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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Ooooohhh my god, I'm so sorry, Nils (NILON_WALLS)! :facepalm::xd::'>


You don't have to be :) I mean, he is cleary not that famous in here...


wow :dozey: Trophy board (like people who have played way to much on trophies)

I thought you mean a famous actor or something like that and he was starring in Stern TV but now I know...

... and I'm not guilty, sorry Nils, but your girlfriend said, you are actually not famous in here... :leaving:

I guess you're wright

I better take a step to the side

Céline just killed my pride

Like trinking Coca Cola Light:(

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

I better take a step to the side

Céline just killed my pride

Like trinking Coca Cola Light:(

Nice rhymes, dude!

Vorheriger Post um 20:43

Post hinzugefügt um 20:45

Céľîňîľěīñ :dozey:

Spanish, French, Slovak, Croatian, nice.... :biggrin5:

Bearbeitet von BlueSkorpion1000
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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Celine with a é? :out:

At first I accidently klicked at the auto correcture word, but then I didn't change it as a revenge to your post above :devilish:

Céľîňîľěīñ :dozey:

That would be a nice name :D

Nice rhymes, dude!

Vorheriger Post um 20:43

Post hinzugefügt um 20:45

Spanish, French, Slovak, Croatian, nice.... :biggrin5:

Thank you Madame Sir :smile:

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