Celinilein Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Of course I know that you can't live without me NEWS:"Belian(20) saves User for killing there self...with just his existence in the Forum" Haha yes it is pretty much like that^^ Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Ah ok, never heard that word before. Thank you Me too and I've played L.A. Noire ^^ Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Nope. Why? Ok i'm going to sleep now! Good night! I you ... Oh, Belian and Rewe i like you, too :laugh3: Good night Nils Sleep very well. See you tomorrow :* Haha good one^^ Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Are you all leaving now or what? Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 29. Oktober 2013 No, I will stay to the bitter end .... of TV Total That's how it should be! Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Oh, no "disgrace or cash" () anymore, because der Gerät took so long Ok, I have to leave now. Will you give my a good night kiss too? Haha it took me some time to get the meaning of "disgrace or cash" Of course you get one too if you got enough good night calculations -> :* Good night. Sleep well. Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Good morning everybody and you dont need to kiss me for a good night, i can sleep very well walone ^^ Of course I know that and don't worry, I would have never dared to give you a kiss Quite logical, if you don't even want to get hugged^^ Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Good morning Aaand i'm gone. My break is over :-/ Nooo At what time are you coming home today? Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 I'll arrive at 5:15 PM. But i start posting here at 4:20 PM up to the point i'll arrive home. When i'll arrive i'll go out for a half hour and will be back after that Oh alright Pretty late, poor Nils Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Well, its ok. Yesterday i came home at 6 pm, so it's ok today ^^ Vorheriger Post um 14:03 Post hinzugefügt um 16:20 Here i am Wazz up ladys? ;D Yeeees Omfg you just reminded me of the fact how late it is already It felt like 2 p.m. ^^ Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 ok im home ^^Where are you Celine? Here! Of course! :biggrin5: Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 i see, i am not important anymore here:cry2:MfG Rewe NO Of course you are important. You are the one who starts the freaky topics Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 r-r-really? Definitely! Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Hello, helloI would like to introduce myself, My name is Ni-ils It have been a long time Sry i've been away so long My name is Ni-ils Who knows the song? Eminem's "Hello" of course! Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Hey I'd like to join your conversation Think it's a great idea since everybody could improve his/her english skills. good morning guys just want to say helloooooooooooo Hello back to the two of you Hopefully you won't regret your appearance in this thread Vorheriger Post um 18:45 Post hinzugefügt um 18:46 nice one, you have the rest of your day free^^ How generous! Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 What the fu..? I worked 8 hours today, i won't let you decide when i can start to live my small free time I think i just converted to attheism Haha Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 "My next girlfriend, now it name 's gotta be Kim." If you know the song just from one verse your hardcore ^^ You're not a good god, you're a storm nothing more... Get the fuck out of my eyes! Kim? :'> Probably not. Would be too easy^^ Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Nope. Album is 'Encore' BTW here: https://forum.trophies-ps3.de/showthread.php?t=49048 Mockingbird? Sorry but I am just taking guesses, because I don't really know which song Zitieren
Celinilein Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 30. Oktober 2013 Sry but this won't get me to tears.. Maybe Celine will punch me in the face for that but i won't hail a god that's so bad to me It's "Puke" ... Y U No know dat? Why should I ever punch you? Shame on me, I'm such a bad wannabe-fan Zitieren
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