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MLB 11: The Show


Dig that long balltrophy_bronze.pngIn any mode (excluding HRD) hit a Home Run with a pitcher.

Strong Armtrophy_bronze.pngThrow the ball into the stands when attempting to throw out a runner at 1st.

Fill'er Up trophy_bronze.pngAfter falling behind in the count 0-2 work back to a full count. Must be completed vs. the CPU with both pitching and batting set to All-Star or higher difficulty.

Sell Your Bodytrophy_bronze.pngMake a diving catch in foul territory for an out.

Patience... trophy_bronze.pngDraw a 4 pitch walk in any mode. Must be completed vs. the CPU on All-Star or higher difficulty.

Pesky... trophy_bronze.pngIn any single at bat, see 10 or more pitches. Must be completed vs. the CPU on All-Star or higher difficulty.

Lean On Metrophy_bronze.pngPick off the CPU runner on 1st.

The Bacon trophy_bronze.pngIn RttS, earn more than 20,000,000 over the course of your career.

Cooperationtrophy_bronze.pngWin a co-op game.

Advanced Cooperation trophy_bronze.pngWith different users controlling the pitcher and fielders, complete a strike 'em out throw 'em out double play.

Experiencedtrophy_bronze.pngAccumulate 100 XP across any online game modes.

Have a CoW Man!trophy_bronze.pngCompete in the Challenge of the Week in back to back weeks.

Momma's Boytrophy_bronze.pngIn any season mode, hit a Home Run on Mother's Day with a pink bat.

Daddy Long Legstrophy_bronze.pngIn any season mode, hit a triple on Father's Day.

Poor Billy...trophy_bronze.pngWin a game on an error.

Stone Handstrophy_bronze.pngMake 5 or more errors in a single game.

The Billy Goat trophy_bronze.pngIn Season or Franchise mode, win the World Series as the Cubs. Good luck, you're going to need it! Must be full 9 inning games, simulating of World Series games will invalidate the trophy.

Splash Down IItrophy_bronze.pngHit a Home Run into the hot tub in Chase field.

Swim With The Fishestrophy_bronze.pngHit a Home Run into the Ray's aquarium.

Stay on Targettrophy_bronze.pngAt Target Field, land your foul ball or tailing Home Run on the Target sign down the right field line.

Ice Coldtrophy_bronze.pngHit a Home Run to dead center in Coors Field.

Salute the Troopstrophy_bronze.pngWin a game using the Padres while wearing Camo Jerseys.

Day at the Beachtrophy_bronze.pngHit a Home Run into the sand at Petco Park.

Running Down a Dream trophy_silver.pngIn a single game, steal 3rd twice. Must be completed vs. the CPU.

Batting Performance Evaluatedtrophy_silver.pngAs a Batter in RttS, have 3 or more 'Good' or better At Bats in a single game at the MLB Level.

Pitching Performance Evaluatedtrophy_silver.pngAs a Pitcher in RttS, in a single game, face 6 or more consecutive batters achieving a 'Good' or better rating at the MLB Level.

Seasonedtrophy_silver.pngAchieve an All-Star rank across all online game modes.

Challengertrophy_silver.pngPlace in the top 33% in any single week of Challenge of the Week.

Insidertrophy_gold.pngIn any mode get an inside the park Home Run. Must be completed vs. the CPU.

Psychictrophy_gold.pngWith Guess Pitch on, in any mode, correctly guess 10 pitches in a row (Location OR Pitch) vs. the CPU on All-Star or higher difficulty.

Beat LAtrophy_gold.pngBeat the Dodgers. Must be completed vs. the CPU with both pitching and batting set to Legend. RttS excluded.

Yankees 'Inhale Deeply Through The Mouth'!trophy_gold.pngBeat the Yankees. Must be completed vs. the CPU with both pitching and batting set to Legend. RttS excluded.

Peak Trainingtrophy_gold.pngIn RTTS, reach level 5 in all training modes as a pitcher or a batter.

Today... I am the greatest trophy_gold.pngIn any mode, with any single player, accumulate 130 or more stolen bases in a single Season.

100% Cleartrophy_platinum.pngThis is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all trophies have been unlocked.

Secret Trophies

Tough Losstrophy_bronze.pngAs the away team, take a shutout into the bottom of the 9th and lose the game. Must be completed vs. the CPU.


Also ich hab mir vor ein paar Wochen MLB10 The Show gebraucht bei ebay geholt und muss sagen das es wirklich ein Ultra geiles Game ist für Baseball-Fans. Allerdings finde ich machts alleine leider sehr wenig spaß (naja liegt vllt auch daran das ich mir Killzone 3 geholt hab) und Online kann man leider auch total vergessen. Ruckelt ohne Ende und ich hab ne 32000er Leitung.

Aber so abends mal mit Kollege schön Sportgames zocken da darf MLB natürlich nicht fehlen :D

Also bin da echt geteilter Meinung :D:D:D:D

Grafisch TOP , alleine FLOP


wieso alleine Flop? Ich habe jedes The Show seit dem 07er gespielt und alleine machts mir persönlich viel mehr Spaß. Online hats leider schon immer geruckelt, dass sich da was bessert glaub ich nicht. Die Hoffnung hab ich schon vor 2 Jahren aufgegeben.

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Naja der englischen Sprache schon mächtig aber so manche Sätze kann man ja nicht 1:1 übersetzen. Sind ja leider so einige Fachbegriffe vorhanden. Und alle Regeln kenne ich auch nicht obwohl Wiki :cool2: schon gut geholfen hat. Die ESPN Moderatoren sprechen ja leider auch ihren amerikanischen Slang, wodurch man nicht alles versteht.

Wenn du nichts dagegen hast, werde ich mich bei Bedarf per PN bei dir melden.

Hab grad ein riesen Bug im Spiel alle Spieler meiner und der gegnerischen Mannschaft haben die Trikotnr. 42

EDIT: Ok hat sich erledigt is Jackie Robinson Day

lol, da hättest du ja gleich drauf kommen müssen :biggrin5:

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