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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor 3 Minuten schrieb Celinilein:

Really? There are so many...








Okay I remember this one it seems that the songs are just not so much in focus as in the English ones. They are more often in movies or games so in my perception the German songs are non-existent^^

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vor 9 Minuten schrieb Ullah:

Okay I remember this one it seems that the songs are just not so much in focus as in the English ones. They are more often in movies or games so in my perception the German songs are non-existent^^

Yes that's true. But the reason for this is pretty obvious: It's just the international language - nearly everyone can understand it. Therefore it's no surprise that the English songs are more dicussed, more in focus and way more often used in movies and games.

You're just pretty limited in your perception as it seems :P Or you don't know the right artists, who create those songs.

(Gosh I have to look up so many words because they just don't come into my mind even though I understand and know them actually >.< No practice.... )

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Celinilein:

Yes that's true. But the reason for this is pretty obvious: It's just the international language - nearly everyone can understand it. Therefore it's no surprise that the English songs are more dicussed, more in focus and way more often used in movies and games.

You're just pretty limited in your perception as it seems :P Or you don't know the right artists, who create those songs.

(Gosh I have to look up so many words because they just don't come into my mind even though I understand and know them actually >.< No practice.... )


Yes you are right i need to search for some good artists but its kind of unfortunate that you have to specifically search for those songs. 

In your own country there should be more music in the native language in my opinion. French people for example have lots of native language songs playing in the radio.


(Yeah especially if you have a job or study something which has nothing to do with English its easy to forget the vocabulary^^)



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Am Friday, December 02, 2016 um 19:31 schrieb Ullah:


Yes you are right i need to search for some good artists but its kind of unfortunate that you have to specifically search for those songs. 

In your own country there should be more music in the native language in my opinion. French people for example have lots of native language songs playing in the radio.


(Yeah especially if you have a job or study something which has nothing to do with English its easy to forget the vocabulary^^)

But it's the normal way that you have to really search for good songs with meaningful lyrics - no matter what language - because the mainstream music normally doesn't have those qualities unfortunately. 

For me this depends on the language. I really don't need more Austrian songs. It sounds awful :biggrin5:


(Totally right... it's really disappointing :S )

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb Celinilein:

But it's the normal way that you have to really search for good songs with meaningful lyrics - no matter what language - because the mainstream music normally doesn't have those qualities unfortunately. 

For me this depends on the language. I really don't need more Austrian songs. It sounds awful :biggrin5:


(Totally right... it's really disappointing :S )


As I said the possibility of finding an emotional song is much higher because the mainstream media is also movies/games/commercials.



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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor 10 Stunden schrieb Ullah:

 I hope y'all haven't forgotten to speak English, I guess I'm slowly decreasing my vocabulary. Although I watch and play everything on English I haven't chatted or talked with anyone in ages.

Welcome to the club :redface:

I had to speak English a few times in the last semester with one student from Turkey and realised how bad I am when it comes to speaking fluently. The words I usally should know just don’t want to come into my mind :banghead:

Writing isn't that big of a problem however. Totally out of practice ^^ I have to watch more English movies.

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vor 33 Minuten schrieb Celinilein:

Welcome to the club :redface:

I had to speak English a few times in the last semester with one student from Turkey and realised how bad I am when it comes to speaking fluently. The words I usally should know just don’t want to come into my mind :banghead:

Writing isn't that big of a problem however. Totally out of practice ^^ I have to watch more English movies.


Yeah I have a few exchange students who live in my dorm and sometimes I can't remember simple words to describe what i'am studying.^^


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Gerade eben schrieb Celinilein:

No wonder when you look at your study :out: I wouldn't even be able to describe it in German :derp:



I wanted to tell him that I was doing an internship at the "Gericht" and could'nt remember the word "court" :xd:


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vor 11 Stunden schrieb Ullah:

 I hope y'all haven't forgotten to speak English, I guess I'm slowly decreasing my vocabulary. Although I watch and play everything on English I haven't chatted or talked with anyone in ages.

Have you watched True Detective in englisch? I tried, but understand nothing. 

Too much mumbling for me. :D

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Celinilein:

That's pretty bad :lol: But I could imagine something similar with me^^


PS: I am googling all the time when I am writing here :futhatshit:



Haha :lol:

That's what I meant even writing isn't as easy as 2-3 years ago. I thought that it looked wrong while I was typing "studying".

"Naaa stu DYING?? That must be wrong. Okay, perhaps studiying? Nah, that looks absolutely wrong aswell" *google* " Okay, its really studying" :xd:


Gerade eben schrieb 6918561225:

Have you watched True Detective in englisch? I tried, but understand nothing. 

Too much mumbling for me. :D


Yeah, but with subtitles :D


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vor 1 Minute schrieb Ullah:

Haha :lol:

That's what I meant even writing isn't as easy as 2-3 years ago. I thought that it looked wrong while I was typing "studying".

"Naaa stu DYING?? That must be wrong. Okay, perhaps studiying? Nah, that looks absolutely wrong aswell" *google* " Okay, its really studying" :xd:

Yeah totally true. A bit depressing ^^ 


I had the same problem with that word already xD 



vor 2 Minuten schrieb 6918561225:

Have you watched True Detective in englisch? I tried, but understand nothing. 

Too much mumbling for me. :D

Michael Keaton is the worst mumbler :dozey:

I stopped a movie with him in the first minute :futhatshit: No way!

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor 8 Minuten schrieb Ullah:


Haha :lol:

That's what I meant even writing isn't as easy as 2-3 years ago. I thought that it looked wrong while I was typing "studying".

"Naaa stu DYING?? That must be wrong. Okay, perhaps studiying? Nah, that looks absolutely wrong aswell" *google* " Okay, its really studying" :xd:



Yeah, but with subtitles :D


I renounce on subtitles, when I see a movie or anything for the First time. Directs too much. Then rather the german soundtrack. :biggrin5:

My english is so bad... :futhatshit: 


vor 9 Minuten schrieb Celinilein:

Yeah totally true. A bit depressing ^^ 


I had the same problem with that word already xD 



Michael Keaton is the worst mumbler :dozey:

I stopped a movie with him in the first minute :futhatshit: No way!

Was it Birdman? :biggrin5:

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb 6918561225:

I renounce on subtitles, when I see a movie or anything for the First time. Directs too much. Then rather the german soundtrack. :biggrin5:

My english is so bad... :futhatshit: 


Was it Birdman? :biggrin5:


We need to write more in this thread so we'll improve :D

At first I was confused. I think your smartphone autocorrected "distract" to "dircect". ^^

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