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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Well, as it seems, there are some people on the boards who wish to improve their english so after checking out the "Fehler und Verbesserungsvorschläge" - Thread, the idea for this thread occurred to me just naturally :)

hmmm maybe we should start a revolution here xD


Of course their are also examples of good translations, like the german translation for Uncharted. I think it´s quite a good one.

I don´t understand why there are so few games, who are "multilingual". Okay, I understand it at(?) games like Skyrim(hundreds of speaker), but in Games like Heavy Rain i don´t get what the problem is.

Sorry for my bad english, but I am really tired. Should go to bed now:biggrin5:

but thats no reason to take french instead of english;)^^

yellow of the egg

hmmm i think its wrong to translate an german saw in english^^

by the way schoene neue welt is an wrong transltion for brave new world or am i wrong???

Did you read the book?

The german title fits to german book, because the german thinking is different so the english/american.

I would say that it is difficult to translate a booktitle, because the thinking (and the culture) ist different between different nations.

nah before you wrote about the book here i hasnt (or havent???^^) even heard from it^^

@light-san hmmmm k

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


i think if he wrote it in english some people couldnt understand him thats what i think is the reason for the german warning and i think he has right the start was good but the "true true" and "yes we can" are nonsense

lol congratulation^^

come on guys its the off topic...

and???^^ only because this topic here is in the off-topic area shouldnt it mean for 100% that it doesnt have a topic ;)

by the way it sounds awfully wrong what i wrote can anyone revise me if something wrong but only the spelling???^^

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

hey guys,

i have a question.

My english is not very well. Thats why i ask.

I want a tattoo. A few words. "verloren im Schicksal"

Does it mean in english "lost in fate" or "lost in destiny"?

fate and destiny is both "Schicksal", but what is the right choice of words?

i would choose destiny instead of fate like you said both have the meaning "schicksal" so it's irrelevant but for me sounds lost in destiny much better^^

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


well then you are lucky 'cause i played the first after mgs3 and 4 :xd::'> so i was already used to hayter and the others and now i prefer the japanese in mgs but i still like the english voiceover that's rare ^^

Hardly noticeable :D

So, are you fellas (faggots? :D) using Google translator for help sometimes, in case you post here?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

nah google isn't a good idea if you don't know a word use dict.cc it's much better

i'm using the translator sometimes if I want to know a word from german to english, but the translator is not very useable for complete sentences because of the grammar.

it's funny that i'm posting in this thread today, because i have my second english test tomorrow.

P.S. does anyone know the FCE, also called First Certificate in English ??

First Certificate in English (FCE), is an upper-intermediate level qualification. It proves you can use everyday written and spoken English for work or study purposes.



sure? well if you say so... but yeah i know the result when you try to translate a whole sentence with it >.> i saw it almost in every english class since i helped to check the normal tasks there

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