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Trophäen-Leitfaden - Rugby World Cup 2011
1x platin.png  3x gold.png  10x silber.png  32x bronze.png  = 46 | Gesamtpunkte: 1230

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  • Text Text Text Text Text

 Online Rugger
Play a match Online

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 Between The Sticks
Score a drop goal, penalty goal or a conversion

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 Kick With The Wind
Score a penalty goal or conversion from 55+ metres

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 Hit The Sticks
Score a penalty goal or conversion off the post or crossbar

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 Just Like Pudding
Score a drop goal with a player currently playing in a Prop position

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 First Try
Score a try

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 Hat Trick Hero
Score 3 tries with the same player in a match against CPU (Medium or higher)

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 Showboat I
Touch the ball down to score a try without diving and without being tackled

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 Showboat II
Stay in the offensive in-goal area for at least 5 seconds directly before scoring a try

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 Quick Turnaround
Score a try in one phase or less of possession against CPU (Medium or higher)

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 Nice Pickup!
Perform a Quick Pickup from a tackled player then directly run and score a try

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 Chip And Score
Score a try directly after recovering a Scrum Half Kick against CPU (Medium or higher)

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 Catch The Bomb
Score a try directly after recovering an Up and Under Kick against CPU (Medium or higher)

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 Worm Burner
Score a try directly after recovering a Grubber Kick against CPU (Medium or higher)

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 Trytime In Quicktime
Score a try directly from a kick-off, or restart kick, which occurred on the 50 metre line

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 Big Guy's Glory
Score a try with a player currently playing in a Prop position

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 Setpiece Setup
Execute a set play from a ruck, scrum or maul and score a try on the same phase of possession

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 Don't Even Try
Win a match where your team doesn't score a try against CPU (Medium or higher)

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 Tough It Out
Beat an 85+ rated team with a team rated less than 70 against CPU (Hard)

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 Cheers Mate!
Win a match with 2 or more human-controlled players on your team

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 At The Death
Score to win a match with no time left in the 2nd half against CPU (Medium or higher)

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 King Of Crunch
Successfully complete 20 dive tackles in a match

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 Booming Punt
Punt into touch from behind your team's 22 metre line for a territorial gain of 50+ metres

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Attempt all four of your team's assigned set plays in a match

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 Hey This Ain't Soccer!
Perform a soccer kick

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 Sell The Dummy
Perform a dummy pass and fool a defending player

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 Picked Off
Intercept an opposition team's line-out throw

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 Rage Against The Head
Gain possession of the ball at a scrum when playing as the defensive team

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 One Of Each
Score a try, conversion, penalty goal and drop goal all in the same match

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 Talent From The Tee
Win a match in the Place-Kick Shootout mode against CPU (Hard)

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 End To End
Score a try by running with the ball directly from one goal line to the other

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 Epic Try-pocalypse
Score 15 tries in a match (5 or 10 min halves)

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 Shades Of Jonny
Score a decisive winning drop goal during an Extra Time or Sudden Death period

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 Minnow No More
Win the Rugby World Cup 2011 Final with a team rated less than 60 against CPU (Hard)

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Win a match with every International team

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 Hammer And Tongs
Score 50+ unanswered points against CPU (Medium or higher, 5 or 10 min halves)

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 Brick Wall
Do not concede any points in a match against CPU (Hard)

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 World Champions
Win the Rugby World Cup 2011 Final

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 Up North
Win every match of every Northern Hemisphere tour playing against CPU (Hard)

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 Down South
Win every match of every Southern Hemisphere tour playing against CPU (Hard)

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 Hardcore Rugger
Beat New Zealand with a team rated less than 80 against CPU (Hard, 20 min halves)

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 Rule The Pool
Earn 20 pool stage points in Rugby World Cup 2011 playing against CPU (Hard)

Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text

 Rugby Purist
Acquire all Bronze, Silver and Gold trophies

Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs).
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten.


 Sin Bin
Be awarded a yellow card

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 Early Shower
Be awarded a red card

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 That's Commitment!
Play 100 matches in total (including matches played in any mode)

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