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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Is it just me or is this thread turning into a disucussion about france/french people and why we all don't really like them^^.

That reminds me of some really silly Uncharted 2 matches I had. I was playing with some friends and we got paired against a party with some french guys. As soon as they realized that we're german they started insulting us for no reason, so we just joined a flame war that lasted several matches, until my ears couldn't take their constant screaming any longer and I muted them...ahh good times...

That's the main reason why I hate French people.

Well...I can't say i hate them because of course not all French people are like that.

But whenever I meet French people on video games, specially CoD, they are annoying me all the time:skep:

My english is also really bad. I have only 2 Points in the englishtest. I like latin, but I think it would be to difficult to talk about games in latin.

The second place where I am confronted with english is my playstation. The software does not work right. All languages are lost except english (UK and US-Version). That is the reason why I have to play the most games in english. Only Uncharted 1,2,3 and Heavenly Sword are still german. And Tomb Raider Anniversary keep the german undertitels, but the spoken language is english. These softwareproblem makes it sometimes really difficult for me. For example in Alpha Protocoll is the english so difficult, that I can not play it, because I do not understand anything.

And of course the PSone Games are still german if they were german.

Did you already try to completely reset the system?

There's an option in the menu...but I'm not sure what exactly it does.

System Settings -> Restore PS3 system

This will set the complete system to it's default settings.

Of course it will format the hard drive so you need to backup all your saved stuff;)

But as I said. I don't know what exactly it does so it's better if you google it by yourself;)

Now let's come back to English.

My English mark at school is 5.71 (1.29 in Germany;))

I'm visiting a special rate together with 5 other students and we all are working out to get the University of Cambridge ESOL examination certificate.


We are all working on the First English which is a lot harder than the actual English we learn at school;)


I have no problems in reading any texts.

I also understand films, TV shows etc. in English.

But sadly I can't go and watch English films in the cinema because as soon as there is a subtitle I HAVE to read it.

It's like i have to check if I understood everything right to make sure I'll get the story of the film:skep:

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

i think if he wrote it in english some people couldnt understand him thats what i think is the reason for the german warning and i think he has right the start was good but the "true true" and "yes we can" are nonsense

lol congratulation^^

Well...if some people couldn't understand his warning. What are they doing in this thread?:emot-raise::biggrin5:

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