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Allgemeiner Thread zu Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi

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Viel zu wenige Characktere ich kaufs mir erst wenn es 20 € kostet.An Tenkaichi 3 kommt nix ran !

wenn du jedes DBZ game an tenkaichi 3 vergleichen willst, kannst noch 20 jahre auf nen würdigen nachfolger hoffen

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Mich stört es ehrlich gesagt nicht so sehr wie andere, dass es nicht ganz so viele Charaktere gibt. Vom Storymodus wird's bestimmt ein klasse Spiel, aber die Kämpfe sehen mir ein wenig eintönig aus. Mal schauen, kaufen werde ich es irgendwann auf jeden Fall. ^^


Das Game hat die Wertung von 3 bis 5 von mir Durschnittlich verdient, nicht dass ich das Game schon habe, aber das Gameplay ist sowas von schlecht! Weil es immer gleich ist, wird es auf dauer sehr schnell langweilig.

Ausserdem hier der Review von Gamepro, die von IGN könnt ihr vergessen weil die, die Anime Games komisch bewerten.


Er hat recht, die Characktere spielen sich immer noch gleich bzw die Animationen sind immer dasselbe und dass schlimme daran ist es gibt nicht viele Combo Optionen wie in BT3.

Ausserdem haben Characktere nicht ihre eigene Unique's! So sollte z.bsp beim Super Perfect Cell so sein!

Super Perfect Cell

[ ]x7 – Cell fires 14 continuous left/right straight punches. Each press of square counts for 1 left/right rep.

[ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], /\ - After 8 punches, Cell fires a volley of kicks with his right leg.

Up+[ ] – Cell swings his elbow upward quickly.

Down+[ ] – Cell performs a low roundhouse.

Left+[ ] – Cell swings his arm outward quickly.

Right+[ ] – Cell kicks hits the opponent with a low roundhouse then a mid-roundhouse.

/\,[ ] - Cell drives his knee into the opponent then punches them across the jaw sending them sliding across the ground.

Up+/\,/\,Down+[ ] - Cell punches the opponent over the head sending them spinning around while stumbling backward, he vanishes behind them & slams his elbow into their head, then stomps them in the back forcing them to the ground.

Down+/\ - Cell performs a hard downward punch. If on solid ground he will punch into the ground. This move is obviously unsafe if it misses.

Left+/\(then mash [ ])- Cell fires multiple mid roundhouses into the opponent’s ribs & neck.

Right+/\ ,Left+/\- Cell spins around to his left & swings his right heel into the opponent’s side, he then spins his body around to land his right leg & swings his left leg into the opponent’s side.

R2+[ ] – Cell holds his forearm up in front of him then slams his elbow into the opponent’s chest sending them backward.

R2+Up+[ ] – Cell swings his right leg upward into the opponent’s chest.

R2+Down+[ ] – Cell swings his right hand across his opponent’s face violently knocking them down hard on the ground.

R2+Left+[ ] – Cell slams both hands over the opponent’s head then uses his right leg to kick them to the left.

R2+Right+[ ] – Cell dashes forward swinging his leg across the opponent’s face.

Dash+[ ] – Cell peforms a sliding kick.(Must Block low)

Dragon Dash+[ ] – Cell holds his arms out & clasps them around the opponent performing a bearhug. This is a terrible move to use happy go lucky as Cell is vulnerable to be hit by most melee attacks while he has his arms open. However at the moment the arms begin to close the opponent can do nothing to stop the attack.

Burst Z Dash+[ ] – Cell slams his leg into the opponent’s back forcing them downward.

Jump+[ ], /\, [ ], /\ - Cell slams his knee into the opponent’s stomach, then quickly slams his elbow into their backs, he rolls around their stunned body & performs a right uppercut knocking them upward, he then vanishes behind them & kicks them downward.

Jump+Up+[ ] - Cell leaps through the air & delivers a strong thrust kick sending the opponent flying backward.(Can be done at any point during a jump)

R1+O – Cell casually punches the opponent with his left hand sending them flying backward. The opponent cannot tech this knockdown.

R1+Up+O – Cell lifts the opponent up by the neck & makes them explode (somewhat like Frieza), after the first explosion 3 smaller ones occur successively.

R2+O – Super Ki Enhanced Fist – You can charge this attack up to 3 levels. Level one Cell’s fist will glow white, if you hit the opponent they will be sent barreling away. Level 2 glows blue, if you hit the opponent you will stun them. Level 3 glows yellow, if you connect the opponent is surrounded by light & then explodes leaving sparks of ki flying around.

R2+Up+O – Telekinetic Death Slice – Cell points at the opponent & lifts them into the air with his mind. He then begins to make hand movements towards to the opponent & sparks of ki fly over the opponent slicing them, after 6 hits Cell sticks his right hand downward knocking the opponent down.

R2+Down+O – Don’t be afraid – Cell waves his hand inward as if inviting the opponent inward. The opposite of a kai cannon happens as the opponent is sharply pulled inward.

R2+Left+O – Death Shave – Cell swings his arms 3 times each showing a yellow wave of energy being formed with each slice reaching a few feet in front of Cell.

R2+Right+O – Perfect Death Bomb – Cell traps the opponent in an orb of energy that begins flashing. After 10 seconds the orb will explode damaging the opponent. The opponent can vanish this explosion, if Cell uses any ki based attacks the orb will explode. Cell can combo the opponent while they are trapped. Damage scales heavily while this move is active.

O – Cell can fire up to 17 ki blasts at once.

O(hold) – Cell’s charged ki blast takes 3 seconds to charge.


Super Death Beam

Filth Cleanser – The blast that broke Gohan’s arm.

Super Death Wave – An enhanced version of Frieza’s death wave.

Super Death Ball – A black/purple death ball. This attack is quite small but causes a massive explosion & massive damage.


Solar System Erasing Kamehameha – Destroys the entire stage on contact.

Difference between this & Perfect Cell? I though it would be better if this version was less Saiyan & more Frieza. His normals are the same but the sigs & supers are different. What this version lacks in variety he makes up for with great stats & sigs that work great at mid range.

Ausserdem ist die Steuerung bei diesem UT Spiel etwas anders, wohlmöglich ist die Steuerung wieder wie bei den Tenkaichi Reihe und nicht so wie bei den Raging Blast Reihe.


Viel zu wenige Characktere ich kaufs mir erst wenn es 20 € kostet.An Tenkaichi 3 kommt nix ran !

was ihr alle immer nur mit euern zu wenig charaktere habt, niemand braucht viele charaktere den mit den meisten spielt man eh nicht also ist das egal denn die charaktere die am meisten gespielt werden sind da bei und das reicht und eigentlich müssten sie noch ein paar raus nehmen, denn dann werden alle charktere gespielt und man kann mit jeden alle moves lernen.

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hey ihr könnt ihr alle Ultimate Attacks sehen

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_ABAqdNhIU&feature=feedulle]Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi - All Ultimate Attacks ã€HD】 - YouTube[/url]

und alle anime zehnen [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEE0raw9paw&feature=player_embedded]Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi - All Animated Cutscenes ã€English】 ã€HD】 - YouTube[/url]


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