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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Only English ^^


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Imho, English only games should be no real problem for people nowadays. I mean everybody learns English in school and most of the games do not feature very long conversations so it should not be too difficult to understand what's going on.


I have no real preference for English or German in games. It depends on the voice actors and the type of game. I switched from German to English in the Witcher after a few hours, since the English actors just sounded better to me. Uncharted has very good voice actors for English and German, so I used German for the first and English for the second playthrough.

But I usually use subtitles just because I usually play with a very low sound volume (our little daughter sleeps in the room next to the living room, where the PS is located) and without subs I'd miss large parts of the conversations.





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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

I'm not sure about it right now. Most of the games I've bought for the last two years were digital versions (just because it is much more convenient to track sales in the PSN-store than in many different retail shops). So I'm not that much into physical versions anymore.

But cloud gaming? This seems to be too much power for the provider, since you don't own anything anymore. Of course, digital games are not much better, but theoretically, I could still install all of my digital games on my (extended) harddrive and play them whenever I want, no matter if the PSN store is up and running or not. 

There might be no choice ten years from now, but as long as there are consoles that play physical and/or downloaded games I will prefer them over cloud gaming.


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Am 12.4.2019 um 10:28 schrieb Joermungander:

Why is here a Englishthread in a German Forum? I don't understand.

Because we can. :biggrin5:


vor 3 Minuten schrieb Aii:

bc its fun, bc maybe we get international one day in the future xD or we just try out our skills.

Yes it is totally unnessessary. deal with it :D 

I second that!

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