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Das hier ist ein Platinclub für Spieler die mindestens 14 Ultra-Rare Platins besitzen. Eine Ultra Rare Platin liegt im 0-5% Bereich. Einsehen wieviele sich in eurem Besitz befinden, könnt ihr wie folgt: auf PSNProfiles gehen, euer Profil aufsuchen, rechts bei Rarest Trophies auf More klicken und nun nach Platinum und Ultra Rare filtern.

Link: psn.profiles

  • Vorbereitete Platins werden nicht gewertet.
  • PS4 - und PS Vita Platins werden selbstverständlich ebenfalls dazugezählt. Ebenso wie jede Mehrfachplatin. (Solange sie unter 5% liegt)
  • Desweitern orientiere ich mich ausschließlich an PSNProfiles , deswegen postet hier bitte keine Links von anderen Trophy-Tracking Seiten, da die Werte von Seite zu Seite, stark variieren.

Um aufgenommen zu werden Postet ihr:

  1. Eure PSN - ID
  2. Link zu eurem psnprofiles.com - Profil (mit den oben genannten Filtern)
  3. Eine Liste eurer Platins, ohne eine Nummerierung (Die füge ich später beim Bearbeiten hinzu). Falls ihr doch eine bestimmte Reihenfolge wollt, schreibt sie direkt in dieser Reihenfolge, bzw. schreibt es mir in euren Post. (z.B. Alphabetisch, nach Seltenheit sortiert, Erspieldatum etc...)

Aufgebaut wird der Club wie eine Rangliste.

Viel Spaß beim Sammeln.

Hinweis: Falls ihr daran interessiert seid welche Trophäen jeweils die anderen User haben, dann schaut euch bitte dies über der psnprofiles.com an ,indem ihr dort dann euren gewünschten User selbst updatet.


Rangliste Platz 1-5




1.) TheFreshBum (93. Ultra Rare Platin)


  1.     Sacred 2
  2.     NBA Jam  
  3.     Shaun White Snowboarding
  4.     Shaun White Skateboarding
  5.     Midnight Club: Los Angeles
  6.     The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
  7.     Brütal Legend
  8.     Mirror's Edge
  9.     Gran Turismo 5
  10.     Test Drive Unlimited 2
  11.     Aliens vs. Predator
  12.     Under Siege
  13.     SSX
  14.     LittleBigPlanet
  15.     [PROTOTYPE]
  16.     Mortal Kombat
  17.     Tony Hawk: RIDE
  18.     Tony Hawk: SHRED
  19.     SBK09 Superbike World Championship (DE)
  20.     PAYDAY: The Heist
  21.     Red Dead Redemption
  22.     Sacred 2 (jap.)
  23.     NASCAR 2011 The Game
  24.     Driver: San Francisco
  25.     Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 13
  26.     The Eye of Judgement
  27.     F1 Race Stars
  28.     SBK Superbike World Championship
  29.     Backbreaker
  30.     Tour de France
  31.     Need for Speed: The Run
  32.     MUD
  33.     Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  34.     Crysis 3
  35.     Blood Drive
  36.     NCAA Football 11
  37.     SBK09 Superbike World Championship (Inter.)
  38.     Crysis 2
  39.     LittleBigPlanet Karting
  40.     PAYDAY 2
  41.      Grid 2
  42.     John Daly's ProStroke Golf
  43.     Skate 2 (International)
  44.     Skate 3
  45.     Far Cry 2
  46.     Sniper Ghost Warrior
  47.     Ridge Racer: Unbounded
  48.     Fifa Street
  49.     WipEout HD
  50.     Fight Night Round 4
  51.     Ninja Gaiden Σ2
  52.     Skydive: Proximity Flight
  53.     Stormrise
  54.     Fairytale Fights
  55.     Two Worlds II
  56.     Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
  57.     Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge
  58.     Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 14
  59.     Supremacy MMA
  60.     Worms Ultimate Mayhem
  61.     Neverdead
  62.     Driveclub
  63.     Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2
  64.     Blur
  65.     The Golf Club
  66.     Soulcalibur V
  67.     R.U.S.E.
  68.     LittleBigPlanet 2
  69.     Mortal Kombat X
  70.     Lost Planet 3
  71.     Dungeon Defenders
  72.     Dirt 3
  73.     Rogue Warrior
  74.     Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (PS3)
  75.    Twisted Metal
  76.    Driveclub VR
  77.    Madden NFL 18
  78.    ModNation Racers (PS3)
  79.    Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
  80.    Tera
  81.    Steep
  82.    Mark McMorris Infinite Air
  83.    Aliens: Colonial Marines
  84.    Worms Battlegrounds
  85.    NCAA Football 12
  86.    Tricky Towers
  87.    Dirty Rally 2.0
  88.    Serious Sam 3: BFE
  89.    The Golf Club 2
  90.    Rayman Legends (PS4)
  91.    Red Faction: Guerrilla
  92.    Overlord: Gefährten des Bösen
  93.    Party Golf


2.)   XDriver2000  (82. Ultra Rare Platin)



001 Lost Planet 2
002 Time Crisis: Razing Storm
003 Far Cry 2
004 BattleFantasia
005 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier
006 F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
007 Mortal Kombat
008 Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
009 Gran Turismo 5
010 Street Fighter IV

011 Binary Domain
012 Red Faction: Guerrilla
013 Battlefield: Bad Company
014 The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena
015 James Bond 007: Blood Stone
016 Call of Duty: Black Ops II
017 Grand Theft Auto IV
018 King of Fighters XIII

019 Starhawk

020 GoldenEye 007: Reloaded

021 MotorStorm: Pacific Rift

022 Ridge Racer Unbounded

023 Need for Speed: Shift 2 Unleashed

024 Blood Drive
025 WipEout HD

026 Quantum Theory

027 Inversion
028 Ace Combat Assault Horizon
029 Aliens vs Predator

030 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

031 Midnight Club: Los Angeles

032 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

033 Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

034 Mercenary Kings
035 007 Legends
036 Payday: The Heist
037 F1 2010
038 Medal of Honor Warfighter

039 Sniper: Ghost Warrior
040 Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2
041 Crysis 2

042 Killzone Shadow Fall
043 Lost Planet 3

044 Fuel
045 Project Cars
046 Bulletstorm

047 Mortal Kombat X
048 Ninja Gaiden Σ2
049 Resistance 2

050 Wolfenstein

051 Killzone 2

052 Section 8
053 Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
054 F.E.A.R. 3
055 Unreal Tournament 3
056 Crysis 3
057 Two Worlds II
058 Driver: San Francisco

059 Operation Flashpoint: Red River

060 NASCAR The Game 2011

061 Battlefield 3 
062 Prototype (PS3)
063 F1 2011

064 Birds of Steel

065 Red Dead Redemption

066 Medal of Honor

067 Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
068 Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

069 The Sims 3
070 Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!!! (PS3 EU)

071 Grid 2

072 Thief (PS4)
073 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (PS3)
074 Wet

075 Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
076 Battlefield 4 (PS3)

077 Call of Duty: Black Ops
078 Dead Space 3

079 Aliens: Colonial Marines
080 Bound by Flame (PS4)
081 Lone Survivor 

082 Snipers: Invisible, Silent, Deadly


3.) Vanzinho (74. Ultra Rare Platin)


  1.     Green Day Rockband
  2.     Rock Band 3
  3.     Fight Night Round 4
  4.     Guitar Hero: Smash Hits
  5.     The Beatles: Rock Band
  6.     Guitar Hero: Metallica
  7.     Guitar Hero: Van Halen
  8.     Mortal Kombat 9
  9.     Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
  10.     WipEout HD
  11.     Shift 2 Unleashed
  12.     Grand Theft Auto IV
  13.     Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
  14.     MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
  15.     Guitar Hero 5
  16.     FIFA 09
  17.     FIFA 14 (Vita)
  18.     Rock Band 2
  19.     Pure Football
  20.     NBA Jam
  21.     NBA Live 10
  22.     Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011
  23.     Shaun White Snowboarding
  24.     Skate 2 (International)
  25.     Skate 3
  26.     Streetfighter X Tekken (Vita)
  27.     Lego Rock Band
  28.     Singstar (PSN)
  29.     Rocksmith
  30.     Singstar (PSN) Us Version
  31.     Mortal Kombat 9 (Vita)
  32.     Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
  33.     Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition (PS4)
  34.     Dead Nation (Vita)
  35.     Grand Theft Auto V
  36.     Band Hero
  37.     Angry Birds Trilogy (Vita)
  38.     Red Dead Redemption
  39.     Singstar (PS4, EU)
  40.     Singstar (PS4, US)
  41.     Rocksmith 2014 (PS3)
  42.     Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)
  43.     The Hungry Horde
  44.     Mortal Kombat X
  45.     Olli Olli 2: Welcome to Olliwood
  46.     Fifa 13 (PS Vita)
  47.     Rock Band 4 (EU Version)
  48.     Angry Birds Star Wars (PS3)
  49.     Angry Birds Star Wars (PS4)
  50.     Rock Band 4 (US)
  51.     Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (Vita)
  52.     Rocksmith 2014 (PS4)
  53.     Guitar Hero Live
  54.     London 2012
  55.     Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (PS4)
  56.     Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (PS3)
  57.     Velocity 2X
  58.     Disney Sing it Pop Hits
  59.     Angry Birds Trilogy (PS3)
  60.     Flame Over (PS Vita)
  61.     F1 Race Stars
  62.     Karaoke Revolution
  63.     Disney Sing It: Party Hits
  64.     Downwell
  65.     Schlag den Raab: Das 2. Spiel

  66.     Treasures of Montezuma 4 (PS4)

  67.     Tricky Towers

  68.     That's You

  69.     Red Dead Redemption 2

  70.     Metal Slug Anthology

  71.     Summer Stars 2012

  72.     Rapala Pro Bass Fishing

  73.     Rapala Fishing Pro Series

  74.     Trackmania Turbo


4.) Jeanmi96 (71. Ultra Rare Platin)

  1.     007 Legends
  2.     Aliens vs Predator
  3.     Army of TWO: The 40th Day
  4.     Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  5.     Battlefield: Bad Company
  6.     Battlefield 3
  7.     Binary Domain
  8.     Bulletstorm
  9.     Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS3)
  10.     Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified (Vita)
  11.     Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  12.     Call of Duty: Ghosts (PS3)
  13.     Dead Nation (Vita)
  14.     Dead Nation™: Apocalypse Edition
  15.     Dead Rising 2
  16.     Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
  17.     F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin (International)
  18.     F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin (Japan)
  19.     F.E.A.R. 3
  20.     Far Cry 2
  21.     FIFA 12
  22.     Fight Night Champion
  23.     GoldenEye 007: Reloaded
  24.     Grand Theft Auto IV
  25.     Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)
  26.     Inversion
  27.     James Bond 007: Blood Stone
  28.     Killzone 2
  29.     Little Big Planet
  30.     Lost Planet 2
  31.     Madden NFL 10
  32.     Magicka 2
  33.     Medal of Honor
  34.     Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
  35.     Midnightclub: Los Angeles
  36.     Mortal Kombat 9
  37.     NeverDead
  38.     Ninja Gaiden S2
  39.     NINJA GAIDEN 3
  40.     Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
  41.     Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
  42.     Payday: The Heist
  43.     PAYDAY 2
  45.     [PROTOTYPE]
  46.     Quantum Theory
  47.     Red Dead Redemption
  48.     Resistance 2
  49.     Ridge Racer: Unbounded
  50.     Section 8
  51.     Snipers - Invisible, Silent, Deathly
  52.     Starhawk
  53.     The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
  54.     Tom Clancy's: Ghost Recon Future Soldier
  55.     Tom Clancy's: HAWX
  56.     Tom Clancy's: HAWX 2
  57.     Twisted Metal
  58.     WipEout 2048
  59.     WipEout HD
  60.     Wolfenstein
  61.     Max Payne 3
  62.     Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
  63.     Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PS4)
  64.     LittleBigPlanet Karting
  65.     DRIVER: San Francisco
  66.     Operation Flashpoint: Red River
  67.     Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
  68.     LittleBigPlanet 2
  69.     Dishonored 2
  70.     Metro: Last Light
  71.     Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City


5.) MarciX (63. Ultra Rare Platin)

  1.     Max Payne 3
  2.     Star Ocean: The Last Hope -INTERNATIONAL-
  3.     Call of Duty®: Black Ops II
  4.     Call of Duty®: Ghosts (PS3)
  5.     NINJA GAIDEN 3
  6.     Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
  7.     Shadow of the Colossus
  8.     Metal Gear Rising: REVENEGEANCE
  9.     Medal of Honor: Frontline
  10.     [PROTOTYPE]
  11.     Killzone 2
  12.     F.E.A.R. 3
  13.     Yaiba™: Ninja Gaiden Z
  14.     Battlefield 3
  15.     Vanquish
  16.     Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
  17.     Syndicate
  18.     Kampf der Titanen
  19.     Crysis 2
  20.     WipEout HD
  21.     Medal of Honor
  22.     Sniper Ghost Warrior
  23.     Blur
  24.     Mortal Kombat
  25.     Need for Speed: The Run
  26.     Shift 2 Unleashed
  27.     Dirt 3
  28.     Aliens vs Predator
  29.     Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days
  30.     The House of the Dead: OVERKILL Extended Cut
  31.     Tales of Symphonia
  32.     Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World
  33.     Grand Theft Auto IV
  34.     Silent Hill 2 HD
  35.     Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
  36.     Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (PS3)
  37.     Call of Duty Black Ops III (PS3)
  38.     Armored Core: Verdict Day
  39.     Time Crisis Razing Storm
  40.     El Shaddai Ascension of the Metatron
  41.     Doom 3
  42.     Grand Theft Auto 5 (PS3)
  43.     Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness
  44.     Devil May Cry™ 4 Special Edition
  45.     Call of Duty: Ghosts (PS4)
  46.     Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
  47.     Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
  48.     Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PS4)
  49.     Singularity
  50.     Trackmania Turbo
  51.     Mirrors Edge
  52.     Call of Duty: Black Ops
  53.     Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
  54.     The Last of Us
  55.     Rage
  56.     Dead Space 3
  57.     Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3
  58.     Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
  59.     Final Fantasy IX
  60.     Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
  61.     Grand Theft Auto 5 (PS4)
  62.     Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (Vita)
  63.     Devil May Cry 5



Rangliste ab Platz 6:




    chris_stie (54. Ultra Rare Platin)


  1. Operation Flashpoint: Red River
  2. Sims3: Einfach Tierisch
  3. Grand Ages: Medieval
  4. Eve Valkyrie: Warzone
  5. Hardware: Rivals
  6. Real Farm
  7. Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers
  8. Mount & Blade : Warband
  9. Worms Battlegrounds
  10. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
  11. Killzone : SHadow Fall
  12. Red Faction: Remastered
  13. Painkiller: Hell & Damnation
  14. Red Faction Guerilla
  15. Lost Planet 3
  16. Chess Ultra
  17. Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax
  18. Starblood Arena
  19. Red Faction
  20. Red Faction 2
  21. GTA 4
  22. Rage
  23. Batman: Arkham City
  24. Batman Arkham Origins
  25. Tom Clancy´s H.A.W.X. 2
  26. Nordlandtrilogie: Schicksalsklinge
  27. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
  28. Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
  29. Bound By Flame
  30. Doom 3 : BFG Edition
  31. Assassin´s Creed: Brotherhood
  32. GTA 5 (PS4)
  33. GTA 5 (PS3)
  34. Alien Colonial Marines
  35. Gauntlet
  36. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  37. Battlefield Hardline
  38. Port Royale 3
  39. Bound by FLame (PS3)
  40. Battlefield 4
  41. Metro: Last Light
  42. Singularity
  43. LittleBigPlanet: Karting
  44. Fast & Furious: Showdown
  45. Killzone 2
  46. Tom Clancy´s H.A.W.X
  47. Battlefield 3
  48. Wheelman
  49. Two Worlds 2
  50. Start the Party
  51. PlaystationMove: Hereoes
  52. Alpha Protocol
  53. Band Hero
  54. Red Dead Redemption


    Chaos (50. Ultra Rare Platin)


  1. Alien vs. Predator
  2. Aliens: Colonial marines
  3. Army of two - The 40th day
  4. Assassins Creed - Brotherhood
  5. Avatar - The game
  6. Batman - Arkham city
  7. Batman - Arkham origins
  8. Blur
  9. Brütal legend
  10. Bulletstorm
  11. Call of duty - Black ops
  12. Call of duty - Modern warfare 3
  13. Call of duty - Black ops II
  14. Call of duty - Ghosts
  15. Call of duty - Black ops III
  16. Call of duty - Infinite warfare
  17. Call of duty - World war II
  18. Call of Juarez - Bound in blood
  19. Crysis 2
  20. Crysis 3
  21. Driver - San Francisco
  22. Grand theft auto IV
  23. Grid 2
  24. Homefront
  25. Killzone 2
  26. Killzone - Shadow fall
  27. Little big planet
  28. Little big planet 2
  29. London 2012
  30. Max Payne 3
  31. Metro - Last light
  32. Motor storm - Pacific Rift
  33. Need for speed - Shift 2 unleashed
  34. Need for speed - The run
  35. Prototype
  36. Rage
  37. Red dead redemption
  38. Resident evil - Operation Racoon city
  39. Resistance 2
  40. Shaun White Snowboarding
  41. Shaun White Skateboarding
  42. Singularity
  43. Sniper Elite 3
  44. Sniper - Ghost warrior
  45. The last of us
  46. Thief
  47. Virtua tennis 2009
  48. Virtua tennis 4
  49. WET
  50. Zombi


    endoskelett316 (45. Ultra Rare Platin)


  1. UFC 3 Undisputed
  2. UFC Undisputed 2010
  3. WWE 13
  4. UFC Undisputed 2009
  5. FIFA 11
  6. Gran Turismo 5
  7. WWE 2K16
  8. FIFA 13
  9. 007 Blood Stone
  10. Gran Turismo Sport
  11. GTA IV
  12. 007 Goldeneye Reloaded
  13. Top Spin 4
  14. FIFA 12
  15. FIFA 15
  16. 007 Legends
  17. F1 2010
  18. WWE 2K15
  19. GTA 5 (PS3)
  20. FIFA 16
  21. FIFA 14
  22. GTA 5 (PS4)
  23. PES 2012
  24. Star Wars Battlefront
  25. Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition
  26. F1 2012
  27. Battlefield 3
  28. F1 2011
  29. Red Dead Redemption
  30. F1 2013
  31. ZOMBI
  32. London 2012
  33. AC Brotherhood
  34. F1 2019
  35. World War Z
  36. Sniper Elite 3
  37. Air Conflicts Pacific Carriers
  38. Sniper Elite 4
  39. F1 2017
  40. F1 2015
  41. Buzz Quiz TV
  42. Batman Arkham City
  43. WWE 12
  44. Star Wars Battlefront 2
  45. Driveclub


    TheRealImpact  (42. Ultra Rare Platin)





White Knight Chronicles


Red Dead Redemption

Assassins Creed Brotherhood

White Knight Chronicles II

Dragonball Raging Blast

Two Worlds II

WipEout HD

Soul Calibur V


LittleBigPlanet 2

SingStar (PSN)

Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories (PS3)

Mirror's Edge

Dragonball Raging Blast 2

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

LittleBigPlanet Karting

Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World


LittleBigPlanet Vita

Lone Survivor

Metro: Last Light

Rainbow Moon

The Hungry Horde

Thief (PS3)

Muramasa Rebirth

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Rayman Legends (Vita)

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Just Cause 3

Dark Chronicle

Digimon World: Next Order


WipEout 2048


Rayman Legends (PS4)

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT

WipEout Omega Collection


    Light-kun (31. Ultra Rare Platin)


  1. Yakuza 4
  2. FIFA 12
  3. Virtua Tennis 4
  4. WET
  5. Yakuza 3
  6. Way of the Samurai 4
  7. Yakuza: Dead Souls
  8. Mirror's Edge
  9. Street Fighter X Tekken (PS3)
  10. F1 Race Stars
  11. Shaun Whte Snowboarding
  12. Soul Calibur V
  13. Tales of Symphonia
  14. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
  15. Alpha Protocol
  16. Arcana Heart 3
  17. BlazBlue: Chronophantasma
  18. The King of Fighters XIII
  19. Toukiden
  20. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
  21. Samurai Warriors 4
  22. Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
  23. DanceStar Party
  24. Street Fighter IV
  25. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
  26. Metal Gear Solid 4
  27. BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend
  28. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
  29. Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom
  30. Street Fighter V
  31. Sports Champions 2


    Mutenroshi (27. Ultra Rare Platin)



    Far Cry 2
    Gran Turismo 5
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    Motorstorm Pacific Rift
    Buzz! Quiz World
    Midnight Club: Los Angeles
    Grand Theft Auto V
    Ghostbusters: The Video Game
    Killzone 2
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10
    Buzz! Deutschland Superquiz
    Shaun White Snowboarding
    Battlefield 3
    Skate 2
    Read Dead Redemption
    Medal of Honor
    Medal of Honor: Frontline
    Angry Bird Trilogy (Vita)
    Tropico 5
    Call of Duty: Black Ops
    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Lemmings Touch

    Call of Duty WWII

    Modern Warfare 3

    The Last of Us (PS3)


     MrKot007 (28. Ultra Rare Platin)



Army Of Two - 40 Days


Goldeneye Reloaded

Kayne and Lynch 2

Payday the Heist


Crysis 2


Bulletstorm PS3

Payday 2


Crysis 3

Shawn White Snowboarding

Driver San Francisco

Bulletstorm PS4

Operation Flashpoint Red River

Battlefield 3

Red Dead Redemption

Shaun White Skateboarding

Start The Party

Sniper Elite 3

Battlefield 4

Zombie Vikings

F1 Race Stars

Call Of Duty MW3

Summer Stars 2012

Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare

Laser League


     xXK-oZXx (22. Ultra Rare Platin)



Shift 2 Unleashed

The Crew

Crisis 2


PES 2012

PES 2011

PES 2010

Tropico 5

Two Worlds 2

PES 2013

Need for Speed The Run

Thief (PS3)

Thief (PS4)

Red Dead Redemption

Dungeon Siege 3

Little Big Planet 2

Assassins Creed Brotherhood

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel (PS4) [EDIT]

Sacred 2

WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011

Metal Gear Solid 4

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


   OutofChaos13 (24. Ultra Rare Platins)



Titan Souls

Flame Over

Zombie Vikings


Tricky Towers

Trine 2

Bloodbowl 2

Tropico 5



Super Time Force Ultra


Mortal Kombat X

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

The Escapists

Just Cause 3

Lords of the Fallen

Amnesia Collection


The Banner Saga

Styx: Master of Shadows

Rayman Legends

Little Big Planet 3

Magicka 2


    BLUBb007 (21. Ultra Rare Platins)



Max Payne 3

Grand Theft Auto IV



Crysis 2

LittleBigPlanet PS Vita

Grand Theft Auto V


LittleBigPlanet 3

PAYDAY 2 Crimewave Edition

LittleBigPlanet Karting

Crysis 3

Mirror's Edge



Red Dead Redemption

LittleBigPlanet 2


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

The Last of Us

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3


    glupi74 (21. Ultra Rare Platins)



1.  Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

2.  Motorstorm Pacific Rift

3. XCOM Enemy Unknown

4. The Last of Us (PS3)

5. Resistance 2

6. Grand Theft Auto 5 (PS3)

7. Far Cry 2

8. Dragon Age Inquisition (PS3)

9. Grid Autosport

10. Two Worlds II

11. XCOM 2

12. Little Big Planet 3

13. Steep

14. Invisible, Inc.

15. The Solus Project 

16. Borderlands The Pre Sequel (PS4)

17. Phantom Doctrine

18. Sniper Elite 4

19. Sniper Elite 3

20. Tropico 5

21. Dirt Rally 2.0


    NekosphereReborn (14. Ultra Rare Platins)



Oddworld New 'n' Tasty

Lords of the Fallen

Tricky Towers

Worms Battlegrounds



Omega Quintet

Rogue Legacy

Bound By Flame


Velocity 2X

Lone Survivor

Super Time Force Ultra

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth



Bearbeitet von MarciX
- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -



1. Lost Planet 2

2. Battle Fantasia

3. Far Cry 2

4. The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

5. Street Fighter 4

6. Super Street Fighter 4

7. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

8. Wipeout HD

9. Grand Theft Auto 4

10. Arcana Heart 3

11. Street Fighter X Tekken

12. Motorstorm Pacific Rift

13. Tom Clancy´s HAWX

14. Blur

15. FIFA 09

16. Payday: The Heist

17. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

18. Marvel vs. Capcom 3

19. Wolfenstein

20. Metal Gear Solid 4

21. Blazblue: Continuum Shift

22. Killzone 2

23. Shadow of the Colossus

24. Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend


1. Beatemups lohnen sich

2. weißt du, was du dir antust, wenn du alle Spiele hinschreiben willst, die Ultra-Rare sind ?

bei mir alleine machen die 25 % aller Platin aus ... und manche davon waren nicht gerade schwer ^^

Sportspiele, Musikspiele und Beatemups gibt es so viele Ultrarares, die kann doch jeder bequem auf PSnprofiles nachschauen, warum also eine Liste dafür machen?

Ja eigentlich hast du Recht. Das wären ca 300 Platins und dazu bin ich mir zu schade. Soll einfach jeder kurz auf seinem Profil schaun. Das sollte jedem der Beitritt wert sein.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Ich kann leider noch nicht hier in den Club, hab erst 9 Ultra Rare Platins.

Im Spoiler ist aber mal eine Liste mit allen Ultra Rare Platins inklusive der aktuellen Prozentzahl der Spieler die Platin haben. 0,00-5,00% sind Ultra Rare.

Die Meiste Arbeit wird sein alles aktuell zu halten, wenn zum Beispiel ein Spiel nur noch Very Rare wird.

Alle Ultra-Rare Platins


2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa 1,25%

3D Dot Game Heroes (EU) 4,83%


Ace Combat Assault Horizon 1,84%

AFL Live 1,38%

Agarest: Generations of War Zero 2,72%

Aliens vs Predator 1,97%

Alpha Protocol 4,68%

Apache: Air Assault 4,99%

Aquapazza (JP) 0,00%

Arcana Heart 3 1,72%

Armored Core V (Asia?) 0,80%

Armored Core V (int.?) 3,35%

Armored Core V (EU) 1,77%

Armored Core V (JP) 4,50%

Army Corps of Hell (Version?) 3,50%

Army Corps of Hell (Version?) 4,33%

Army of TWO: The 40th Day 1,96%

Army of TWO: The 40th Day (JP) 3,42%

Ashita no Joe KYORAKU Collection Vol. 1 (JP) 4,40%

Asphalt Injection (JP) 3,18%

Attouteki Yuugi: Mugen Souls (JP) 1,90%


Backbreaker 1,43%

Battle Fantasia 0,52%

Battlefield 3 4,37%

Battlefield: Bad Company 1,31%

Binary Domain 0,84%

Birds of Steel 4,90%

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 4,12%

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend 1,45%

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (JP) 4,60%

Bleach: Soul Ignition (JP) 4,22%

Blitz: The League II 0,77%

Blood Drive 1,18%

Blur 2,64%

Bulletstorm 3,56%

Buzz! Quiz World 3,33%

Buzz!: Brain of the UK 5,00%

Buzz!: The Ultimate Music Quiz 0,88%


Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011 3,77%

Carnival Island 0,76%

Catherine 2,17%

Catherine (JP) 3,12%

Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer (Version?) 2,52%

Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer (Version?) 0,00%

Child of Eden 1,09%

Clash of The Titans 2,99%

Clash of The Titans (EU) 1,87%

Clash of The Titans (US) 2,12%

Cross Edge (EU) 3,49%

Cross Edge (US) 4,11%

Crysis 2 2,53%


Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII 0,00%

Dance Dance Revolution 1,17%

Dance Dance Revolution New Moves 0,58%

DanceStar Party 2,01%

Darksiders II 1,38%

DC Universe Online 0,91%

Dead Rising 2 3,89%

Death Track: Resurrection 0,67%

Def Jam Rapstar 1,53%

Disgaea 3 3,79%

Disgaea 3 (US) 4,86%

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention 1,96%

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (EU) 2,29%

Disgaea 4 2,04%

Disgaea 4 (EU) 1,74%

Disgaea 4 (JP) (China?) 2,80%

Disgaea 4 (JP) 4,97%

Disgaea 4 (Korean) 1,65%

Disney Sing It: Pop Hits 2,02%

DJ Hero 0,67%

DJ Hero 2 0,51%

Dragon Ball Raging Blast 1,92%

Dream Club Zero Portable 3,94%

Dyad 2,52%

Dynasty Warriors Next 1,24%

Dynasty Warriors Online: Dance of the Divine General (JP) 0,16%

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 4,81%


EA Sports Active 2 0,35%

EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis 2 4,21%

EA Sports MMA 1,75%

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon 4,31%

El Shaddai Ascension of The Metatron 3,61%

Elemental Monster: Online Card Game 0,10%

Everybody Dance 0,80%

Everybody's Golf 1,44%

Everybody's Golf 6 4,17%

Everyone Sing 0,00%


F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin 1,22%

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (JP) 0,97%

F.E.A.R. 3 4,83%

F1 2010 2,60%

Fairytale Fights 4,66%

Far Cry 2 0,53%

FIFA 09 2,75%

FIFA 10 1,84%

FIFA 11 1,58%

FIFA 12 2,15%

FIFA Football 0,00%

FIFA Street 1,48%

Fight Night Champion 0,01%

Fight Night Round 4 0,25%

Free Realms 0,38%

Front Mission Evolved 2,08%


Ghostbusters The Video Game 3,88%

Gladiator VS (JP) 3,29%

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded 1,67%

Gran Turismo 5 0,91%

Grand Theft Auto IV 1,65%

Grease Dance 2,20%

Green Day: Rock Band 0,22%

Greg Hastings Paintball 2 3,22%

Guitar Hero 5 2,39%

Guitar Hero: Metallica 0,59%

Guitar Hero: Smash Hits 0,35%

Guitar Hero: Van Halen 0,72%

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock 2,18%


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 0,00%

Heroes Over Europe 1,31%

Homefront 1,05%

Hot Shots Golf World Invitational 1,67%

Hunter's Trophy 0,00%


IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey 1,54%

Inversion 0,09%


James Bond 007: Blood Stone 1,35%

Janline R (JP) 1,02%

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 (JP ?) 1,09%

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 (JP ?) 1,63%

John Daly's ProStroke Golf 1,77%

Just Dance 3 0,37%


Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days 2,47%

Karaoke Revolution 3,71%

Killzone 2 4,15%


Le Tour de France 2012 2,07%

Legasista 0,00%

LEGO Rock Band 0,76%

Let's Dance with Mel B 1,95%

Little Deviants (Version?) 1,09%

Little Deviants (Version?) 2,73%

Live Powerful Pro Baseball 2010 (JP) 4,94%

Live Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 (JP) 2,36%

Live Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 Definitive Edition (JP) 1,37%

Lord of Apocalypse 1,41%

Lost Planet 2 0,25%


Madden NFL 10 4,02%

Madden NFL 12 4,64%

Madden NFL 13 (Vita) 3,33%

Madden NFL 13 (PS3) 0,00%

MAG 1,96%

Mahjong Fight Club: Shinsei Zenkoku Taisen Ban (JP) 1,75%

Major League Baseball 2K10 (Version?) 0,06%

Major League Baseball 2K10 (Version?) 0,00%

Major League Baseball 2K11 (Version?) 0,45%

Major League Baseball 2K11 (Version?) 0,00%

Major League Baseball 2K11 (Version?) 0,00%

Major League Baseball 2K12 (Version?) 1,18%

Major League Baseball 2K9 1,15%

Marvel VS. Capcom 3 3,36%

Max Payne 3 0,98%

Medal of Honor Frontline 3,84%

Medieval Moves (Version?) 0,55%

Medieval Moves (Version?) 1,46%

Metal Gear Solid 2 (Vita) 1,53%

Metal Gear Solid 4 3,84%

Michael Jackson The Experience 0,76%

Michael Jackson The Experience HD (Vita) 3,21%

miCoach 3,23%

Midnight Club: Los Angeles 3,18%

MLB 09: The Show 0,44%

MLB 10 The Show 0,24%

MLB 11 The Show 0,77%

MLB 12 The Show (PS3) 1,96%

MLB 12 The Show (Vita) 0,23%

Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record U.C.0081 3,89%

ModNation Racers 2,09%

Modnation Racers Roadtrip 0,95%

Mortal Kombat (PS3) 0,85%

Mortal Kombat (Vita) 0,24%

Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe 1,35%

MotoGP 09/10 0,00%

MotoGP 10/11 0,00%

MotorStorm: Pacific Rift 2,36%

Move Fitness 3,74%

Mugen Souls 0,00%

MX vs ATV Reflex 2,24%

My Body Coach 2 0,00%


nail'd 0,56%

NASCAR The Game 2011 3,93%

Naughty Bear 1,34%

NBA 09 The Inside 1,01%

NBA 2K10 0,00%

NBA 2K10 (Non-US) 0,00%

NBA 2K11 0,58%

NBA 2K12 0,45%

NBA ELITE 11 0,00%

NBA Jam 3,34%

NCAA Basketball 10 2,03%

NCAA Football 12 3,88%

Need for Speed: The Run 4,87%

NeverDead 2,91%

NHL 10 2,43%

NHL 11 0,81%

NHL 12 0,12%

Ninja Gaiden 3 3,63%

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 3,32%

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (Vita) 1,62%

Nobunaga's Ambition Online: Chapter Nova (JP) 0,26%


orgarhythm 0,00%


PAYDAY: The Heist 2,94%

Persona 4 The Golden (KOR) (Vita) 0,70%

Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena 0,03%

Power Gig: Rise of the SixString 1,30%

Power Smash (JP) (Virtua Tennis 2009 (JP)) 0,61%

Pro Baseball Spirits 2010 (JP) 4,30%

Pro Baseball Spirits 2012 (JP) 4,98%

Pro Baseball Spirits 2012 (JP) (Vita) 1,15%

Pro Baseball Spirits 6 (JP) 4,87%

Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 4,43%

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (EU) 4,80%

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Version?) 2,67%

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Version?) 3,51%

Pure Football 3,29%

Pure Futbol (US) 2,41%


Quantum Theory 0,71%


R.U.S.E 0,49%

Racket Sports 1,85%

Racquet Sports 1,03%

Record of Agarest War 3,85%

Record of Agarest War Zero (KOR) 1,36%

Red Faction: Guerrilla 1,22%

Regashisuta Tower Tract labyrinth (JP) 3,94%

Resistance 2 3,90%

Ridge Racer Unbounded 1,57%

Risen 2 - Dark Waters 4,16%

Rock Band 2 3,12%

Rock Band 3 0,24%

Rocksmith 0,29%

Rugby League Live 2,10%


Samurai 4 (JP) (Way of the Samuray 4) 2,66%

Sangoku Hime: Senkou no Taika - Akatsuki no Haryuu (JP) 3,08%

SBK-X Superbike World Championship (US) 2,91%

SBK-X Superbike World Championship (EU) 0,00%

SBK09 Superbike World Championship (US) 3,85%

Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! 2,58%

Section 8 3,64%

Section 8: Prejudice 3,71%

Shadow of the Colossus 4,41%

SHIFT 2 Unleashed 1,63%

Silent Hill 2 4,10%

SingStar 0,40%

Skate 3 4,76%

Slotter Ultra Mania: Antonio Inoki (JP) 0,00%

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2,65%

Snipers - Invisible, Silent, Deadly 2,67%

Socom: Confrontation 4,66%

Sonic Unleashed 2,75%

Soul Calibur V 4,29%

Sports Champions 0,82%

Star Ocean The Last Hope: International 0,89%

Starhawk 1,75%

Stormrise 1,60%

Street Fighter IV 1,19%

Street Fighter X Tekken 2,29%

Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz (Vita) 0,71%

Super Street Fighter IV 1,24%

Supremacy MMA 2,77%

Supremacy MMA: Unrestricted (Vita) 1,26%

Syndicate 3,43%


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 0,00%

Test Drive Unlimited 2 1,64%

The Beatles: Rock Band 0,37%

The Bigs 2 2,13%

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena 1,08%

The Fight 0,47%

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL Extended Cut 1,92%

The King of Fighters XII 3,13%

The King of Fighters XIII 2,03%

The Price is Right Decades 2,61%

The Shoot 0,72%

The Sims 3 4,99%

The Sims™ 3 Pets 3,48%

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 4,43%

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters 3,38%

Time Crisis: Razing Storm 0,08%

Tom Clancy's EndWar 0,00%

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier 0,73%

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2,55%

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 2,59%

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD 0,00%

Tony Hawk: Ride 1,93%

Tony Hawk: Shred 1,49%

Top Spin 4 1,55%

TORO ! Let's Party ! 3,78%

Tour de France 2011 0,56%

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron 0,21%

Twisted Metal 0,25%


UFC Personal Trainer 0,00%

UFC Undisputed 2009 1,02%

UFC Undisputed 2010 0,84%

UFC Undisputed 3 0,51%

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (Vita) 0,10%

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 1,13%

Ultra Dimension NeptuneV 0,00%

Ultra Hot! Pachi Game Spirit CR Evangelion ~The First Gospel~ (JP) 0,00%

Ultra Hot! Pachi Game Spirit Vol. 2 CR Evangelion (JP) 0,00%

Uncharted Waters Online (JP) 0,67%

Under Siege 4,74%

Unreal Tournament III 4,95%



Virtua Tennis 2009 1,33%

Virtua Tennis 4 (PS3) 4,80%


Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 1,73%

Warhawk 0,43%

Way of the Samurai 3 3,30%

Way of the Samurai 3 (EU) 3,02%

White Knight Chronicles 3,36%

Winning Post 7 2012 2,87%

Wipeout 2048 (Vita) 2,12%

WipEout HD 1,48%

Wolfenstein 3,56%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 3,30%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (JP) 2,31%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 3,98%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012 (Version?) 4,08%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012 (Version?) 2,80%

WSC Real 2011 4,61%



Yakuza 3 3,98%

Yoostar2 0,00%


Zumba Fittness (Version?) 0,28%

Zumba Fittness (Version?) 0,37%


Schade habe erst 8, vielleicht schaff ich es aber demnächst noch in die Rangliste :)

Das stimmt, man müsste dann nach einer gewissen Zeit mal wieder überprüfen, ob diese Platin noch ultra rare ist...

Ich kann leider noch nicht hier in den Club, hab erst 9 Ultra Rare Platins.

Im Spoiler ist aber mal eine Liste mit allen Ultra Rare Platins inklusive der aktuellen Prozentzahl der Spieler die Platin haben. 0,00-5,00% sind Ultra Rare.

Die Meiste Arbeit wird sein alles aktuell zu halten, wenn zum Beispiel ein Spiel nur noch Very Rare wird.

Alle Ultra-Rare Platins


2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa 1,25%

3D Dot Game Heroes (EU) 4,83%


Ace Combat Assault Horizon 1,84%

AFL Live 1,38%

Agarest: Generations of War Zero 2,72%

Aliens vs Predator 1,97%

Alpha Protocol 4,68%

Apache: Air Assault 4,99%

Aquapazza (JP) 0,00%

Arcana Heart 3 1,72%

Armored Core V (Asia?) 0,80%

Armored Core V (int.?) 3,35%

Armored Core V (EU) 1,77%

Armored Core V (JP) 4,50%

Army Corps of Hell (Version?) 3,50%

Army Corps of Hell (Version?) 4,33%

Army of TWO: The 40th Day 1,96%

Army of TWO: The 40th Day (JP) 3,42%

Ashita no Joe KYORAKU Collection Vol. 1 (JP) 4,40%

Asphalt Injection (JP) 3,18%

Attouteki Yuugi: Mugen Souls (JP) 1,90%


Backbreaker 1,43%

Battle Fantasia 0,52%

Battlefield 3 4,37%

Battlefield: Bad Company 1,31%

Binary Domain 0,84%

Birds of Steel 4,90%

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 4,12%

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend 1,45%

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (JP) 4,60%

Bleach: Soul Ignition (JP) 4,22%

Blitz: The League II 0,77%

Blood Drive 1,18%

Blur 2,64%

Bulletstorm 3,56%

Buzz! Quiz World 3,33%

Buzz!: Brain of the UK 5,00%

Buzz!: The Ultimate Music Quiz 0,88%


Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011 3,77%

Carnival Island 0,76%

Catherine 2,17%

Catherine (JP) 3,12%

Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer (Version?) 2,52%

Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer (Version?) 0,00%

Child of Eden 1,09%

Clash of The Titans 2,99%

Clash of The Titans (EU) 1,87%

Clash of The Titans (US) 2,12%

Cross Edge (EU) 3,49%

Cross Edge (US) 4,11%

Crysis 2 2,53%


Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII 0,00%

Dance Dance Revolution 1,17%

Dance Dance Revolution New Moves 0,58%

DanceStar Party 2,01%

Darksiders II 1,38%

DC Universe Online 0,91%

Dead Rising 2 3,89%

Death Track: Resurrection 0,67%

Def Jam Rapstar 1,53%

Disgaea 3 3,79%

Disgaea 3 (US) 4,86%

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention 1,96%

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (EU) 2,29%

Disgaea 4 2,04%

Disgaea 4 (EU) 1,74%

Disgaea 4 (JP) (China?) 2,80%

Disgaea 4 (JP) 4,97%

Disgaea 4 (Korean) 1,65%

Disney Sing It: Pop Hits 2,02%

DJ Hero 0,67%

DJ Hero 2 0,51%

Dragon Ball Raging Blast 1,92%

Dream Club Zero Portable 3,94%

Dyad 2,52%

Dynasty Warriors Next 1,24%

Dynasty Warriors Online: Dance of the Divine General (JP) 0,16%

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 4,81%


EA Sports Active 2 0,35%

EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis 2 4,21%

EA Sports MMA 1,75%

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon 4,31%

El Shaddai Ascension of The Metatron 3,61%

Elemental Monster: Online Card Game 0,10%

Everybody Dance 0,80%

Everybody's Golf 1,44%

Everybody's Golf 6 4,17%

Everyone Sing 0,00%


F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin 1,22%

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (JP) 0,97%

F.E.A.R. 3 4,83%

F1 2010 2,60%

Fairytale Fights 4,66%

Far Cry 2 0,53%

FIFA 09 2,75%

FIFA 10 1,84%

FIFA 11 1,58%

FIFA 12 2,15%

FIFA Football 0,00%

FIFA Street 1,48%

Fight Night Champion 0,01%

Fight Night Round 4 0,25%

Free Realms 0,38%

Front Mission Evolved 2,08%


Ghostbusters The Video Game 3,88%

Gladiator VS (JP) 3,29%

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded 1,67%

Gran Turismo 5 0,91%

Grand Theft Auto IV 1,65%

Grease Dance 2,20%

Green Day: Rock Band 0,22%

Greg Hastings Paintball 2 3,22%

Guitar Hero 5 2,39%

Guitar Hero: Metallica 0,59%

Guitar Hero: Smash Hits 0,35%

Guitar Hero: Van Halen 0,72%

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock 2,18%


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 0,00%

Heroes Over Europe 1,31%

Homefront 1,05%

Hot Shots Golf World Invitational 1,67%

Hunter's Trophy 0,00%


IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey 1,54%

Inversion 0,09%


James Bond 007: Blood Stone 1,35%

Janline R (JP) 1,02%

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 (JP ?) 1,09%

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2012 (JP ?) 1,63%

John Daly's ProStroke Golf 1,77%

Just Dance 3 0,37%


Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days 2,47%

Karaoke Revolution 3,71%

Killzone 2 4,15%


Le Tour de France 2012 2,07%

Legasista 0,00%

LEGO Rock Band 0,76%

Let's Dance with Mel B 1,95%

Little Deviants (Version?) 1,09%

Little Deviants (Version?) 2,73%

Live Powerful Pro Baseball 2010 (JP) 4,94%

Live Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 (JP) 2,36%

Live Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 Definitive Edition (JP) 1,37%

Lord of Apocalypse 1,41%

Lost Planet 2 0,25%


Madden NFL 10 4,02%

Madden NFL 12 4,64%

Madden NFL 13 (Vita) 3,33%

Madden NFL 13 (PS3) 0,00%

MAG 1,96%

Mahjong Fight Club: Shinsei Zenkoku Taisen Ban (JP) 1,75%

Major League Baseball 2K10 (Version?) 0,06%

Major League Baseball 2K10 (Version?) 0,00%

Major League Baseball 2K11 (Version?) 0,45%

Major League Baseball 2K11 (Version?) 0,00%

Major League Baseball 2K11 (Version?) 0,00%

Major League Baseball 2K12 (Version?) 1,18%

Major League Baseball 2K9 1,15%

Marvel VS. Capcom 3 3,36%

Max Payne 3 0,98%

Medal of Honor Frontline 3,84%

Medieval Moves (Version?) 0,55%

Medieval Moves (Version?) 1,46%

Metal Gear Solid 2 (Vita) 1,53%

Metal Gear Solid 4 3,84%

Michael Jackson The Experience 0,76%

Michael Jackson The Experience HD (Vita) 3,21%

miCoach 3,23%

Midnight Club: Los Angeles 3,18%

MLB 09: The Show 0,44%

MLB 10 The Show 0,24%

MLB 11 The Show 0,77%

MLB 12 The Show (PS3) 1,96%

MLB 12 The Show (Vita) 0,23%

Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record U.C.0081 3,89%

ModNation Racers 2,09%

Modnation Racers Roadtrip 0,95%

Mortal Kombat (PS3) 0,85%

Mortal Kombat (Vita) 0,24%

Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe 1,35%

MotoGP 09/10 0,00%

MotoGP 10/11 0,00%

MotorStorm: Pacific Rift 2,36%

Move Fitness 3,74%

Mugen Souls 0,00%

MX vs ATV Reflex 2,24%

My Body Coach 2 0,00%


nail'd 0,56%

NASCAR The Game 2011 3,93%

Naughty Bear 1,34%

NBA 09 The Inside 1,01%

NBA 2K10 0,00%

NBA 2K10 (Non-US) 0,00%

NBA 2K11 0,58%

NBA 2K12 0,45%

NBA ELITE 11 0,00%

NBA Jam 3,34%

NCAA Basketball 10 2,03%

NCAA Football 12 3,88%

Need for Speed: The Run 4,87%

NeverDead 2,91%

NHL 10 2,43%

NHL 11 0,81%

NHL 12 0,12%

Ninja Gaiden 3 3,63%

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 3,32%

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus (Vita) 1,62%

Nobunaga's Ambition Online: Chapter Nova (JP) 0,26%


orgarhythm 0,00%


PAYDAY: The Heist 2,94%

Persona 4 The Golden (KOR) (Vita) 0,70%

Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena 0,03%

Power Gig: Rise of the SixString 1,30%

Power Smash (JP) (Virtua Tennis 2009 (JP)) 0,61%

Pro Baseball Spirits 2010 (JP) 4,30%

Pro Baseball Spirits 2012 (JP) 4,98%

Pro Baseball Spirits 2012 (JP) (Vita) 1,15%

Pro Baseball Spirits 6 (JP) 4,87%

Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 4,43%

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (EU) 4,80%

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Version?) 2,67%

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Version?) 3,51%

Pure Football 3,29%

Pure Futbol (US) 2,41%


Quantum Theory 0,71%


R.U.S.E 0,49%

Racket Sports 1,85%

Racquet Sports 1,03%

Record of Agarest War 3,85%

Record of Agarest War Zero (KOR) 1,36%

Red Faction: Guerrilla 1,22%

Regashisuta Tower Tract labyrinth (JP) 3,94%

Resistance 2 3,90%

Ridge Racer Unbounded 1,57%

Risen 2 - Dark Waters 4,16%

Rock Band 2 3,12%

Rock Band 3 0,24%

Rocksmith 0,29%

Rugby League Live 2,10%


Samurai 4 (JP) (Way of the Samuray 4) 2,66%

Sangoku Hime: Senkou no Taika - Akatsuki no Haryuu (JP) 3,08%

SBK-X Superbike World Championship (US) 2,91%

SBK-X Superbike World Championship (EU) 0,00%

SBK09 Superbike World Championship (US) 3,85%

Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! 2,58%

Section 8 3,64%

Section 8: Prejudice 3,71%

Shadow of the Colossus 4,41%

SHIFT 2 Unleashed 1,63%

Silent Hill 2 4,10%

SingStar 0,40%

Skate 3 4,76%

Slotter Ultra Mania: Antonio Inoki (JP) 0,00%

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2,65%

Snipers - Invisible, Silent, Deadly 2,67%

Socom: Confrontation 4,66%

Sonic Unleashed 2,75%

Soul Calibur V 4,29%

Sports Champions 0,82%

Star Ocean The Last Hope: International 0,89%

Starhawk 1,75%

Stormrise 1,60%

Street Fighter IV 1,19%

Street Fighter X Tekken 2,29%

Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz (Vita) 0,71%

Super Street Fighter IV 1,24%

Supremacy MMA 2,77%

Supremacy MMA: Unrestricted (Vita) 1,26%

Syndicate 3,43%


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 0,00%

Test Drive Unlimited 2 1,64%

The Beatles: Rock Band 0,37%

The Bigs 2 2,13%

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena 1,08%

The Fight 0,47%

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL Extended Cut 1,92%

The King of Fighters XII 3,13%

The King of Fighters XIII 2,03%

The Price is Right Decades 2,61%

The Shoot 0,72%

The Sims 3 4,99%

The Sims™ 3 Pets 3,48%

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 4,43%

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters 3,38%

Time Crisis: Razing Storm 0,08%

Tom Clancy's EndWar 0,00%

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier 0,73%

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2,55%

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 2,59%

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD 0,00%

Tony Hawk: Ride 1,93%

Tony Hawk: Shred 1,49%

Top Spin 4 1,55%

TORO ! Let's Party ! 3,78%

Tour de France 2011 0,56%

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron 0,21%

Twisted Metal 0,25%


UFC Personal Trainer 0,00%

UFC Undisputed 2009 1,02%

UFC Undisputed 2010 0,84%

UFC Undisputed 3 0,51%

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (Vita) 0,10%

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 1,13%

Ultra Dimension NeptuneV 0,00%

Ultra Hot! Pachi Game Spirit CR Evangelion ~The First Gospel~ (JP) 0,00%

Ultra Hot! Pachi Game Spirit Vol. 2 CR Evangelion (JP) 0,00%

Uncharted Waters Online (JP) 0,67%

Under Siege 4,74%

Unreal Tournament III 4,95%



Virtua Tennis 2009 1,33%

Virtua Tennis 4 (PS3) 4,80%


Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 1,73%

Warhawk 0,43%

Way of the Samurai 3 3,30%

Way of the Samurai 3 (EU) 3,02%

White Knight Chronicles 3,36%

Winning Post 7 2012 2,87%

Wipeout 2048 (Vita) 2,12%

WipEout HD 1,48%

Wolfenstein 3,56%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 3,30%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010 (JP) 2,31%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2011 3,98%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012 (Version?) 4,08%

World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012 (Version?) 2,80%

WSC Real 2011 4,61%



Yakuza 3 3,98%

Yoostar2 0,00%


Zumba Fittness (Version?) 0,28%

Zumba Fittness (Version?) 0,37%

Vielen Dank für die Liste !!

Hast du die Liste selbst gemacht?


Na ja musst das ja nicht jeden tag überprüfen und wenn etwas mal auf 5, 05% oder so fällt würde ich das auch nicht gleich raus nehmen sondern erst mal warten obs noch wieder runter geht.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Na ja musst das ja nicht jeden tag überprüfen und wenn etwas mal auf 5, 05% oder so fällt würde ich das auch nicht gleich raus nehmen sondern erst mal warten obs noch wieder runter geht.

Das werde ich auch nicht. Um ca 0,5% schwanken die meisten Spiele jeden Monat, erst wenn es mehr als 1% fällt ein Spiel raus.


super club, will ich rein xD

PSN ID: UnholyInfinity


1. Darksiders II

2. Ridge Racer: Unbounded

3. Tom Clancy's HAWX

4. Catherine

5. Marvel vs. Capcom 3

6. Bulletstorm

7. El Shaddai

8. Dead Rising 2

9. Yakuza 3

10. Killzone 2

11. Shadow of the Colossus

12. 3D Dot Game Heroes

13. Need for Speed: The Run

[14. Mass Effect 3 (wird bei mir mit 0,00% angezeigt, als ob keiner da platin hätte - laut statistik dort hätten aber mehr als 10% platin, also wohl eher nicht?)]

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