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Trophäen- und Spielerfolge des Tages #4 (nur ein Post pro Tag !)

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- Turok 2 Seeds of Evil -




Brain Surgon

Brain Surgon
Kill 20 enemies with the Cerebral Bore in a single player game.






Set 50 enemies on fire with the flamethrower in a single player game.
Off With Her Head
Off With Her Head
Defeat the Queen.
We don't need no stinkin' strategy guide!
We don't need no stinkin' strategy guide!
Complete all mission objectives and acquire all level keys in Lair of the Blind Ones in a single player game.
- Werbung nur für Gäste -


- Turok 2 Seeds of Evil -




Sacred Collector

Sacred Collector
Collect all 5 sacred eagle feathers in a single player game.
Master of Destruction
Master of Destruction
Assemble the Nuke weapon in a single player game.
By Your Powers Combined....
By Your Powers Combined....
Acquire all 5 talismans in a single player game.
- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Heute folgendes Errungen:


Energy Cycle - PS5 EU

6x :bronze:

6x :silber:

8x :gold:

1x :platin:


Energy Cycle - PS5 NA

6x :bronze:

6x :silber:

8x :gold:

1x :platin:


Ein Hoch auf kostenlose Upgrades auf die PS5 Version!^^


Horizon Forbidden West - PS5

7x :bronze:


The Explorer of Night

11x :gold:

1x :platin:


- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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