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yeah i can remember the mission :D

I always ran back to the church and wait there, until they gone and then i ran to him xD

Yeah i know it at the end, when price call him with his real name and remember him what happened in pripyat^^

MfG Rewe

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


its an interesting thing, something special on me

i need play the whole games one or two times and then i really know much of the story in and out

thats why i know the whole MGS-Story, what happen in a MLP-Episode if you say the name of the episode and so on

so yeah, i know the whole MW-Story in and out :D

MfG Rewe

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

such a language:mad1:

when, say shout then shit and buck then fuck:mad1:

That was only the light version of the sentence I was planning to write :xd::'>

I want to hear about that :(

But if you don't want my topic ok :bigcry::D

Do you need make-up tips or what? :D

That was only the light version of the sentence I was planning to write :xd::'>

Do you need make-up tips or what? :D

still swear words...make it mlp-style, then you can provocate one with those words and only in the bad case, he knows, what word you normally mean:xD:

MfG Rewe

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

still swear words...make it mlp-style, then you can provocate one with those words and only in the bad case, he knows, what word you normally mean:xD:

Hmm I reject :biggrin5:
How sweet... :skep:

Ahhh... nooo... i'm totally beautiful without make-up :leaving::D

:lol: Lucky you^^


[/color]Oh' date=' and would you give me the right to go to the toilet master? Otherwise i would have to wait until you woke up o.O :emot-worship:[/quote']

Unfortunately I already went to bed that time but I wouldn't have allowed you to go to toilet anyways :biggrin5:


How sweet... :skep:

Ahhh... nooo... i'm totally beautiful without make-up :leaving::D

Sure, you're fabulous :mmmhmm::ihih:

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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