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Worms Ultimate Mayhem - Customisation DLC ?


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Bisher zwar nur auf der X-Box erschienen aber könnte durchaus auch auf der PS3 erscheinen.

The Worms™ Ultimate Mayhem “Customisation Pack” features hilarious new additions to extend the already vast array of customisation options available in the game, including a number of crazy new hats, glasses, gloves, x5 new speech-banks and x5 new gravestones. The “Customisation Pack” also includes x5 new weapon payloads for the Weapons Factory and x3 new Achievements.

Die Achievements/Trophäen wären:

1oCLiGJhbC9MCBoIG1lTIEZEL2FjaC8wLzI4AAAAAOfn5-khVh0=.jpgHey Good Looking - 10GS

Customise every aspect of a team using new downloads, all new clothes, speech bank and gravestone

14CLiGJhbC9NCBoIG1lTIEZEL2FjaC8wLzI5AAAAAOfn5-jBro4=.jpgTime to Get Paid - 20GS

Create a new weapon using a new payload then land the winning blow with it in a ranked match

1ICLiGJhbC81CBoIG1lTIEZEL2FjaC8wLzJBAAAAAOfn5-t-Q08=.jpgOi, That’s my hat! - 20GS

In any online match kill an opposing Worm that is wearing the same new customised hat as you

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