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Ich habe mich ja auch inzwischen daran gewöhnt das wir immer die letzten sind, es ist ja jedesmal das selbe aber nerven tut es trotzdem immer wieder auf´s neue........was meint ihr, ob wir wohl mit dem nächsten Store Update damit rechnen können oder ob wir weiter warten bis wir schwarz werden?

Spätestens Mittwoch mit dem Storeupdate wird es da sein, letztes mal hat es auch nur ein paar Tage nach US-Release gedauert...Gut Ding will Weile haben:dizzy2:

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Ein Zitat aus dem Telltale Blog, bzgl. Episode 3:

"Unfortunately PlayStation owners in Europe will not be receiving Episode 3 - Long Road Ahead until late September. This is down to an issue regarding registration with SCEE. There is a possibility that the game may be made available sooner however, we will not be reimbursing any PlayStation customers. We as a company have delivered the episode to over 80% of our customers so therefore do not feel that it is a pressing issue. We remind PlayStation owners in Europe that they need to be patient and that you will get the game when it is ready."

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Ein Zitat aus dem Telltale Blog, bzgl. Episode 3:

"Unfortunately PlayStation owners in Europe will not be receiving Episode 3 - Long Road Ahead until late September. This is down to an issue regarding registration with SCEE. There is a possibility that the game may be made available sooner however, we will not be reimbursing any PlayStation customers. We as a company have delivered the episode to over 80% of our customers so therefore do not feel that it is a pressing issue. We remind PlayStation owners in Europe that they need to be patient and that you will get the game when it is ready."

Danke & das heißt was? o.O

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