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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

I dont know.. but i dont think that i would have deleted you because i just got about 60 friends or so so there would be no reason for me to do that ^^

But im not really playing at the Moment anyway so you dont Need to add me :P

Hey man, i will send you a friendship request again. I have played with you earlier. I wouldn't delete you. Whats i mean is, i don't have a reason why i would delete you. ^^

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

okay, i just though about this, because the PS3 is buggy with that...it shows only 100 friends in the moment. I though, that mayby he just didn't in your list, because he is one of few, who are not show on your list...but when you only have 40, then my theory is not important for that^^

MfG Rewe

Hahahaha, wow but 100 friends in my list where to much for me.

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