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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Good morning guys :)

But the time of your autumn holidays is kind of awkward. Why 1 week ago? Why not now? Because now it's halloween and all saint's day and all these official holidays. Do you have school on those days?

Here in North-rhine-westphalia there are autumn holidays since Monday of the last week and they'll end coming friday.

But in Germany the holidays are placed to different times to relax the traffic conditions on the Autobahn. If all 16 states (?) would have holiday times wich would be placed by the (Feiertagen? :D) the streets would totally collapse. Worse than they do anyway ^^

Good Morning again :P

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That's what I am talking about. Your holidays at least make sense :P

Oh didn't know that. Pretty wise Germany, pretty wise :biggrin5: You teach me something new everyday and my hyperintelligence is growing and growing :lol:

-> Official holidays - I had to look that word up too ;)

The english names of your states are so hilarious :lol: :lol: But some of the german names are funny too^^

I should watch out. If you're getting more intelligent every day... :emot-raise:

What are those funny names? I couldn't think of anything :skep::D

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I especially like Mecklenburg-Vorpommern :lol: When I hear that name I have to laugh every time :biggrin5:

Or the englisch Rhineland-Palatinate :P So damn funny^^

Oh ok, especially the aksent (??? :D) of them is funny. I once played a lot with a guy from there. Everytime we played CoD and he raged, i had to laugh in an extreme way.

I can speak Saxonian (?!fucking hard words :facepalm: ) by the way :o

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Oh my god :P I can imagine how funny that was. One of my gamer friends is from Bavaria and when he rages it's so awesome. Everybody laughs his ass off when he starts screaming in Bavarian :lol:

I don't really remember how people from Saxony are talking at the moment o.O

Vorheriger Post um 12:41

Post hinzugefügt um 12:42

EDIT: Okay I just listened to a Video and it was pretty funny :D But I can't really jugde because my language is much worse :lol:

Oh yeah. People who rage in their dialect are the best, because when they're really angry they can't hide their language anymore. Too funny :xd::'>

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Sharks? :skep:

Like in Blumio's "Lass ma über Haie reden." :D You can search for it on YT ^^

i know you playing with them, but you are not like them, thats why i like you^^

Sharks...i like a specific version of...ähm...they kill people...uhm...äh...i make my F1-IG to the actaul stats :D

MfG Rewe

Actually i'm not playing with them at this time. But it's not to get rid of them, it's just because i can't play right now. Haven't played for like 2 months or so.

Thank You for you liking me ^^

:D I don't get it ^^

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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