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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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You have time to watch TV in the morning? :)

Sure. Why not? :D

Why does everyone watch TV in the morning? I couldn't do that... Just listening to the radio and read a bit in the newspaper while I'm eating. Which is for around 15 minutes, then I take a shower, brush my teeth and leave the house :biggrin5:

It's just good to slowly wake up ^^

Why do you use newspapers? A lot of paper is wasted by that? If you look it up on the internet, it just needs a bit of electricity :D

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Like I said, the internet is so damn time consuming... I would land here and never get off :biggrin5:

Moreover we are a familiy of 5 an my parents subscribed to the paper, so it would be a waste of money not reading it :smile:

By the way: Everybody thought, that offices will experience a decrease in paper because of the computers. But actually there was an increase, as printed media seems to be "more safe and more worth" than the data on your hard drive ;)

Ok, might be right, if your parents subscribed to the newspaper it really would be a waste.. ^^

But the tons of paper that are wasted to print papers or even books are so big, it's just horrifying.

Nice to see that there are other people besides of Celine that have a good amount of common knowledgee :D

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No I just can't. I really can't :biggrin5: I go to sleep at 1 a.m. and have to get up at 7 a.m. I need every single minute of extra sleep

Then you have to sleep earlier :lol: If you would do that you could get up earlier, would be able to again go to sleep earlier and everything would be fine :xd::'> Ok, do like you want to, but i agree to Belian, that you should definately eat in the morning :(

And, damned, i hoped you wouldn't see Belians romantic sentence, so i could have used it on my own *muhahaha* :D

Vorheriger Post um 22:08

Post hinzugefügt um 22:12

To calm your mind: We recycle the papers of course ;)

Ahh okay, didn't know that. Good. Saves toilet paper :lol::D

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Thanks for the compliment ;) Very important if you ask me.

But I simply don't want to sleep earlier. Sleeping is just a waste of the freetime I have in the evening ;)

Unfortunately I saw Balian's comment ^^ :xd::'>

Yeah, im not bad at common knowledge, there was just no place to show it ^^

Well, at the end it's your descision ^^

Yeah, shame on that.

Alright guys and gal, i got to sleep now. You people let me stay up nearly an hour longer then i wanted to :dozey::)

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

good night, should we read or sing for you too?


I don't need a good night story, but i would like to get a good night kiss :J:
good night, belian :D

have sweet dreams from me XDDD...oh no, that was too far uncool

MfG Rewe

Yeah, YOU can't do this joke :D
Here you can show it alle the time xD Our discussions are about every topic you can think of :facepalm::biggrin5: From ponys to sharks, from math to apples....

Haha I know that too well. Good night :) Sleep well. See you tomorrow ^^

Yes you're right... :skep:

:biggrin5: True! And we're hipsters :lol: Good night. Sleep well :D
"Don't say this word! I hate those people!" :D


Good morning sleeping...caps ^^

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Good morning :smile:

Have I missed something? :xd::'>

I could do it, right? :D ^^

Haha I thought it was from the mission where Michael and Franklin get back Michaels Boat because Jimmy messed up :skep: But I don't really remember too.

No you missed nothing. Everything went it normal way :P

Sure you can. The question is whether you wan't to or not :D

Yeah i don't know the mission too, but the quote is from the hipster mission.. don't know ^^

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

The answer is the ignorance of the question :lol:

You can do it! :D I'm fine too. On vacation I'm fine all the time :smile:

Just say no if you don't want to :dozey::) I interpreted the dots in a way, that you wanted me to ask again ^^

Thanks, im almost over ^^

Here in Austria it's sunny and freaking warm but I am sitting in my dark room playing Heavy Rain xDDD

Oh irony! :D

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On my way home :drool5:

Vorheriger Post um 16:19

Post hinzugefügt um 16:28

Are we still talking about the same question which originally wasn't even a question? :P What an awkward sentence....

Unfortunately it is not ironic but the sad truth :lol:

To be honest, no :D

I first forgot what it was about, then accidently switched it with the good night kiss thing :xd::'>:(

Now i'm in the bus, listening to some music ^^

When i'll arrive at home i got like 15 minutes left to go outside and ride until it'll be to dark for that... What a shit :facepalm:

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I thought it was about the good night kiss thing but whatever^^

Oh no puplic transport :facepalm:;) But music makes it more bearable

Hmm ok, but anyway, you said no :/:D

I have no problem with it. As long as the driver doesn't use the gas pedal like the floor when you shake your feet to music. (solange der fahrer das gaspedal nicht immer so stotternd drückt, dass man immer nach vorne und hinten fliegt) aargh :D

Yeah music makes a lot things easier ^^

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

I can hear everything

but mostly radio(Rock n pop) or Game-Soundtracks...or...and i mean it really...MLP-Songs:xD:

MfG Rewe

Ah right i asked you this question not long ago, right? ^^

Hip Hop and Rap :) And what about you, Nilon?

Ok ^^

I like Hip Hop (Samy Deluxe [the guy from my avatar ;)], Eminem (and everything around his music), Tinie Tempah, Kool Savas and E-Dubble)

Metal (Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Megadeth, Billy Talent [more punk rock than metal], Korn & Machine Head)

and some other artists (Skrillex, Bob Marley, Ne-yo, and some mixed stuff ^^)

Can you tell me what the difference between Hip Hop and Rap is? Never understood that :)

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music from the 70's - 90's. mostly rock, metal and all what sounds kinda like that^^

also epic game-/moviesoundtracks (such art as performed by two steps from hell for example)

whats an absolute no-go for me is rap, (girly-)pop especially the newer ones, any electronics, and so on (this list is almost endless^^)

So the classic AC/DC, Iron Maiden and so on? Never tried Iron Maiden, but i think i would like it..

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I hate these new pop songs too and what I abolutely can't bear is Dupstep. I literally get racing heart when it is played somewhere :emot-raise:

Eminem :drool5: I don't really know the other Hip Hop artists. I should start listening to more various artists^^

I thought Hip Hop was a little bit more rhythmic and smooth but I can't tell exactly what the main difference is. Probably pretty the same thing :P

What do you mean by Dubstep? Like Skrillex? Like i read on Wikipedia this is no real dubstep, you should look at the dubstep-thread in the (Musik Unterforum) This music can be pretty beautiful.. For me it sounds more like House music. :)

Of course Eminem :drool5: I really like the hard stuff like "Kim", "My Mom", "3 A.M." and Amityville :2thumbsup:

Especially Samy Deluxe! In my opinion he is the best rapper in Germany. I would go that far to say he's better than Em, because the German language is more complicated than the English one.

His music was very important for me in the last 1 1/2 years ^^ He's got a YT-channel with some vids.. e.g. "Megafreestyle" :)

But that's just my opinion ^^

Vorheriger Post um 19:31

Post hinzugefügt um 19:39

if i should name some bands i listen to: metallica, iron maiden, judas priest, AC/DC, DIO, WASP, Kiss, foreigner, journey, dire straits, queen, guns'n'roses, pink floyd, REO speedwagon, tenacious D,....and so on

but also a few ones that arents that old, like volbeat or dragonforce and some J-rock

forgot to mention above that from time to time i like listening to country-music.

Wow! Pretty nice vintage stuff, even if i haven't listened to the most of them. (ok except some AC/DC & Queen charts stuff)

I would also like to try Metallica but it's just to much stuff to keep the overview ^^

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