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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

im going to watch iron man 3 tomorrow in english ;) really lookin forward to it. besides that, i can really recommand iron man 2. a lot of tension and action :)

Please tell me how you liked it afterwards, I'm thinking about watching it, too. I really liked Iron Man 2 and The Avengers, so I don't expect it to be bad, however; it can't hurt to have an opinion from somebody. :)

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Playing Virtue's Last Reward at the moment, anyone else too?

The game itself is a bit confusing, but I'm just at the very beginning.

The thing is, the whole game is in english, I find that fits perfect, it's easy understandable. :)

Or maybe my english skills are fucking awesome, who knows? :P

And one thing in addition:

Am I the only one who sometimes translates phrases from movies/games from german to english because the feeling comes up that it could be a pun?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

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Playing Virtue's Last Reward at the moment, anyone else too?

The game itself is a bit confusing, but I'm just at the very beginning.

The thing is, the whole game is in english, I find that fits perfect, it's easy understandable. :)

Or maybe my english skills are fucking awesome, who knows? :P

And one thing in addition:

Am I the only one who sometimes translates phrases from movies/games from german to english because the feeling comes up that it could be a pun?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

I already finished it, but it is indeed an awesome game. Although normally I'm not really a fan of visual novels, this game (and 999, too) is one of my favorite games. Especially the English voice acting of Phi is great. She's one of the most interesting characters in this game, even though you don't really learn a lot about her. I'm not going to keep writing about it, just to make sure I don't accidently spoiler anything, but it keeps getting more and more confusing. :)

Your English skills seem to be awesome, at least from what I read so far. ^^

If I watch a movie in German, I usually do that, too. Most of the time, the movie / game isn't as funny in German as it is in English, so I just start it in English right away. You can't really translate puns into another language, they're just not funny anymore.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Is it worth watching?

I've only seen the fist movie and mainly heard bad things about the second so I'm a little sceptical ;)

No the first two movies are great, and the 3rd should be so and it will be so! (I hope)

I would recommend you to watch Iron Man 1+2 before you watch the 3rd part, then you´ll know a lot about the background story, and you will understand the coherences :smile:

But i will tell you if it´s worth watching after i have seen it :)

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I already finished it, but it is indeed an awesome game. Although normally I'm not really a fan of visual novels, this game (and 999, too) is one of my favorite games.

I haven't played VLR because I don't have a Vita, but I think 999 is one of the best NDS Games out there ^^

No the first two movies are great, and the 3rd should be so and it will be so! (I hope)

I would recommend you to watch Iron Man 1+2 before you watch the 3rd part, then you´ll know a lot about the background story, and you will understand the coherences :smile:

But i will tell you if it´s worth watching after i have seen it :)

Well, as it stands now, I will only watch the third movie if it comes out on BD, thus I have plenty of time to peak into the second one :D

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Your English skills seem to be awesome, at least from what I read so far. ^^

If I watch a movie in German, I usually do that, too. Most of the time, the movie / game isn't as funny in German as it is in English, so I just start it in English right away. You can't really translate puns into another language, they're just not funny anymore.

:blush: :P

I never played anything like that, so I just gave it a try.

Sometimes, when the "audience" in comedy's, like for example in The Big Bang Theory laughs, and it's not funny I automatically assume that there must be a joke you won't get in German.

Or even in English if we take that show. :xd::'>

But I'm surprised about how good the jokes are translated most of the times. Because they also have to fit the lip synchronization.

I haven't played VLR because I don't have a Vita, but I think 999 is one of the best NDS Games out there ^^

But wasn't the game originally developed for NDS?

At least it's available, give it a try and clicky clicky linky. :P

Bei AMZN ansehen:

Zero Escape - Virtue's Last Reward


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

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But wasn't the game originally developed for NDS?

At least it's available, give it a try and clicky clicky linky. :P

Bei AMZN ansehen:

Zero Escape - Virtue's Last Reward


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

The game was originaly developed for the Nintendo 3DS.

Sadly, you can't play 3DS Cartridges on the normal DS :(

But my DS doesn't work anyway :/

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

:blush: :P

I never played anything like that, so I just gave it a try.

Sometimes, when the "audience" in comedy's, like for example in The Big Bang Theory laughs, and it's not funny I automatically assume that there must be a joke you won't get in German.

Or even in English if we take that show. :xd::'>

But I'm surprised about how good the jokes are translated most of the times. Because they also have to fit the lip synchronization.

But wasn't the game originally developed for NDS?

At least it's available, give it a try and clicky clicky linky. :P

Bei AMZN ansehen:

Zero Escape - Virtue's Last Reward


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

what? German? Here?:biggrin5:

MfG Rewe

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:blush: :P

I never played anything like that, so I just gave it a try.

Sometimes, when the "audience" in comedy's, like for example in The Big Bang Theory laughs, and it's not funny I automatically assume that there must be a joke you won't get in German.

Or even in English if we take that show. :xd::'>

But I'm surprised about how good the jokes are translated most of the times. Because they also have to fit the lip synchronization.

I feel totally different about the jokes being translated into German. Lately I realized they even cut out the "audience laugh" in Himym for example.

I watch all my shows in English, and sometimes in German when I am too lazy to switch to another channel; so I am waiting for a specific joke (which I know is about to come up), and then its just not there. The only show I know that deals rather good with the translation issue is South Park...oh and Scrubs did it well too.

I feel like the translators are getting way too lazy lately...besides the fact that a lot of shows start to annoy me. So every fall I have to keep an eye out for new great shows and comedies, like "Guys with kids" for example. Sadly they made only 17 episodes in season 1, so I hope they renew it for another few seasons.

Anyways, watching Iron Man 3 in English today, I hope they do a better job than in number 2. I remember when they shot the movie in Monaco and they had french speaking people in there, they werent really speaking french, it was some kind of canadian french which made me laugh through that whole scene.

Not expecting too mich from what I heard so far, but only thing I want is some cool kick-ass action.

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