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Because I played GTA.

I never do anything right. Either I'm here all the time and everyone wonders why I don't play or I'm playing and everyone wonders where all the posts are :frown:

No I didn't mean you. You are excused of course ;) Didn't want to disturb you^^

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Aaaaand i'm still bored :/ Anything i would like to do now are possible at this time... That sucks -,-

Like what? :/

Vorheriger Post um 21:47

Post hinzugefügt um 21:49

you can complete the game in under 3 hours...with cutcenes you are by 8-11 hours i think xD

3 hours of pure gameplay? That is nothing :emot-raise:

if yore are a bucking crazy japanese, you can play without cutcenes MGS1 in under 2 hours...and here it is more gameplay then cutcenes

Haha sure :P Japanese people can do everything in half of the time^^
GTA has lots of gameplay and also cutscenes :biggrin5:
GTA just has the perfext mixture :smile:

Go out, play bf3 mp, and some other things...

and why can't you go out or play bf3? What's the matter?

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Yeah sure, so every pedophile guy can find me easier :D :emot-pedo:

When my family was in the holidays this summer, i was alone @ home and played as much as i could.. The house became dirty and i wanted to clean everything up at the day there were coming home.. Unfortunately i played the whole night before and had to work for 8 hours. When i came home i was to tired to do anything and fell asleep.. When i woke up after several hours, my family was back home and saw the mess.. Then they deactivated the wlan as a kind of punishment but they don't understand that punishment doesn't mean that i never ever will play again.. They would never come to me and say "we activate it now" or so.. no, i have to go to my stepfather and have to talk to him about it and beg him to delock the wlan :puke::puke::puke:

Yeah they are just waiting for you to rape you....:xd::'>

Oh my god. How crappy... Only because of one incident? The mess has nothing to do with the wlan :/ That is certainly one reason why you had not played for a long time...


Omg I would freak out if some one could control my internet access. Are you always posting with your smartphone? :eek6:

By the way I just realized that I am obviously writing way too much dots.................................... :lol:

Really? Haha, I haven't noticed that. But I will have a more careful look at your comments from now on :emot-cop:

Definitely! :biggrin5: Thankfully no one noticed beside myself. But I would do these three dots after every single sentence if I could^^

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Omg you're right! Thank you! :D You just saved me from the killing boredom in school :emot-worship:

Vorheriger Post um 23:50

Post hinzugefügt um 23:51

wow, i just realized, that i had here the most comments :o

And that makes you wonder? :xd::'>

Yes really, blackshadow88 has a link as his signature saying "now free". it leads you directly to Google Play Store..

BTW: I use those dots way to often too o.O:D

I did notice his signature but I thought it was still only free for apple smartphones. Good to hear that it's finally free for andoird :D yay!

Yes another one who is addicted in writing dots.............. ;) ;) ;) (advice advice advice)

Thats how i can impress my master? Telling her that an app is now free? That was easy... She even went down on her knees :drool5: Am i her master now?!

Pretty impressive :xd::'> But we don't want to exaggerate. Maybe you are now free and we're back on the same level. No slave, no master :D

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