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I still haven't watched an episode of MLP (and probably never will be :xd::'>) but yeah, I get your point.

But I still think for most of the teenagers/young adults, MLP is just some kind of "hype-thing"

I had something similar in my generation too.

When I was 12 or 13 some people from my class started to watch the Teletubbies on a regular base (or later Spongebob Squarepants :xd::'>)

I never understood them.

It maybe not so in your case, but I would still like to know how you started to watch MLP ^^

Well I can asure you that it's not a hype thing in my case. I know it is for many people, probably cause they want to get some attention or I don't even know^^

A few months ago I was shaking my head about grown up men watching this show just like most of you guys do. I just let it be and didn't think about it, I still heard about bronies on youtube sometimes but I didn't care. I must have been really bored that they (as everyday actually) and just watched a random episode after I heard of the show again... well and I got to the point where I though "ahm wow, it really isn't that bad, actually, I enjoy this pretty much!^^"

Of course I was unsure about my feelings :D I then started watching the show from the first episode and I didn't want to believe it, but after 5 episodes I knew I would watch the whole show, and I did^^

If people don't like it, fine with me, I mean, come on, you really got too much free time if you watch this?.. right? If you don't even want to try to watch it, still, fine with me, it's a freaking show about colored ponys!

I just can say it's worth a shot, if you get tired of dumb jokes about retarded people, or killing or farting or puking, this is really worth a try.

It's not like other kids shows, it's just nice, not dumb, the characters got good personalities, not crazy freaking over the top monster crap stuff^^

I don't care if people say I'm gay or a horsefucker cause I watch a little kids show, cause I know I'm not.

I see it like any other show I like, it entertains me and it's not completly stupid^^

Maybe you understand it now a bit more, if not, I don't really care :P

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Sure, but if you prefer, we can call you any of these:

I probably should feel offended but I just can't stop laughing :'D

i think he will/would prefer rainbow :xd::'>

Actually no, it would make sense if you say Fluttershy, but I wouldn't prefer these names^^

EDIT: ohhh. I get it, I should've watched the video first :D

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