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Patch 1.02

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system version

• Correction of problems when attempting to connect to public matches.

• Correction of an issue that places players in the wrong custom match mission.

• Joining Survival Mode games already in progress is disabled.

• Increasing Survival Mode difficulty.

• Battle Armor’s Pesticide Mortar will now be an impact explosive instead of a timed one.

• Correction of a problem where players you played with did not appear in the “Players Met” list.

• Removing time penalty for a failed Quick Reload.

• Player Progression will now be saved in Survival Mode at the end of each wave.

• Adding the ability to make R1 your main trigger.

• Correction of a problem that causes audio to become distorted.

• Pesticide Weapons disabled in all public network games.

Sind ein paar gute und vor allem nötige Sachen dabei. Vor allem das Tonproblem hat mich immer genervt. Werde den Patch aber nicht laden. Brauche nur noch 50 Runden Survival Mode bis Platin. Warum sollte ich mir das jetzt schwerer machen ?

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