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es ist für dieses Spiel leider noch kein Leitfaden vorhanden.
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Da wir unsere Leitfäden einheitlich gestalten, haben wir euch hier ein Tutorial erstellt, wie ein Leitfaden regelkonform aufzubauen ist → Leitfaden-Tutorial.


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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Trophäen-Leitfaden - MLB® 12 The Show™ (VITA)
1x platin.png  5x gold.png  9x silber.png  21x bronze.png  = 36 | Gesamtpunkte: 1215

Allgemeine Infos:
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 Zone Plus Analog Blast
With hitting difficulty set to All-Star or harder, hit a home run using Zone Plus Analog controls. This trophy is not unlockable in Home Run Derby™ modes.

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With the pitching difficulty set to All-Star or higher, use Pulse Pitching to strike out the side. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 Back, Back, Back, Back, Back...
Hit a home run of 490ft or more in Home Run Derby™.

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 Run Benjie, Run!
Steal a base with a player whose primary position is Catcher. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 In The Bag!
As the batter, hit 1st, 2nd, or 3rd base with the ball. Trophy is not achievable in Home Run Derby™.

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Playing as the pitcher in any game mode, intentionally walk a batter, then turn a double play. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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In any game mode, win the game with an RBI bunt. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game against a CPU controlled team.

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As a baserunner, plow the catcher. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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In any game mode, enter a game with a mismatching uniform.

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 Don't Try That Again
On defense, throw a runner out at 3B or home plate from the outfield. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 Sombrero Dealer
In any mode, strike out the same player four times in a game. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 Vulture a Win
In any mode, blow a save and get the win with the same pitcher. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game against a CPU controlled team.

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 The Old Fashioned Way
In any mode, earn a save by having your reliever pitch the last 3 innings of a win. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game against a CPU controlled team.

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 You Blew It
In any mode, blow your opponents save opportunity. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 Take Out Your Rival
In any mode, hit the opposing pitcher with a pitch.

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 Loud and Clear
Hit a home run into the speaker in center field at Dodger Stadium™. (LAD)

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 Go Chasin' Waterfalls
Hit a home run into a waterfall at Kauffman Stadium™. (KC)

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 Texas Two-Step
Hit a home run onto Greene's Hill in CF at Rangers Ballpark In Arlington™. (TEX)

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 Deep Dish
Hit a home run into the Bullpen Sports Grill in rightfield at U.S. Cellular Field™. (CWS)

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 Fish off a Barrel
Hit the aquarium behind home plate at Marlins Park™. (MIA)

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 On The Beach
Hit a home run into the sand area in Petco Park™. (SD)

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 For the Greater Good
In any game mode, get a broken bat base hit.

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 Contact Killer
In any mode excluding RttS, play an entire 9 inning game without striking out. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game against a CPU controlled team.

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 Quality Start
Throw more than 70% first pitch strikes in a complete game victory. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game against a CPU controlled team.

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 Meatball Buffet
Bat around in an inning. Must be completed on All-Star or higher Batting difficulty. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game against a CPU controlled team.

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 Solid D
Using Pure Analog Throwing, with throwing difficulty set to All-Star or higher, complete a 9 inning game without an error. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 Don't Phase Me Bro
In any game mode, hit a home run off a 100+ MPH pitch. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 Early Exit
In any game mode, knock out the opponent's starting pitcher before the end of the 3rd inning. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 Mr. 300
Reach 300 XP in online play.

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 Million Dollar Arm
In any game mode, throw a perfect game against a CPU contolled team. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game.

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Hit 10 consecutive home runs in Home Run Derby™.

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 King Slayer
In Exhibition Mode, beat the team that is ranked first overall in the team select screen with Pitching and Batting difficulties set to Legend. Must be done in a full, uninterrupted, 9 inning game.

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 You're the Man!
Reach 500 XP in online play.

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You got all of the MLB® 12 The Show™ Trophies!

Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs).
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten.


 Rally Killer
In any game mode, hit into 2 double plays in a game with the same player. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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 Sooo Close!
Lose your shot at a perfect game or no hitter in the 9th inning. Must be done against a CPU controlled team.

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