Playsinator Geschrieben 18. Dezember 2012 Geschrieben 18. Dezember 2012 Moin Kollegen, habe gerade was im US-Blog aufgeschnappt: We’ve been having a blast playing against you online in the last few weeks, and we hope you’ve been enjoying the game as much as we’ve enjoyed making it and playing online ourselves. As you know, Full Frontal Assault is a cross-buy enabled title, so your purchase of the PS3 game entitles you to download the PS Vita version at no additional cost upon its release. Tin Giant and Sony have been hard at work to finish the Vita version, which will be available soon in early 2013. If you bought the PS3 game digitally, you’ll be able to download it via your Download List on the XMB when it releases. For those purchasers of the retail disc, you can download the Vita version via the “Disc Benefits” option under Game on the XMB. One thing every great multiplayer game has is new content and support. The team in North Carolina has been working hard and listening to your feedback the last few weeks. We have a new patch coming out this week for Full Frontal Assault that addresses many of your requests, and fixes some of the balance issues both online and in the campaign. In addition, we are adding two additional levels to the weapons in the game, so you’ll be able to further up(grade) your arsenal. But that’s not all — in early January we’ll be bringing another patch to the game that will add a new multiplayer map. This patch will be free and will add the map for all users. This map is set in one of the most famous locations in the Ratchet & Clank universe: Metropolis. Check out a first sneak peak at the new map above. For those of you who have already jumped into Full Frontal Assault, thanks for your support! And for those of you still waiting, check out the free trial on PSN. The game features a fun-sized campaign, but also two-player campaign co-op and our unique 1v1 and 2v2 competitive mode for just $19.99! We have more skins and free maps to come in 2013 as well, so stay tuned to the PlayStation.Blog for the latest updates. If you have any questions, ask below and we’ll do our best to answer them. Kurz gesagt:* Sie arbeiten noch an der Umsetzung der Vita Version, sodass sie Anfang 2013 in den Läden bzw. PSN steht. * Ein neuer Patch ist unterwegs, mit folgenden Vorteilen: * Behebung verschiedener Bugs * 2 neue Waffenlevel * Anfang 2013 soll noch ein Patch kommen. Diesmal wird die Karte "Metropolis" in den Online-Multiplayer eingefügt. * Wers gekauft hat: Danke! * Wer es noch nicht gekauft hat: Schaut doch mal ins PSN. Da heißt es wohl: Abwarten. Ich finde die News klasse, mehr Informationen gibt es dazu noch nicht. Wenn es jemand gerade in dem Moment gekauft hat, in dem der Patch herauskommt, möge er doch einmal überprüfen, ob die Trophäen dadurch irgendwie Probleme haben Die Arbeiten an den Patches und dem Spiel generell lassen irgendwie auch darauf schließen, dass so schnell keine Umsetzung von Ratchet: Gladiator kommen wird. [edit]Aus den Kommentaren des Blogs[/edit] Your weapons will get even bigger stat boosts, so there will be more reason to keep playing and it will also make the game easier / going after faster times more competitive. yes, the map and patch are worldwide Deadlocked/Gladiator will hit in 2013, date is TBDQuelle:[edit]Mittlerweile auch bei uns in den News[/edit]: [edit]Noch etwas aus dem Forum Insomniacs:[/edit] Changes are as follows:Campaign - Weapons can now level up to 5! And don’t worry, the experience you’ve earned up to this point will count toward the new cap. - Need to get back to base in a hurry? We’ve brought over the popular base-teleport feature from Competitive to Campaign. - We’ve marked down the prices for most base defenses. - Enemy waves have been tuned across the entire game. Competitive - We got rid of filtering by cheats and replaced it with an option to limit the games to friends only. - We have added a visual indicator for hero upgrades. The more upgrades purchased, the more pips you’ll see above a player’s health bar. - Several exploits patched. Rage-quitters beware! - Bug fixes galore. Quelle:
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