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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor 12 Minuten schrieb Rewemarkt66:

I have to see what the future brings, see this ahe off. If I still live, lol, I feel like each year get's worser then the previous -.-

I have to see what the future brings, see this ahe off. If I still live, lol, I feel like each year get's worser then the previous -.-

"Worse" is already the comparative of "bad"^^ 

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor 23 Minuten schrieb Romeo:

I think you are a special one. No one changes so fast like you.

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Bitte um Korrektur, falls nicht einwandfrei.


Who is this? A new one??



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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

vor 15 Minuten schrieb Celinilein:


Hmm... the asian ones don't sound that pleasant to me and I don't like Russian. 


What about you? ^^ 


I personally like japanese. It sounds so cute and innocent for me. 


Arabic. I can't imagine how anyone can pronounce that stuff. Also their writing is horrible. Everything looks the same. 


And Spanish also starts to become a pain in my ass. At first it made fun too but by now it's just horrible. I can't write one goddamn sentence without having tons of gramatical mistakes. 

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vor 29 Minuten schrieb katze4000:


I personally like japanese. It sounds so cute and innocent for me. 


Arabic. I can't imagine how anyone can pronounce that stuff. Also their writing is horrible. Everything looks the same. 


And Spanish also starts to become a pain in my ass. At first it made fun too but by now it's just horrible. I can't write one goddamn sentence without having tons of gramatical mistakes. 

Yeah I totally agree with Arabic xD 


Spanish surely isn't the easiest language to lern but the sound of it is awesome if you ask me :yesnod:

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