the door to the room where #13 is located. Silver Data Disk #14: In the large room with the moving platforms, it's on a ledge in the middle of the room on the south wall. Get to the upper platform and then hover across to get it. Gold Data Disk #4: After transmitting some plans and fighting two fire extinguishers, it will appear by the door to the next room. Silver Data Disk #15: After getting Gold Disk #4 and fighting 3 irons, it's in the small room to the south. Silver Data Disk #16: In the monorail room with all the sticky goo on the floor where you fight a fire extinguisher and some other enemies, drop down to the tracks underneath the train and follow the vent shaft into the room with the Disk on top of a cabinet. Assembly Lines Silver Data Disk #17: In a very large room with multiple levels of conveyor belts on your way to rescue Hurley, go to the end of the conveyor belt you start on and on the ground level on your left is a vent shaft. At the end of the shaft is Disk #17. Silver Data Disk #18: After taking a red tram to a room with green lasers all over the floor, go south to the locked door and send Mooch through the vent shaft high up on the wall to unlock the door. The Disk is on the desk. Silver Data Disk #19: After unlocking the security door for Hurley, on the upper level of the room with the adjustable platforms, follow the walkway around to the SW corner. Smash some boxes to reveal a shaft for getting to Disk #19, which can be seen from the adjustable platforms on the west wall. Assembly Lines: Shipping Conveyor Silver Data Disk #20: When you are asked to Overload Production Machinery, after making your way up the conveyor belt past all the boxes go through the door on the left and follow the path to the south and it is in plain sight in the last room along with a wall-mounted speaker. Machine Processing Silver Data Disk #21: Right after the part where a washing mashine is built around you, you'll enter a room with a kiosk, some headphones, a flying vacuum cleaner, and a satellite dish. The disk is high up above the satellite dish. Fly up the right side of the room with Mooch to avoid the zapper and grab the disk. (Note: this one does not show up on the maps, as there is no available map for this small area. Thanks to GRADUS for finding this one.) Chip Manufacturing Silver Data Disk #22: In the room behind the first giant robotic arm with the status screens for Phases 1, 2, and 3, there is a vent above the screens. Send Mooch through the vent to gather up all the chips and Disk #22. Gold Data Disk #5: After shutting down Phase 2 and fighting 3 fans, 3 irons and 2 torches, it will appear. You can grab it now but do NOT go through the door and up the stairs yet. Silver Data Disk #23: After the previously mentioned fight, when the gold disk appears, climb up onto the conveyor belt that goes across the center of the room. Saberlize the speaker and use the grapple to ride it up to a vent at the top of the room. Go through the vent shaft into the room with the Disk. It's on one of the lower shelves. Silver Data Disk #24: Note: Make sure you don't skip the objective to save the scientists before heading to Phase3. After you kill the paper shredder to free the scientists, go into the room they were in and the disk is on a box in the back of the room. Power Generator Silver Data Disk #25: On the way to turbine #2, you'll go through a narrow corridor where there are 2 orange strips on the floor and then a more open room with red lasers below that you have to hover over. Keep going straight to the end of the hallway and the Disk is behind some smashable boxes. This one will get you the "Silver Data Disk Discoverer" achievement. Silver Data Disk #26: After activating turbine #2 and fighting some enemies in the center chamber, you'll end up in another narrow corridor where you have to activate a fan to blow you upward. In the next corridor there is a fan at the end blowing against you. Disable it and run toward it and there's Disk #26. Silver Data Disk #27: After you see the 3rd turbine and fight a portable CD player, your navigator will say something about there being a power core generator nearby. While still in this room, send Mooch up through a vent right next to the big "3" high on the wall to get the Disk. You can't miss it as you have to go through here to start up the 3rd turbine. Saberling Maintenance Tunnel II Driving mission - No collectibles FBI Headquarters Silver Data Disk #28: At the beginning of the level, get past all the alarm clocks and drop down into a pit with pipes and follow the pipes into a shaft requiring infrared vision. When you get to a spot that is lower and the entire floor is red with heat, there's an opening to the left that you can jump up and into. Go through it and take another left and you'll find Disk #28. Silver Data Disk #29: While going through a vent shaft on your way to accessing the security room you'll encounter 3 headphones right after jumping over a gap with red lasers. After killing the headphones, continue north to an open walkway and go left. The Disk is at the end behind some smashable boxes. Gold Data Disk #6: After fighting 2 water coolers and a whole bunch of mice, it will appear. Silver Data Disk #30: Before activating the laser switch to use the elevator, go south to the ramp where the satellite dish is blocking the path. Use Mooch to deactivate the satellite dishes on either side and then deactivate the one in the middle. Up the ramp, past some lasers on the left is the Disk. FBI Forensics Silver Data Disk #31: When you climb up on top of the elevator car, before leaving the elevator shaft send Mooch up into the opening high up on the north wall. Note: this will be before you can get the map for this area. Silver Data Disk #32: When you enter the vent shaft from the bathroom, go to the left and around and through the vent to get the Disk, which is in the middle stall but can't be accessed from the bathroom. Silver Data Disk #33: After you go up the laser-covered stairs and get a keycard, before going through the keycard door, head the other direction toward a vending kiosk. Straight across from the kiosk are some lasers, and just past the lasers is the Disk. FBI Forensics: Courtyard Silver Data Disk #34: As soon as you go outside through the Director's Office window, turn around and go east and you can see it on a ledge you can hover to. FBI Computer Labs Silver Data Disk #35: In the frozen office where you have to get the fire extinguisher to melt the keycard (and also microwave), first get it to melt the shelf on the south end of the east wall to get the Disk. Or, you can use the indendiary device dispenser and throw a bomb at the frozen shelf to melt it. Silver Data Disk #36: When you first leave the infrared vent shaft and enter the crime lab and it tells you about using the motion detector's beam to continue, look to your right and high up on the wall is a vent shaft. Take that shaft to the room with the Disk. It's on a desk. Silver Data Disk #37: when you get the objective "Destroy the Satellite Dish" in a hallway with a hologram socket, enter the large room on your right (north). First take care of all the enemies, then send Mooch up to get the disk on top of one of the lights above in the SE corner of the room. Silver Data Disk #38: After #37, put a hologram disk in the socket back out in the hallway and the motion sensor will destroy the satellite dish for you. Enter the room and to the left is a fire extinguisher. Activate the fire extinguisher and get it to follow you back to the room #37 was in. Have it melt the door in the SW corner of the room and at the top of the stairs is the Disk. FBI Armory & Training Silver Data Disk #39: When you first start the mission you drop into a bathroom stall. The Disk is in the other stall in this bathroom. Note: You may see another disk covered in ice nearby. You cannot get this one yet but we'll be back for it later. Gold Data Disk #7: You have to get this as part of the story to get the flamethrower. Silver Data Disk #40: Once you get the flamethrower, before you go through the door you unlock with a keycard, activate the motion sensor and get it to destroy the door across from the keycard door. Grapple up to the top ledge in the room and send Mooch to deactivate the fan so you get across to the other side of the room. Go up through the vent in the ceiling, being careful not to fall right back down through another hole 2 steps later. If you go straight ahead after you climb into the vent shaft, you can see the Disk behind a fan, but to get to it you have to go around through a vent in the next room. Watch out for exploding alarm clocks. Silver Data Disk #41: After a fight with a bunch of fans and a water cooler, you will have to get to some elevators. Before you do, melt the ice from the door in the NE part of the room and go to the end of the hallway and melt the ice with the flamethrower for the disk. FBI Rooftop & Heli-Pad Silver Data Disk #42: After a cut scene in which Saber walks into a trap and you start on top of the elevators, the Disk is the elevator Saber was in, right next to the kiosk. Satellite Center Basement Silver Data Disk #43: You drop down out of a pipe into a large room to start the level. There's another pipe right next to the one you came from on the west wall that contains Disk #41. Use Mooch to get it or you can wait until you have the NanoHacker v2 and use a vacuum to shoot yourself up there. Silver Data Disk #44: In the room with the walkways full of vacuum cleaners, just south of where you find the gold disk there is a bridge made by a satellite dish. Jump over to the ledge up against the window in front of the satellite dish and send Mooch through a vent above the top left of this window. The Disk is next to the satellte dish. Note: If you stay standing on the bridge and disable the satellite dish with Mooch, the bridge will disappear and you will die, plus a vacuum could get Darwin while you are using Mooch, so that's why you have to jump over to the winedow ledge first. Satellite Security Silver Data Disk #45: In the large round room where you have to take out two satellite dishes guarding a terminal in the center, on the other side from the terminal is a grappling speaker. Activate it and ride it up to a higher area on the west side of the room for the Disk. Silver Data Disk #46: Also in the large round room, after activating the terminal, the center platform will have risen. On the ride side of the pillar from the terminal is a ledge you can climb up to for a room in the center of the pillar which has the Disk. Satellite Control Silver Data Disk #47: In the room where you have to use the wheel to turn your hologram so the laser will destroy the door, maneuver both triangular glass pillars so that the laser goes through the door and hits the box on the platform inside the room. The box contains the Disk. Silver Data Disk #48: In the SE room with the power core, go down the stairs just inside the door and go into a vent on the left near an automatic vacuum cleaner for Disk #47. Satellite Dish Silver Data Disk #49: In the room where you fight two CD players on your way to remove the first power core, before leaving the room, go down the short hallway to the south for Disk #48. Silver Data Disk #50: In the small room with a kiosk on the way to remove the 2nd power core, after fighting two more CD players. This should get you the "Silver Data Disk Expert" achievement. Don't forget to use the kiosk to buy the last of the upgrades for "Master Agent" before leaving the room. Clusterstorm No collectibles Quelle
goastrix22 Geschrieben 11. Januar 2010 Geschrieben 11. Januar 2010 Kann man auch im 2 Durchgang die restlichen CDs sammel wenn man welche vergessen hat oder muss man alle in einen Durchgang finden? Danke für die Antworten.
Creatisi Geschrieben 12. Januar 2010 Geschrieben 12. Januar 2010 Kann man auch im 2 Durchgang die restlichen CDs sammel wenn man welche vergessen hat oder muss man alle in einen Durchgang finden?Danke für die Antworten. Man muss alle in einem Durchgang holen.
Zocker84 Geschrieben 12. Januar 2010 Geschrieben 12. Januar 2010 mein englisch ist nicht so prickelnd ^^ gibt es ne deutsche version davon? wenn ich es übersetzen lasse dann hört sich das an wie jemand der gerade nach deutschland gekommen ist.
uschke Geschrieben 15. Januar 2010 Geschrieben 15. Januar 2010 Kannst an jedem Automaten ne Karte mit den Fundorten kaufen
hellunke Geschrieben 23. Januar 2010 Geschrieben 23. Januar 2010 super tip hab ich noch gar nicht mitbekommen. danke
schroeder96 Geschrieben 23. Januar 2010 Geschrieben 23. Januar 2010 super tip hab ich noch gar nicht mitbekommen. danke steht doch auch im Leitfaden
Creatisi Geschrieben 23. Januar 2010 Geschrieben 23. Januar 2010 Im Grunde ist das kein guter Tipp. Da du somit unnötig Geld ausgibst. Glaub mir du kannst jeden "Cent" im Spiel gebrauchen für die Meisteragent Trophy. Genau für diese Trophy braucht man ja auch die Daten Disk. Man kann sich bestimmt einige Karten kaufen, wenn man die Gegner die ganze Zeit mit der Peitsche töten da man so mehr Geld kriegt. Jedoch ist das Risiko zu groß, dass am Ende das Geld doch nicht ausreicht.' rel="external nofollow">
hellunke Geschrieben 26. Januar 2010 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2010 hmm ja genau das währe meine nächste frage gewesen. tja dann werd ich es wohl so versuchen. tschade das man die lev nicht einzelnen anwählen kann. an dner goldenen kann man eigentlich nicht dran vorbei laufen oder? da krieg ich ja die waffen durch.
Thefifty Geschrieben 11. März 2010 Geschrieben 11. März 2010 also an jedem Automaten die karte kaufen und das ganze level wieder vorne durchsuchen ?
Miin Geschrieben 2. Mai 2010 Geschrieben 2. Mai 2010 Also kann man nacher nicht nochmal zurück? wenn man eine vergessen hat .. weil ich glaub das hab ich -.-
°~°PL_ViPeR°~° Geschrieben 4. Juni 2010 Geschrieben 4. Juni 2010 Gibt es vielleicht schon ein deutsches Guide?
thorr Geschrieben 4. Juni 2010 Geschrieben 4. Juni 2010 Gibt es vielleicht schon ein deutsches Guide? Unter gibts eine komplette Lösung, inklusive der silbernen Datendisks.
°~°PL_ViPeR°~° Geschrieben 5. Juni 2010 Geschrieben 5. Juni 2010 Unter gibts eine komplette Lösung, inklusive der silbernen Datendisks. Dankeschön . Kann man aber auch diese dinger kaufen das man die Disk in der karte sehen kann und zum schluss alle Upgrades kaufen kann?
thorr Geschrieben 5. Juni 2010 Geschrieben 5. Juni 2010 Dankeschön . Kann man aber auch diese dinger kaufen das man die Disk in der karte sehen kann und zum schluss alle Upgrades kaufen kann? Versteh die Frage jetzt nicht richtig. Natürlich kannst du dir auch die Datendisk-Karten im Spiel kaufen. Wenn du sicher gehen willst nimmst halt noch die Lösung dazu. Es passiert schonmal das man an ner Disk vorbei rennt und dann nicht mehr zurück kann.
°~°PL_ViPeR°~° Geschrieben 5. Juni 2010 Geschrieben 5. Juni 2010 Aber kann man dann noch zum schluss alle Upgrades kaufen für Waffen? Hatte es auf schwer gespielt und alle Disks. Dann hatte ich zum schluss nicht genug Geld für die Trophäe Meisteragent
thorr Geschrieben 5. Juni 2010 Geschrieben 5. Juni 2010 Aber kann man dann noch zum schluss alle Upgrades kaufen für Waffen? Hatte es auf schwer gespielt und alle Disks. Dann hatte ich zum schluss nicht genug Geld für die Trophäe Meisteragent Wenn du gründlich alles absuchst ist das zu schaffen. Ich hab mir immer nur die Disk-Karten gekauft, die Map baut sich ja auch von allein auf. Am Ende hatte ich noch genug über für Meisteragent. Es gibt allerdings viele Stellen im Spiel wo ne Menge Geld gut versteckt ist.
Miin Geschrieben 15. Juli 2010 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2010 Unter gibts eine komplette Lösung, inklusive der silbernen Datendisks. Toll danke da sind aber nicht alle beschrieben .. jetzt kann ich wieder von vorne anfangen -.-
Robusto Geschrieben 31. Juli 2010 Geschrieben 31. Juli 2010 Silver Data Disk #15: After getting Gold Disk #4 and fighting 3 irons, it's in the small room to the south. wie komm ich da ran? die tür lässt sich einfach nicht öffnen. das ist die disc, nach dem radioaktivem büro, wos mit dem fahrstuhl nach oben geht, zum sabotierten monorailschalter. edit: hat sich erledigt, gab einen gut versteckten schalter. andere frage: bin eigentlich sicher keine disc ausgelassen zu haben, hab nach verpassten direkt den level neu geladen. hab die silbertrophy für 25 stück aber erst mit nr 26 nach der liste bekommen. normal, oder ist mir doch eine untergegangen?
sell74 Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2011 Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2011 Habe nach der beschreibung gespielt und erst bei der 26 data disk die trophi bekommen is das normal.
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