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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Pretty the same thing like the two of you. I am gonna play TLOU (alone in the dark :D). Hopefully I will get scared....

And later I am gonna play GTA and watch "Nightmare on Elm Street" for the 3rd time^^

Today the 3rd season starts. The 1st and 2nd are already finished :smile:

Vorheriger Post um 19:01

Post hinzugefügt um 19:02

Oh yeah the 3rd season :) Just as fantastic as season 1

Ok, then you won't be here? :(

Nice, because i've seen season 1 & 2 already, so i can continue with part 3 :drool5: But it would have been great if i could have watched season 1 & 2 to refresh the story and the characters again :-H:D

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Sure I will be here too ;)

Perfect. You can really look forward to that. Season 3 is awesome! :D Have you seen it that long ago? I think you will get fast into it again if you start watching.

Vorheriger Post um 19:29

Post hinzugefügt um 19:30

Did you open? I wouldn't :xd::'>

Same to you :P

Ok then, saved my evening :)

I hope so because the last to seasons were just great. For example the scene when

the little girl that was searched for days came out of the (Scheune) at the end and Rick (Yeah still knowing the name :2thumbsup: ) killed it with his '44. Almost made me cry and i had tears in my eyes already.. There is now better feeling to have when watching a movie or so then crying about the movie :cool2:

I've seen it when the seasons where showed on RTL II in the first place.. Don't know when it was :emot-raise::)

EDIT: I'm so fucking tired.. I don't think i'm staying up really long today :dozey:

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Haha yeah it's not a very big achievement to remember the main character's name of a series from which you already watched two season :xd::'> Just kidding.

I can't really take part on that conversation because I never had to cry because of a movie :emot-raise: Only the end of the TWD Game (Telltale) brought a few tears in my eyes^^

You don't need to tell me when doing a joke on me.. I can take it if you laugh about me or so :D

I just had it with

"Der Soldat James Ryan", "Schindlers Liste" and TWD. It's really beautiful i think.

Sry that i have to say this but i'll sleep until 2:20 AM to watch the repeatment of season 3.. I'm just to tired to stay awake for 6 more hours :dozey: You may now hit the prick!

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