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Allgemeiner Thread zu Lucha Libre AAA Heroes del Ring

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US Release: 12 Oktober 2010


ttrythisathome.jpg Don't try this at home!

Make a successful aerial attack from the turnbuckle.

superhombre.jpg He thinks he's a superhombre

Make a successful aerial attack through the ropes to outside the ring

alegendisborn.jpg A legend is born

Attack Apache 10 times in Practice mode.

buud.jpg Low stakes

Free yourself from a pin count having all the disadvantage in popularity.

domination.jpg Domination

Execute 50 weak grapples in a match,

strongastoro.jpgStrong as a toro

Execute 10 strong grapples in a match.

challengeofdeath.jpg Challenge to the death

Win a 1 vs 1 match in the Pride Battle mode.

toman.jpg ¡TOMA! Y no te doy otra no más

Defeat the CPU by submission in a 1 vs 1 match on normal difficulty, having dealt 100% damage.

picturee.jpg What a picture!

Perform a successful special grapple in any match.

5495164x64.jpg Butter arms

Execute 500 counters in any game mode.

Showman.PNG Showman

Perform all different taunts of the AAA luchadores (Only standing taunts without weapons).

dancingman.jpg Dancing man

Execute 4 complete taunts in a row in triple threat or fatal facing of 4.

5495764x64.jpg Bunch of chickens!

Do a simultaneous elimination of all your opponents in a triple threat or fatal facing of 4 match.

ravensw.jpg Raise ravens...

Execute an eye poke 5 times in a row.

megachampion.jpg New Megachampion

Defeat Konnan as La Parka in the story mode.

religionhy.jpg Extinct Religion

Defeat Dark Scoria in the Técnicos' story mode.

nothinglastsforever.jpg Nothing lasts forever

Defeat the clowns in the Técnicos' story mode.

unbeatenhonor.jpg Unbeaten Honor

Win the Mask vs Hair match on the Técnicos' story mode.

arealtecnico.jpg A real Técnico

Complete the Técnicos' story mode.

feeddog.jpg Feed that bone to another dog

Defeat La Parka as Konnan in the story mode.

tcry.jpg Don't cry little brother

Defeat Charlie Manson in the Rudos' story mode.

defeateda.jpg The defeated redeemer

Defeat El Mesias in the Rudos' story mode.

nodinastyisleftstanding.jpg No dinasty is left standing

Defeat Dr. Wagner Jr and Silver King in the Rudos' story mode.

themostrudoofall.jpg The mode Rudo of all

Complete the Rudos' story mode.

nobody.PNG You're nobody

Win an online mask vs hair match.

diritygame.jpg Dirty game

Hit an opponent 3 times with a weapon without being disqualified (disqualification on).

lefthimoutside.jpg Left him outside!

Win a match by your opponent being counted out.

lomeromacho.jpg A lo mero macho

Win a fatal facing of 4 match in elimination by eliminating all the 3 opponents.

littleones.jpg Little ones can too

Play a match with the little ones using the secret code.

cheeringhimup.jpg Cheering him up

Make your own banner and make sure that the crowd shows it for 3 minutes.

Whichone.PNG Which one's the most special?

Perform all the special grapples of the AAA luchadores at least once.

whereyougoing.jpg Where do you think you're going?

Defeat a rudo CPU enemy in normal difficulty 1 vs 1 without letting him leave the ring.

freeze.PNG Freeze!

Stand still for 5 minutes (submissions and pins excluded).

flyingwithoutaticket.jpg Flying without a ticket

Perform 10 aerial attacks through the ropes in a 1 vs 1 match agains the CPU on normal difficulty.

aflyhardtocatch.jpg A fly hard to catch

Execute the Superfly special grapple 5 times in a 1 vs 1 match against the CPU on normal difficulty.


5513464x64.jpg Rising star

Win 5 matches in a row online using your custom luchador or luchadores.

5513264x64.jpg Long live me!

Win 5 masks vs hair matches without losing the hair or the mask of your luchador.

soap.jpg Slippery like soap

Execute 50 successful counters in a match.

handbehind.jpg With a hand tied behind my back

Win a 1 vs 2 match alone vs CPU on normal difficulty.

anyoneelse.jpg Anyone else care to join?

Win a 1 vs 3 match alone vs CPU on normal difficulty.

5494964x64.jpg Pero sigo siendo el Rey

Win a king of kings tournament vs 7 CPU opponents.

charismatic.jpg Charismatic

Keep your popularity over 3 stars for 5 minutes in a 1 vs 1 match against CPU on normal difficulty.

untochable.jpg Untouchable

Win a 1 vs 1 match against the CPU without taking any damage on normal difficulty.

hitthedog.jpg Don't hit the dog

Win a group match without letting your partner receive more than 20% damage.

robotru.jpg I want to be a robot

While in a pin, press the indicated button 12 times per second or faster.

thatshowdance.PNG That's how you dance!

Win a 1 vs 2 match fighting alone with El Elegido against 2 rivals on normal difficulty.


eldorado.PNG El Dorado

Complete both story lines in Hard.


Herodelring.PNG Héroe del Ring

You have successfully unlocked all of the trophies.



american.PNG America's father in law

Execute the special grapple of the Apache (classic foul).

espectroofthering.PNG Espectro of the Ring

Win a King of Kings championship playing with Espectro Jr.


elchile.PNG El Chile mas chiloso

Defeat Espectro Jr. in the faces' and heels' story modes.

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Trophäen-Liste (Englisch)


ttrythisathome.jpg Don't try this at home!

Make a successful aerial attack from the turnbuckle.

superhombre.jpg He thinks he's a superhombre

Make a successful aerial attack through the ropes to outside the ring

alegendisborn.jpg A legend is born

Attack Apache 10 times in Practice mode.

buud.jpg Low stakes

Free yourself from a pin count having all the disadvantage in popularity.

domination.jpg Domination

Execute 50 weak grapples in a match,

strongastoro.jpgStrong as a toro

Execute 10 strong grapples in a match.

challengeofdeath.jpg Challenge to the death

Win a 1 vs 1 match in the Pride Battle mode.

toman.jpg ¡TOMA! Y no te doy otra no más

Defeat the CPU by submission in a 1 vs 1 match on normal difficulty, having dealt 100% damage.

picturee.jpg What a picture!

Perform a successful special grapple in any match.

5495164x64.jpg Butter arms

Execute 500 counters in any game mode.

0.png Showman

Perform all different taunts of the AAA luchadores (Only standing taunts without weapons).

dancingman.jpg Dancing man

Execute 4 complete taunts in a row in triple threat or fatal facing of 4.

5495764x64.jpg Bunch of chickens!

Do a simultaneous elimination of all your opponents in a triple threat or fatal facing of 4 match.

ravensw.jpg Raise ravens...

Execute an eye poke 5 times in a row.

megachampion.jpg New Megachampion

Defeat Konnan as La Parka in the story mode.

religionhy.jpg Extinct Religion

Defeat Dark Scoria in the Técnicos' story mode.

nothinglastsforever.jpg Nothing lasts forever

Defeat the clowns in the Técnicos' story mode.

unbeatenhonor.jpg Unbeaten Honor

Win the Mask vs Hair match on the Técnicos' story mode.

arealtecnico.jpg A real Técnico

Complete the Técnicos' story mode.

feeddog.jpg Feed that bone to another dog

Defeat La Parka as Konnan in the story mode.

tcry.jpg Don't cry little brother

Defeat Charlie Manson in the Rudos' story mode.

defeateda.jpg The defeated redeemer

Defeat El Mesias in the Rudos' story mode.

nodinastyisleftstanding.jpg No dinasty is left standing

Defeat Dr. Wagner Jr and Silver King in the Rudos' story mode.

themostrudoofall.jpg The mode Rudo of all

Complete the Rudos' story mode.

0.png You're nobody

Win an online mask vs hair match.

diritygame.jpg Dirty game

Hit an opponent 3 times with a weapon without being disqualified (disqualification on).

lefthimoutside.jpg Left him outside!

Win a match by your opponent being counted out.

lomeromacho.jpg A lo mero macho

Win a fatal facing of 4 match in elimination by eliminating all the 3 opponents.

littleones.jpg Little ones can too

Play a match with the little ones using the secret code.

cheeringhimup.jpg Cheering him up

Make your own banner and make sure that the crowd shows it for 3 minutes.

0.png Which one's the most special?

Perform all the special grapples of the AAA luchadores at least once.

whereyougoing.jpg Where do you think you're going?

Defeat a rudo CPU enemy in normal difficulty 1 vs 1 without letting him leave the ring.

0.png Freeze!

Stand still for 5 minutes (submissions and pins excluded).

flyingwithoutaticket.jpg Flying without a ticket

Perform 10 aerial attacks through the ropes in a 1 vs 1 match agains the CPU on normal difficulty.

aflyhardtocatch.jpg A fly hard to catch

Execute the Superfly special grapple 5 times in a 1 vs 1 match against the CPU on normal difficulty.


5513464x64.jpg Rising star

Win 5 matches in a row online using your custom luchador or luchadores.

5513264x64.jpg Long live me!

Win 5 masks vs hair matches without losing the hair or the mask of your luchador.

soap.jpg Slippery like soap

Execute 50 successful counters in a match.

handbehind.jpg With a hand tied behind my back

Win a 1 vs 2 match alone vs CPU on normal difficulty.

anyoneelse.jpg Anyone else care to join?

Win a 1 vs 3 match alone vs CPU on normal difficulty.

5494964x64.jpg Pero sigo siendo el Rey

Win a king of kings tournament vs 7 CPU opponents.

charismatic.jpg Charismatic

Keep your popularity over 3 stars for 5 minutes in a 1 vs 1 match against CPU on normal difficulty.

untochable.jpg Untouchable

Win a 1 vs 1 match against the CPU without taking any damage on normal difficulty.

hitthedog.jpg Don't hit the dog

Win a group match without letting your partner receive more than 20% damage.

robotru.jpg I want to be a robot

While in a pin, press the indicated button 12 times per second or faster.

0.png That's how you dance!

Win a 1 vs 2 match fighting alone with El Elegido against 2 rivals on normal difficulty.


0.png El Dorado

Complete both story lines in Hard.


0.png Héroe del Ring

You have successfully unlocked all of the trophies.



0.png America's father in law

Execute the special grapple of the Apache (classic foul).

0.png Espectro of the Ring

Win a King of Kings championship playing with Espectro Jr.


0.png El Chile mas chiloso

Defeat Espectro Jr. in the faces' and heels' story modes.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Erst mal Super. Sieht schon viel besser aus als meins. :D

Ich hab das Game.

Als Wrestling-Fan kann man es sich mal antun, aber wenn man es mit der Smackdown VS Raw Reihe vergleichen will ist das Game eigentlich ein Witz.

Sehr wenige Moves, kurze Entrance, usw.

Man hätte wirklich mehr draus machen können. Aber ist ja Konamis erstes Wrestling-Game, wenn ich richtig informiert bin.

Die Online Trophäen sind glaub net zu schaffen, da er keine Server findet. *g*

Sind glaub ich 2 oder 3, die Online absolviert werden müssen.

Ausser es holt sich noch jemand das Game und dann machen wir es zusammen. ;)

EDIT: Beim Leitfaden würde ich auch helfen.

Hab schon ein paar Trophys. :)

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Erst mal Super. Sieht schon viel besser aus als meins. :D

Ich hab das Game.

Als Wrestling-Fan kann man es sich mal antun, aber wenn man es mit der Smackdown VS Raw Reihe vergleichen will ist das Game eigentlich ein Witz.

Sehr wenige Moves, kurze Entrance, usw.

Man hätte wirklich mehr draus machen können. Aber ist ja Konamis erstes Wrestling-Game, wenn ich richtig informiert bin.

Die Online Trophäen sind glaub net zu schaffen, da er keine Server findet. *g*

Sind glaub ich 2 oder 3, die Online absolviert werden müssen.

Ausser es holt sich noch jemand das Game und dann machen wir es zusammen. ;)

EDIT: Beim Leitfaden würde ich auch helfen.

Hab schon ein paar Trophys. :)

Ich hab das Game auch!

Ich find es allerdings nicht so pralle!

Grafik und so ist schlecht und den Rest hast du ja schon gesagt!

Es ist ein bisschen wie UFC,die reagieren auch erst so spät!

Außerdem ist es scheiße schwer!

Ich verliere schon immer,wenn ich auf normal spiele!

Wie soll man das dann auf schwer schaffen!?!?:banghead:

Kann man da noch irgendwas umstellen,wie Konter und so?

Hätte auch gerne diese Platin,aber auf schwer pack ich das nicht!

Online würde ich mit dir machen!

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Ich hab das Game auch!

Ich find es allerdings nicht so pralle!

Grafik und so ist schlecht und den Rest hast du ja schon gesagt!

Es ist ein bisschen wie UFC,die reagieren auch erst so spät!

Außerdem ist es scheiße schwer!

Ich verliere schon immer,wenn ich auf normal spiele!

Wie soll man das dann auf schwer schaffen!?!?:banghead:

Kann man da noch irgendwas umstellen,wie Konter und so?

Hätte auch gerne diese Platin,aber auf schwer pack ich das nicht!

Online würde ich mit dir machen!

Klar Online können wir gerne zusammen machen. Ade mich einfach. :)

Ist aber wirklich schwer das Game. Besonders wenn man 2 oder 3 Gegner auf einmal hat.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Hi, ich brauche auch noch die online trophies, habs heute mit nem kanadier versucht, der meinte dann das es länder spezifisch wäre bzw. wenn ich ihn oder er mich einladen wollte war angeblich die "connection lost"

hat es bei euch denn ohne probleme geklappt ?

also ich habe alle trophies, mir fehlen halt die online dinger was jemand interesse hat, oder einfach nur helfen möchte ,meldet euch :D

PSN: StunningSteve666

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Ich brauche ebenfalls immer noch jemand für Online-Trophys.

Könnt mich ebenfalls adden, aber bitte dabei schreiben, wer und für was. ;)


Könnte jemand evtl. mal einen Leitfaden erstellen?

Komme bei manchen Trophys mit meinem gebrochenen Englisch irgendwie net wirklich klar.

Vertehe da manches nicht oder es ist blöd beschrieben. Je nachdem. :D

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