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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Oh, no "disgrace or cash" (:biggrin5:) anymore, because der Gerät took so long :dozey:

Ok, I have to leave now.

Will you give my a good night kiss too? :shy:

Haha it took me some time to get the meaning of "disgrace or cash" :P

Of course you get one too if you got enough good night calculations ;) -> :* Good night. Sleep well.


Good morning everybody :)

and you dont need to kiss me for a good night, i can sleep very well walone ^^

Of course I know that and don't worry, I would have never dared to give you a kiss :biggrin5: Quite logical, if you don't even want to get hugged^^

Well, its ok. Yesterday i came home at 6 pm, so it's ok today ^^

Vorheriger Post um 14:03

Post hinzugefügt um 16:20

Here i am :D Wazz up ladys? ;D

Yeeees :D Omfg you just reminded me of the fact how late it is already :skep: It felt like 2 p.m. ^^

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hey I'd like to join your conversation :) Think it's a great idea since everybody could improve his/her english skills.
good morning guys :P

just want to say helloooooooooooo

Hello back to the two of you ;)

Hopefully you won't regret your appearance in this thread :lol:

Vorheriger Post um 18:45

Post hinzugefügt um 18:46

nice one, you have the rest of your day free^^

How generous! :eek6:

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

"My next girlfriend, now it name 's gotta be Kim."

If you know the song just from one verse your hardcore ^^

You're not a good god, you're a storm nothing more... Get the fuck out of my eyes!


Kim? :xd::'> Probably not. Would be too easy^^


Sry but this won't get me to tears.. Maybe Celine will punch me in the face for that but i won't hail a god that's so bad to me :mad1:

It's "Puke" ... Y U No know dat? :D

Why should I ever punch you? :frown:xD

Shame on me, I'm such a bad wannabe-fan :facepalm::biggrin5:

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