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- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Only English ^^


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I'm not sure about it right now. Most of the games I've bought for the last two years were digital versions (just because it is much more convenient to track sales in the PSN-store than in many different retail shops). So I'm not that much into physical versions anymore.

But cloud gaming? This seems to be too much power for the provider, since you don't own anything anymore. Of course, digital games are not much better, but theoretically, I could still install all of my digital games on my (extended) harddrive and play them whenever I want, no matter if the PSN store is up and running or not. 

There might be no choice ten years from now, but as long as there are consoles that play physical and/or downloaded games I will prefer them over cloud gaming.


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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Am 12.4.2019 um 10:28 schrieb Joermungander:

Why is here a Englishthread in a German Forum? I don't understand.

Because we can. :biggrin5:


vor 3 Minuten schrieb Aii:

bc its fun, bc maybe we get international one day in the future xD or we just try out our skills.

Yes it is totally unnessessary. deal with it :D 

I second that!

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Am 24.4.2019 um 14:56 schrieb Aii:

bc its fun, bc maybe we get international one day in the future xD or we just try out our skills.

THIS. Trying to write in a language other than your own is hard, so exposing yourself to a language you want to learn (e.g. by watching videos / playing video games / reading articles or books / writing an own blog in that particular language) is a great way to learn it. Also, it's more effective than just learning English at school because by the time you get to 8th grade, 80% of what you do is writing analysis papers in English, which is obviously not how you learn a language.

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Sillshez15:

THIS. Trying to write in a language other than your own is hard, so exposing yourself to a language you want to learn (e.g. by watching videos / playing video games / reading articles or books / writing an own blog in that particular language) is a great way to learn it. Also, it's more effective than just learning English at school because by the time you get to 8th grade, 80% of what you do is writing analysis papers in English, which is obviously not how you learn a language.

this indeed.

all I know (with few exceptions) I learned by surrounding myself with the language mostly by reading, playing and watching my favorite shows (I think I wrote that somewhere before xD) bc I wasn't exactly a good student and my teacher was a teacher by no means at all =_=

But it's fun to be able to do this now!

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Am 12.4.2019 um 10:28 schrieb Joermungander:

Why is here a Englishthread in a German Forum? I don't understand.

Well. I think its time to come clean...

When I created this topic, I was flat out drunk and didn't realize what I was doing.
But somehow, it turned out quite nicely :D 

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

ONLY IN ENGLISH, PLEASE! :emot-engleft:


Hey guys! :) 


This thread is intended to refresh our English skills. Many have probably been out of school for some time and may have forgotten the language a little bit. I thought it was funny to have a thread where you only write in english. :D 


My english is not perfect, but I keep freshening it up by watching YouTube videos or movies/series in english. :x


I would be happy if one or the other would participate, no matter how well you can speak the language.


You can only learn! :thumbsup:

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The best way to train you English is by playing all your games in English, watching, writing and talking too.

13 Years of this helped me to improve my English so much that a lot of people already congratted me and thought im livin somewhere in the US

Bearbeitet von HamiTosh
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Well, I only play games in Englisch that have no german audio(Like GTA or MGS as examples) and I watch MLP only in English, anything else in german. I watch many Youtubers that speak english. Anyway that all plus school and beeing in forums where english is the main language to write still helped a bunch. Grammatically I might not be the best, but usually no one has really a problem understanding me.


I forgot this Thread existed XD

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Mei Inglisch is not dä jello fromm se eck  :derp:




I used to be quite good in English since I had to read, hear and talk it almost every single day during my studies. However, now I have the feeling that my spoken English really degenerated over the past few years because there was just no need to talk in English. Or at least the number of occasions drastically reduced... Sometimes here and there I still get to apply it but it feels very weird compared to former times and might need some training again to feel more comfortable speaking it... :leaving:

Hopefully my written English still counts as good :biggrin: Understandig English in written or spoken form is not a problem at all. Most likely due to almost daily routine as well, thanks to Youtube and the internet in general^^









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