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Der Ultra-Rare Platinclub


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ok fang ich mal an:

Lost Planet 2

Rock Band 3

Fight Night Round 4

Green Day Rock Band

Guitar Hero Greatest Hits

The Beatles Rock Band


Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Vita


DJ Hero 2

EA Sports Active 2

Guitar Hero Metallica

Battle Fantasia

Far Cry 2

Guitar Hero Van Halen

DJ Hero

The Shoot

Singstar XMB

Lego Rock Band

Quantum Theory


Mortal Kombat

Little Deviants

Red Faction Guerilla

Gran Turismo 5

Super Street Fighter 4

Street Fighter 4


Battlefield Bad Company

Death Track Resurrection

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe

Blood Drive

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3


Ninja Gaiden Sigma +

Wipeout HD

Street Fighter X Tekken Vita

Wipeout 2048

Army of Two the 40th Day

Grand Theft Auto 4

Arcana Heart 3

Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock

Guitar Hero 5

The House of the Dead Overkill Extended Cut

Motorstorm Pacific Rift



Hawx 2

Street Fighter X Tekken

Crysis 2

Rock Band 2

Sonic Unleashed

The King of Fighters 12

Marvel vs Capcom 3

Ninja Gaiden 3


Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

Resistance 2

Killzone 2

BlazBlue Continuum Shift

Soul Calibur 5

Fairytale Fights


LittleBigPlanet Karting

BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend

Unreal Tournament 3

Brütal Legend

Two Worlds 2

Battle vs Chess

Battlefield 3

Overlord 2

Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising

Command and Conquer Alarmstufe Rot 3

Mirrors Edge


The Eye of Judgment


soo das wars erstmal, müssten 77 sein :)


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