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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Yeah you're right. I absolutely have no problem when we watches this stuff, but he doesn't need to tell it in every post.

Exactly .

Vorheriger Post um 01:56

Post hinzugefügt um 02:06

No I'm not here for that amount of time yet... Okay let me keep an eye on him ;) We will watch out and take care of that growing problem if it's necessary^^

I searched a bit and found out that it's only been 5 months ago :biggrin5:.

But ok, you said the Off-Topic came later. You are forgiven ;)

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Exactly .

I searched a bit and found out that it's only been 5 months ago :biggrin5:.

But ok, you said the Off-Topic came later. You are forgiven ;)

Yes the Off-Topic came only one week ago :biggrin5:

Vorheriger Post um 02:08

Post hinzugefügt um 02:10

What do you mean by that? (Sry but i'm to tired to put your sentences in a logical order :dozey:)

I mean we will watch after Rewe and his MLP-fan-behavior. So he doesn't exaggerate that stuff :)

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

i post:


No, just joking, i can understand, that i going on youre nerves^^

and you say it more friendly, then some other users that are on my ignorance-list ;)

But it just...i have nop...one else to write because of that, nop...one(Darn...damm)knows in RL about that

and be happy, i talk about MLP and not about the other stuff i like :P

Mfg rEWE

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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