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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Like i alread say, the only "Grany Smith" i know is:


but you right, if you only give "Granny Smith" on google pictures, most of the pics are normal apples xD

MfG Rewe

What the hell..

Why are you posting that much? "You go up like Schmitz cat"


I have to admit I don't know that much about Formula 1. Isn't it already clear that Vettel will win the world championship this year? He is by far the best driver, isn't he? Or let's say he has by far the best car/team :P

Vorheriger Post um 12:45

Post hinzugefügt um 12:46

i like posting, one of my hobbys xD

MfG Rewe

We all noticed that :D


eeyup, he will win...there must be really happening something, that Alonso be the World champion

MfG Rewe

Vorheriger Post um 12:47

Post hinzugefügt um 12:47

I have to admit I don't know that much about Formula 1. Isn't it already clear that Vettel will win the world championship this year? He is by far the best driver, isn't he? Or let's say he has by far the best car/team :P

Vorheriger Post um 12:45

Post hinzugefügt um 12:46

We all noticed that :D


but...i will go out of the Forum :'(

MfG Rewe

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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