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Trophäen- und Spielerfolge des Tages #4 (nur ein Post pro Tag !)

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39B07396334B35A405889BA5E9E2C6314D104D79.PNG1.21 Gigawatts

Acquire Poseidon’s Rage

39B07396334B35A405889BA5E9E2C6314D104D79.PNGRocking Out

Acquire Medusa’s Gaze

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGBolt Action

Acquire Zeus’ Fury

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGSword Man

Acquire Blade of Artemis

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGSoul Search

Acquire Army of Hades


Win the first Minotaur fight

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGScape Goat

Win the first Satyr fight

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGRoll Over … and Die

Win the first Cerberus fight

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGDon’t They Ever Shut Up!

Defeat the Desert Sirens

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGBeat a Dead Horse

Complete the Centaur sacrifice to Hades


Complete the Spike Room Box Puzzle

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGRockin’ the Boat

Complete the Sex Mini-Game

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGDon’t Leave Her Hanging

Rescue the Oracle with 10 seconds to spare

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGGet the Ball Rolling

Complete the Challenge of Atlas

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGTotally Baked

Complete the Human sacrifice


Kiss the Nyad

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGGet Me a Beer Kid

Free yourself from the depths of Hades

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNGZero Health

Open a Health Chest when your health meter is already full


Get a 100 Hits Combo

DFCF732D470637124F83AE67901BA8DAC50D05FF.PNG Getting My Ass Kicked

Die enough times to get offered Easy Mode


D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGKratos’ Marble Collection

Collect all the Gorgon Eyes

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGStick it in Your Cap!

Collect all the Phoenix Feathers

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGIt’s the HUGE One

Retrieve the Captain’s Key

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGTake the Bull by the Horns

Defeat Pandora’s Guardian

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGGod Killer

Kill Ares

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGHead Hunter

Obtain the head of the Architect’s wife

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGThe Power to Kill a God

Retrieve Pandora’s Box

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGHitman 2

Get a 200 Hits Combo

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGLegend of the Twins

Watch the ‘Birth of the Beast’ Treasure

D0060DC9B59D60A19F7E9E37F84F86FB51C44CD4.PNGSeeing Red

Max out all Weapons and Magic


977C7FDEC3DA9DAC3872BC0BCB5C3E33F752169E.PNGPrepare to be a God

Beat the Game on any Difficulty

977C7FDEC3DA9DAC3872BC0BCB5C3E33F752169E.PNGYou Got the Touch!

Climb the Spiked Column in Hades without taking damage

977C7FDEC3DA9DAC3872BC0BCB5C3E33F752169E.PNGKey to Success

Collect all of the Muse Keys


Das hast du alles heute gemacht?

Ich habe einige bei Fat Princess, bei LBP PotC

und bei Tank Battles geholt

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