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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Since three days I have some problems with skype. I have now 6 messages and I can't answer them.

Maybe you can help me? :D

I ask here for help, but it still doesn't work:


Unfortunately not. I have no idea what could be the cause for that :skep:

That sucks :biggrin5:

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Haha shit happens :xd::'> I have got a similar problem. When I am playing GTA V I always try to call my horse with :so::biggrin5: :biggrin5: :facepalm:

Good, then I'm not alone with these little problems. :biggrin5:

And I wonder, why Marston doesn't have a smart phone with camera to take photos with :P

Oh, I can remember the times, when you actually drove your car by pressing X :biggrin5:

Haha, yeah, sometimes I want to take some photos in RDR... :D

The first time I've played GTA IV, i didn't know that R2 is the drive-button... I press the X-Button like a ... (random word) ... :D

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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