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yeah, and after they escaped, they say, that he is safe in hamburg now

i still can remember that? Wow, the last time, i played was about 2 weeks, before i got GTAV...so at the end of september


Wow! Never realized that. I gotta play the games again 0.0

I have absolutely no clue what you two are talking about :xd::'>

CoD 4: Modern Warfare, one of the best games ever made :drool5:

Rewe do you remember the Pripjat Level when the tanks and soldiers cross you on the field while Price and his partner crowl through it? Love this mission :drool5: And Price's partner plays a role in mw3, you knew that? :)

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

I really did :eek6: Outside? What do you mean with outside? Don't say that there is anything else than my room :skep:^^

:surprised: Okay now I am really turning red.... :o:shy: What do you want? :xd::'>

Yes there is.. I'm sry to tell you but you have wasted a lot of time thinking that this board would be the most exciting thing in this life :)

The "Zählen wir doch mal bis..."-Threads 20.000th post :drool5:xD

Vorheriger Post um 14:52

Post hinzugefügt um 14:53

You are the shiniest pony of course ;)



I don't think he means the army :J::P

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