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Trophäen- und Spielerfolge des Tages #4 (nur ein Post pro Tag !)

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- Shadowman -




A Pure and Ancient Evil

A Pure and Ancient Evil

Reach Shadow Level 7.



Find the Violator.
Army of the Damned

Army of the Damned
Defeat a True Form.

Dishonorably Discharged, Boy!

Dishonorably Discharged, Boy!

Defeat Milton Pike.

Pah! Dying is easy!

Pah! Dying is easy!
Defeat Jack the Ripper.

So long Puppy Dog

So long Puppy Dog

Defeat Victor Batrachian.

The Bringer of Night

The Bringer of Night
Bestow nightfall to Liveside.
Wrought with arcane designs
Wrought with arcane designs
Acquire Swim Gad.
- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


- Shadowman -




For we are many!

For we are many!
Fail to stop Legion from bringing about the apocalypse.




I am the one who knocks

I am the one who knocks
Open all Soul Gates.




Seer of all things

Seer of all things
Discover all secrets.

Cadeaux Man

Cadeaux Man

Find every Cadeaux.

I am the Lord of Deadside

I am the Lord of Deadside

Defeat Legion and stop the apocalypse.
Immortal Voodoo Warrior

Immortal Voodoo Warrior
Save the world without dying.



You Did It
You Did It
Unlocked All Trophies.
- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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