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Trophäen-Leitfaden - Rugby World Cup 2011 1x 3x 10x 32x = 46 | Gesamtpunkte: 1230 Allgemeine Infos: Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Online RuggerPlay a match Online [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Between The SticksScore a drop goal, penalty goal or a conversion [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Kick With The WindScore a penalty goal or conversion from 55+ metres [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Hit The SticksScore a penalty goal or conversion off the post or crossbar [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Just Like PuddingScore a drop goal with a player currently playing in a Prop position [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text First TryScore a try [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Hat Trick HeroScore 3 tries with the same player in a match against CPU (Medium or higher) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Showboat ITouch the ball down to score a try without diving and without being tackled [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Showboat IIStay in the offensive in-goal area for at least 5 seconds directly before scoring a try [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Quick TurnaroundScore a try in one phase or less of possession against CPU (Medium or higher) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Nice Pickup!Perform a Quick Pickup from a tackled player then directly run and score a try [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Chip And ScoreScore a try directly after recovering a Scrum Half Kick against CPU (Medium or higher) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Catch The BombScore a try directly after recovering an Up and Under Kick against CPU (Medium or higher) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Worm BurnerScore a try directly after recovering a Grubber Kick against CPU (Medium or higher) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Trytime In QuicktimeScore a try directly from a kick-off, or restart kick, which occurred on the 50 metre line [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Big Guy's GloryScore a try with a player currently playing in a Prop position [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Setpiece SetupExecute a set play from a ruck, scrum or maul and score a try on the same phase of possession [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Don't Even TryWin a match where your team doesn't score a try against CPU (Medium or higher) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Tough It OutBeat an 85+ rated team with a team rated less than 70 against CPU (Hard) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Cheers Mate!Win a match with 2 or more human-controlled players on your team [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text At The DeathScore to win a match with no time left in the 2nd half against CPU (Medium or higher) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text King Of CrunchSuccessfully complete 20 dive tackles in a match [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Booming PuntPunt into touch from behind your team's 22 metre line for a territorial gain of 50+ metres [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text ExperimentorAttempt all four of your team's assigned set plays in a match [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Hey This Ain't Soccer!Perform a soccer kick [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Sell The DummyPerform a dummy pass and fool a defending player [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Picked OffIntercept an opposition team's line-out throw [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Rage Against The HeadGain possession of the ball at a scrum when playing as the defensive team [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text One Of EachScore a try, conversion, penalty goal and drop goal all in the same match [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Talent From The TeeWin a match in the Place-Kick Shootout mode against CPU (Hard) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text End To EndScore a try by running with the ball directly from one goal line to the other [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Epic Try-pocalypseScore 15 tries in a match (5 or 10 min halves) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Shades Of JonnyScore a decisive winning drop goal during an Extra Time or Sudden Death period [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Minnow No MoreWin the Rugby World Cup 2011 Final with a team rated less than 60 against CPU (Hard) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Multi-UnionWin a match with every International team [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Hammer And TongsScore 50+ unanswered points against CPU (Medium or higher, 5 or 10 min halves) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Brick WallDo not concede any points in a match against CPU (Hard) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text World ChampionsWin the Rugby World Cup 2011 Final [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Up NorthWin every match of every Northern Hemisphere tour playing against CPU (Hard) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Down SouthWin every match of every Southern Hemisphere tour playing against CPU (Hard) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Hardcore RuggerBeat New Zealand with a team rated less than 80 against CPU (Hard, 20 min halves) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Rule The PoolEarn 20 pool stage points in Rugby World Cup 2011 playing against CPU (Hard) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Rugby PuristAcquire all Bronze, Silver and Gold trophies [Platin-Trophäe]Erhält man automatisch nach Erhalt aller Trophäen (ohne DLCs). Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du kannst nun die Schwierigkeit und den Zeitaufwand bewerten. Sin BinBe awarded a yellow card [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Early ShowerBe awarded a red card [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text That's Commitment!Play 100 matches in total (including matches played in any mode) [Trophäenart] Leitfaden-Tipp Text Text Text Text Text Text Zitieren
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