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Alle MC-Techniken (Fundorte)


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Ich habe mal eine Liste (in englisch) gefunden, wo die Fundorte der MC-Techniken aufgelistet sind:

Level 1: Counter Attack

  1. Alua's Disregard: Stage 1 - Ninja Assault
    Found near the end of the area. Climb to the top of the rubble to see it floating in the air.
  2. Ceno's Relaxation: Stage 1 - Ninja Assault
    Found near the end of the area. It’s to the left near the 1st one found in this area. You have to jump and air dash to it to reach its location. It’s floating in the air.
  3. Lofas's Grief: Stage 1 - Monstrous Army
    Found after you clear the first mini swarm enemy fight in this area. Once that’s clear continue right and jump on the first piles of rubble and climb upwards and you’ll see it floating in the air.
  4. Motaht's Amity: Stage 1 - Fallen City
    Found near the beginning of the area where you see the tower of flames shooting upwards. It’s floating in the air where the flame reaches.
  5. Frezo's Elevation: Stage 1 - I thought I told you not to come here!!
    Found near the end of the area. This one can be a pain because in order to get it you have to jump on the box (it’s the 2nd box from the end area to the left side you. One you have to jump on rubble to reach) and jump and then double jump to reach this one floating high in the air. If you destroy the box looking thing, then you need to replay the stage over again to get this one.
  6. Ceno's Treatment: Stage 1 - Asterios Ruins
    Found right before this stages final boss fight for the stage clear of this area. When you get to this stage’s boss fight don’t jump over to the platform just yet. Instead jump off the ledge and hand to the left side of the wall. You’ll see it floating within the purple fog mist.
  7. Leviranal: Stage 1 - Secret Room: Heresy
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.
  8. Wance: Stage 1 - I thought I told you not to come here!!
    This one is blocked from a pile of rubble in this area. It’s found after you clear this area’s swarm ambush fight and continue on to see purple mist under you with some floating platform moving left and right. Cross this area to see another area with the rubble blocking your way to it. Now cling to the walls at the bottom of the pile and perform a full powered charge attack to break through this rubble. I had 12 strength added to my level 28 Seyfert (red character) when I did this. If you’re too weak then use a MC to increase your attack power. You shouldn’t miss this MC either; it’s right by the GO area at the end of this area.

Level 2: Day of Destruction

  1. Millian: Stage 2 - SZk Air Torpedo
    Found near the beginning of this area. When you see the float disk like things climb the nearest rubble pillars all the way to the top and you see it floating in the air. You have to double jump to climb all the way up.
  2. Thor's Arc+: Stage 2 - SZk Air Torpedo
    Found not too far from the first one. This one is seen inside a wall towards your left side after you climb up the curved walls where the purple animated machines attacked you. Once you see it inside the walls simple perform a charged attack and it’s yours for the taking.
  3. Nive's Anger: Stage 2 - Run Ha! Ha! Ha!
    Found near the start of this area. Once you on the building that’s slide over run all the way down to the bottom of the build. You’ll see it floating in the air between the turned over building and your next platform, simply jump and dash for it.
  4. Falk's Joy: Stage 2 - Run Ha! Ha! Ha!
    This is another tricky missable one. It’s found near the end of the area and you should see it floating in the air. Leading up to it are rubble made of dust that will crumble on your weight so be fast and grab it before you fall out of its reaches. If you failed at grabbing it without like I did for the first time. You can get a second chance to get this one again by climbing the other right side and making your way back to the left towards the MC and grab it that way. Again be fast for the right hand side’s platforms also crumble to dust.

Level 3: Abandoned Guardians

  1. Thor's Arc Combo++: Stage 3 - Secret Room: Destruction
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.

Level 4: Closed Paradise

  1. Cassus's Refusal: Stage 4 - Yell! Scream!
    Found near the beginning of the area. It’s hidden inside the destroyable cars. Found in the second set within the 3nd row. Destroy the 2nd pile of cars in that row to collect it.
  2. Thor's Arc Combo: Stage 4 - Prison of Delusion
    When told to go upwards do the opposite and go downwards. You’ll see it floating in the air next to the wall at the very bottom of this area.
  3. Lofas's Worry: Stage 4 - Killing Machine
    Found In the room with the eye laser machine enemy. Clear the room them cling onto the walls of the ceiling and climb the walls to the center of the same room. You’ll see it float in the air at the top.

Level 5: Dead Sea

  1. Niltor's Resonance: Stage 5 - Ghost Fleet
    Really easy find. After clearing the mini swarm ambush fight. Proceed right and you should see it right in front of you. You shouldn’t miss this one.
  2. Frezo's Rise: Stage 5 - Rudderless Voyage
    Found near the beginning of this area. Once kill all the enemies that appeared in front of you. Climb upwards and you see pillars with red glow light emitting from them. Climb these pillars all the way up to the top and you see it floating in the air.
  3. Kutoh's Taste: Stage 5 - Rudderless Voyage
    This is found right near number 2. Climb down again and go all the way to the right ledge on this same platform. You should see the bridge going downwards like but is cut off. Jump off this edge to the right in the air and you should see the MC floating in the air. Grab it.

Level 6: Hades Opens

  1. Motaht's Attachment: Stage 6 - Cruiser "Revolutia"
    Found in the river area with the wooden boxes float in the water. When the bees come to attack you as well as the yellow enemies that explode when killed you should see it floating in the air as towards your right as you’re fighting. Jump to grab it.
  2. Ceno's Therapy: Stage 6 - Cruiser "Revolutia"
    Found in the same area right after collecting number 1. You should see it floating in the air again as you continue rightwards.
  3. Tycal: Stage 6 - Cruiser "Revolutia"
    Found right next to number 2. Simply jump to grab this one too. You can’t miss this one either, but be careful when you jump for this one because it you missed it as you jumped you’ll land on the bottom boxed which will take you to the next area.
  4. Cassus's Resistance: Stage 6 - Great Ocean Waterfall
    This area moves on its own so you have to be fast with grab items. You should see this floating in the air near the start of the area. Jump for it.
  5. Lofas's Tragedy: Stage 6 - Great Ocean Waterfall
    When the purple bees come to attack you for the first time this MC is coming up and you should see it floating in the air. Simply grab it.
  6. Alua's Indifference: Stage 6 - Great Ocean Waterfall
    The waterfall will downwards and you should eventually be able to see this one floating in the air too, simply grab it.

Level 7: Enormous Route

  1. Thor's Arc Army: Stage 7 - Secret Room: Unhinged
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.
  2. Thor's Arc Combo+: Stage 7 - Flash From Space
    This one can be easy to miss. Once you reached the bottom of the lower floor after avoiding all the beams near the beginning of this area. Look towards to left and you see what looks like a wall vent that has a slide of an angle. Walk towards this and perform a fully powered charged attack and release it and you’ll breakthrough with easy. Continue moving leftwards and breaking the blocks. Once you reach the last two blocks you must crunch down with 'L2' and perform another fully powered charged attack and release it. You should now be able to climb downwards to grab it in the left corner.
  3. Frezo's Festival: Stage 7 – Secret room: Complication
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.
  4. Kutoh's Tenacity: Stage 7 - Blaster Cannon
    Warning! Be very careful in this area for these cannons might kill you while going downwards. I had to heal using MCs to survive unlike my first trip in this area. Once you reach the bottom on this area. Look towards your left again and destroy the breakable walls. Walking through this area kill anything in your way and go all the way over to the left side of the screen and destroy the block their too. Now you can grab the MC.
  5. Alua's Silence: Stage 7 - Secret Room: Rigid
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.
  6. Nive's Fury: Stage 7 - Bullet Nest
    When you get to the area where you can climb upwards do the opposite and continue rightwards. Break the breakable wall and continue breaking the walls in the area as you continue moving to the right of the screen. Eventually you’ll see the MC floating when the floors of the ground. Simply climb down to grab it.
  7. Levint: Stage 7 - To the Moon
    This one very easy and it’s found near the beginning of this area. You must climb the ceiling and eventually you’ll see two cannons destroy but if you look up at the ceiling next to them you’ll see the MC floating in the hole. Climb up to grab it.
  8. Thor's Arc Squad++: Stage 7 - Secret Room: Oblivion
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.

Level 8: Battle Planet

  1. Niltor's Chorus: Stage 8 -Look Down on Treacherous Countries
    When you’re told to go upwards do so and when you reach the top platform. Go towards the left side of the screen and break the wall. You should then be able to collect the MC
  2. Falk's Euphoria: Stage 8 - Secret Room Suspicion
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.
  3. Motaht's Love: Stage 8 - Humanity's Weapon
    Descend all the way downwards to the very bottom and you’ll be able to right, but do the opposite and go leftwards instead. Jump past the purple mist and dash all the way to the left of the screen and you should see the MC floating in the air.
  4. Thor's Arc: Stage 8 - Lunar Gaze
    Found in the last room of this area. It’s the room with the two pillars floating in the air emitting red lights from them. The MC is hidden inside the wire cables hanging from the ceiling. Jump to grab it.
  5. Niltor's Song: Stage 8 – Domination
    When told to go downwards do the opposite and continue going rightwards. Kill any enemies in your way and then grab the MC that’s floating in the air of this room.
  6. Ragronam: Stage 8 - Secret Room: Shiver
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.
  7. Thor's Arc Squad: Stage 8 - The Door has been Closed
    When told to go right do the opposite and go left and break the wall to gain access to the MC floating in the air.
  8. Alua's Cold Heart: Stage 8 - Heavenly Sniper
    When told to go upwards do the opposite and go rightwards by sliding into the next area. Continue going rightwards and you’ll see the MC floating in the air.
  9. Thor's Arc Squad: Stage 8 - Burning Light
    This is found near the beginning of this area in the breakable walls on your right side of the screen. Breaking the walls will take you into this area with the floating cannon head like machine enemy in the room. Kill it and run all the way to the right side of the screen and break the breakable wall for a hidden MC that you can’t even see, but you’ll grab it by walking right.
  10. Nive's Irritation: Stage 8 - Endless Battle
    Descend downwards to the very bottom and when told to go right do the opposite and slide into the next area on the left side of the screen. Now continue going left and you’ll see the MC floating in the air.
  11. Kutoh's Interest: Stage 8 - Moon of Extinction
    When told to go upwards do the opposite and continue going rightwards and you’ll see the MC floating in the air.
  12. Frezo's Excitement: Stage 8 - Moonlight Destructor
    When told to go downwards do the opposite and go upwards into the upper right hand corner of the screen and continue to go right and you’ll see it floating in the air.
  13. Wamruce: Stage 8 - Secret Room: Hollow
    This secret room is different from the other ones. So hid my warning and don’t destroy the two boxes in this secret from or you won’t be able to reach the MC that’s located at the very top in of the ceiling. So be care while fighting mini swarm enemies ambush fight. Or you’ll have to revisit this area. Once the fighting is cleared, jump on one of the boxes and double jump to get the MC.

Level 9: Ruin Wanderer

  1. Falk's Smile: Stage 9 - Treacherous Moonlight
    First you need to enter the mini swarm fight with the laser shooting machine thingy and bees. Once you cleared the fight you’ll see the MC floating in the air after clearing the fight so double jump to gab it.
  2. Cassu's Treason: Stage 9 - Moon Drivers
    First you need to kill the two cannon mini bosses on this area. Then you’ll come across the laser shooting machine thingy along with two other laser cannons machines. Once you killed these you’ll continue on towards the right of the area, but you should see the MC right underneath you with a breakable wall. Perform a full powered charge attack on this to break it or use a MC power booster. Special note: if you’re following this guide as it’s written, then run back to the start of this areas stage instead of continuing right because this area also has a secret room located at the very beginning.
  3. Thor's Arc Army++: Stage 9 - Secret Room: Despair
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.

Level 10: Birth

  1. Ragna: Stage 10 - Wrecked Labyrinth
    This MC can be found at the very start of the area. Run all the way to the right side of the purple mist and cling yourself on the walls. Now charge your charge attack to full power and descend down to the breakable wall and release your full charged attack on the wall to break it. Now go the the right and you should collect the MC. If you been following this while also revisiting the stages for the moon traveler trophy as well. You’ll be glad to hear that this MC will cause the MC Collector trophy to unlock.

Level 11: A New World Created

  1. Motaht's Mercy: Stage 11 – Breath
    Continue going all the way to the right until told to go upwards do so, now go all the way to the left side this and you’ll see it in floating in the air.
  2. Thor's Arc++: Stage 11 – Breath
    This one can be easy to miss. You’ll have to do some serious platforming to get to this MC’s location. Right after collecting the first MC continue going up then go right. Now when you see the main villain of these game appear and attacks you will is purple attack magic. This is when you’ll want to go upwards again. You should see a moving platform and stone pillars. Climb these upwards and double jump to reach the far one. You’ll grab it and continue left and be careful of the laser machines on these pillars. I froze them and ran past them and continued upwards. Eventually you’ll find it by continuing to go right next. You’ll see it floating in the air.
  3. Falk's Delight: Stage 11 – Breath
    Right at the end of this area next to the GO.
  4. Ceno's Revival: Stage 11 - Humanity's Descendants
    In the 3rd mini swarm fight here there’s one block wall here. Don’t destroy this block wall for it’s need to get to the upper level to get the MCs in this area. Don’t jump on this block or you break it due to your double jump attacking it. Instead cling to the wall of the ceiling and fall on top of the block wall, now you can go to the upper level and slide under the right area. I used the Falk’s Joy MC to kill anything that trying to attack me. This MC is found at the top of the ceiling in this room, double jump to reach it.
  5. Cassus's Revolution: Stage 11 - Humanity's Descendants
    If you followed the instructions for number 4, then in the very same exact room, drop down the 3rd hole you see and you fall and grab the MC. If you picked the wrong hole, then clear the mini swarm fight and go back to the block area and climb back up to the upper level and try again.
  6. Lofas's Misery: Stage 11 - Ask Their Name Again
    This MC can be obtained after clearing the 2nd mini swarm ambush fight of this area. Continue all the way to the right and you’ll see it within the walls. To get it break the hidden breakable all on the lower level of the wall with a full power charge attack. Now you’re free to grab it.
  7. Niltor's Symphony: Stage 11 - Ask Their Name Again
    This one can be found in the same exact area as number 6. Climb all the way to the top column and attack the left wall. You’ll notice that there’s a hidden breakable wall there as well. Simply perform a full power charged attack to break through it. Now drop down the newly open wall and you’ll fall back down to the lower level again, but as you’re falling you’ll grabbed the MC.

Level 12: The Halls of Hades

  1. Kutoh's Dependence: Stage 12 - Secret Room: From Bad to Worse
    Simple clear the mini swarm enemies ambush fight. And proceed towards the right and you’ll see it floating in the air. You can’t miss this one.
  2. Thor's Arc Army+: Stage 12 - Verge of Extinction
    In this area there’s a room with a hole in the ceiling (It’s the 3rd room with the hole in the ceiling). You can climb this up to the top, now go to the left side and kill anything in your way. You’ll see the MC floating at the top of the ceiling in the last room towards the left.
  3. Nive's Rage: Stage 12 - Verge of Extinction
    The final MC in the game is actually located in the same area as number 2. This time run all the way towards the right killing anything in your way. You should see the final MC floating in the air at the top of the ceiling. Congratulations for collecting all 60! Whew!

Quelle: http://www.ps3trophies.org/forum/moon-diver/102813-moon-diver-trophy-guide-roadmap.html#post1695233

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