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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

What is happening here

Something's going on that's not quite clear

Somebody turn on the lights

We're gonna have a party

It's starting tonight

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

The room is hot and that's good

Some of my friends came by from the neighborhood

The people startin' a climb the walls

Ooh it looks like everybody is having a ball

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Come on!

Everybody start to lose control

When the music is right

If you see somebody hangin' around

Don't get uptight

The only thing we want to do tonight

Is go 'round and 'round

And turn upside down

Come on! Let's get down!

So come on! Let's get loose

Don't hold back

'Cause ain't no use

Hard to keep your feet on the ground

'Cause when we like to party

We only want to get down

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Say what?

Can't stop now

Just getting started

Everybody clap your hands

Come on

Everybody let's dance

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Baby, baby

We gonna dance all night

Till the broad daylight

Keep on movin', keep on groovin'

Oh yeah

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling

Oh, what a feeling

When we're dancing on the ceiling...

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