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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

I think i spider! (:D) What are you doing civilian??? :mad1:

Your look would have been good enough to become free, but for some reason you're trying to flee.. No i'll hunt you and then you'll be my slave :mad1:


But.. but.. but he let my free! I had to go... :frown:

Im no civilian, never was, never will be...im just an old Pony, fight for that, what is right and stop discriminating...

i dont let you have Celi as your slave and when it is the last, i will do!

What a dramatic speech :shocked3:

I would have made her free again! It's your fault that she's now hunted by me...

I'm screwed :frown:

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But.. but.. but he let my free! I had to go... :frown:

What a dramatic speech :shocked3:

I'm screwed :frown:

i am good being dramatic

NO! You cant doing that, NILON! If you do, and she doesnt complete her destiny, the world goes down...than-YOU NILON-are the reason, that we all die:frown:

listen to your heart and let her go, please

MfG Rewe:biggrin5:

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Im no civilian, never was, never will be...im just an old Pony, fight for that, what is right and stop discriminating...

i dont let you have Celi as your slave and when it is the last, i will do!

MfG Rewe

i can only guess but this sounds as it would be straight outta a metal gear game with slight changes (think i've read it somewhere before)

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