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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

I completely refuse cloud gaming without exceptions and don't want to support it in any way. besides, it is google. It doesn't have to know more about me than neccessary and they will use games to collect data before they deliver to us. in the end it will be like facebook games where you have to annoy your friends to make progress. but if not, i still won't support cloudgaming.

the pple with access to a decent connection are the fewest and ie. if I move to another apartement I wont have access for some time, they have always power over my account like PSN now has and we see random bans for nothing all the time. I am fine with buying digital games, you can manage them in different accounts to save them from a ban. but not with clouds.

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I also don't like this idea, at least not as a replacement for physical games. It can be a nice addition for some people (like Netflix is, in terms of movies) but I hate to be dependent on some online service. What if they'd just drop a game I like from their servers? I paid for it, and I want to play it whenever I feel to do so.

Even nowadays this stupid online trend regarding multiplayer in any game but closing the server only a few years (if not earlier) after the release drives me mad. Or even more stupid, singleplayer games which need an internet connection to be played.

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