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Only English ^^


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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Ullah:


But don't you think that it depends on the voice?^^


Hm good question... :emot-raise: Maybe a bit. With a shitty voice every beautiful language can sound awful, yes^^ 


vor 3 Minuten schrieb Ullah:

1. English (Scottish accent)

2. Spanish

3. French

4. Italian

5. Arabic

Oh interesting... you really like the Scottish English the most? :P How come? Have you already been there? (:


No Turkish in your top 5?^^

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb Celinilein:

Hm good question... :emot-raise: Maybe a bit. With a shitty voice every beautiful language can sound awful, yes^^ 


Oh interesting... you really like the Scottish English the most? :P How come? Have you already been there? (:


Yes for example Arabic can sound very nice but also very bad, mostly cause the people keep yelling.^^


Unfortunately I've never been to Scotland but it's one of my travel destinies. I used to watch  the "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" and for me it sounds the best.

I prefer American English over British English but when some people talk with a British accent I like listening to them for example Keira Knightley :D



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vor 12 Stunden schrieb Celinilein:

Hm good question... :emot-raise: Maybe a bit. With a shitty voice every beautiful language can sound awful, yes^^ 


Oh interesting... you really like the Scottish English the most? :P How come? Have you already been there? (:


No Turkish in your top 5?^^


Wait a minute why would I choose Turkish? I'm not a Turk xD

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb katze4000:


Do you speak any languages besides German and English?

I learned French 4 years in school and mhhh in my childhood I spoke very well dutch.

vor 17 Stunden schrieb Celinilein:

I like German very much too. It sounds sexy :ihih:

Yes you are right! :)

vor 14 Stunden schrieb Celinilein:

Edit: Nils and me just talked about our top five languages in the world. My conclusion of the most beautiful languages:


1. American English

2. Italian 

3. German

4. Spanish

5. Hawaiian




What would you guys choose?

1. German

2. Japanese

3. Persian/Arabic


But I am not 100% sure. ^^


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Hmm, Top 5 languages?







Thats all languages I kinda interacted with, don't know much about others, dunno.

Hmm, Top 5 languages?







Thats all languages I kinda interacted with, don't know much about others, dunno.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Ullah:


Wait a minute why would I choose Turkish? I'm not a Turk xD

Fuck I forgot about that once again :lol:

Okay nervermind then^^


vor 5 Stunden schrieb MadaraSasuke:


Yes you are right! :)

Yeah! Someone who thinks the same :J:



vor 2 Minuten schrieb Rewemarkt66:

Hmm, Top 5 languages?







Thats all languages I kinda interacted with, don't know much about others, dunno.

Please don't tell me that this is some kind of a made up language in MLP :facepalm:

We're talking about real languages in our real world. 

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