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Allgemeiner Thread zu Champion Jockey


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also amazon sagt am 2. september ^^

das game hat ja sogar move.. naya wenns einfache trophäen hat wirs bestimmt iwann mal gespielt sonst ist es nichts ^^


Hab mal die Englische Trophienamen gefunden falls es einen Interessiert.

Best Winning Average (Japan)

Gain Best Winning Average with Japan as your base location.

Champion 2 yo Filly Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected as Champion 2 yo Filly.

Champion 3 yo Colt Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected as Champion 3 yo Colt.

Champion 3 yo Filly Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected as Champion 3 yo Filly.

Champion Jockey (Japan)

Be named Champion Jockey with Japan as your base location.

Champion Jump Jockey (Japan)

Be named Champion Jump Jockey with Japan as your base location.

Champion Jumper Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected as Champion Jumper.

Champion Older Horse Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected as Champion Older Horse.

Champion Sprinter Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected as Champion Sprinter.

Champion Stayer Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected as Champion Stayer.

Leading Earner (Japan)

Be named Leading Earner with Japan as your base location.

One of Ability

Win a race using an Ability.

Promoted to Beginner

Be promoted to a Jockey Ranking of Beginner.

Story Mode: 1st G-Race Win

Earn first G-Race victory in the Story Mode.

Story Mode: 1st Win

Earn first victory in the Story Mode.

Successful Breeder

Earn a victory with one of your bred horses.


Steal 100 or more ride requests from other jockeys.

Best Winning Average (Europe)

Gain Best Winning Average with Europe as your base location.

Champion Jump Jockey (Europe)

Be named Champion Jump Jockey with Europe as your base location.

Fancies the Ladies

Win 10 or more G-Races that are filly/mare only in a single year.

G-Race Breeder

Earn a G-Race victory with one of your bred horses.

G1 Breeder

Earn a G1 Race victory with one of your bred horses.

Hall of Fame Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected for the Hall of Fame.

Leader of the Revolution

Win a race using a Revolution.

Leading Apprentice (Europe)

Be named Leading Apprentice with Europe as your base location.

Leading Apprentice (Japan)

Be named Leading Apprentice with Japan as your base location.

Leading Earner (Europe)

Be named Leading Earner with Europe as your base location.

Looks Gift Horses in the Mouth

Refuse a total of 100 ride requests that are offered to you.

Master of the Drop-In

Win 10 or more G1 Races with a Drop-In horse in a single year.

Master of the Drop-Out

Win 10 or more G1 Races with a Drop-Out horse in a single year.

Master of the Front-Runner

Win 10 or more G1 Races with a Front-Runner horse in a single year.

Master of the Hold-Up

Win 10 or more G1 Races with a Hold-Up horse in a single year.

Master of the Jump Race

Win 5 or more G-Jump Races in a single year.

Promoted to Outstanding

Be promoted to a Jockey Ranking of Outstanding.

Story Mode: 1st G1 Win

Earn first G1 victory in the Story Mode.

Story Mode: 1st Overseas G-R Win

Earn first G-Race victory in the Story Mode after transferring overseas.

Story Mode: 1st Overseas G1 Win

Earn first G1 Race victory in the Story Mode after transferring overseas.

Story Mode: 1st Overseas Win

Earn first victory in the Story Mode after transferring overseas.

Straight to the Top

Win a G1 Race for your first victory of the year.


Be demoted in the standings more than 20 times due to Stewards' Enquiries.

Champion Jockey (Europe)

Be named Champion Jockey with Europe as your base location.

Grand Prize Jockey (Japan)

Be named Grand Prize Jockey with Japan as your base location.

Horse of the Year Breeder

One of your bred horses is selected as Horse of the Year.

Jockey About Town

Win a race at every racecourse.

Negative Ability Specialist

Trigger 10 or more negative abilities.

Achievement Hunter

Unlock all of the available achievements.

Grand Prize Jockey (Europe)

Be named Grand Prize Jockey with Europe as your base location.

Practice Challenges: Completed

Conquer the Practice Challenges.

Quest Challenges: Completed

Conquer the Quest Challenges.

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Aus igrend einen mir völlig unklaren Grund möchte ich es nicht spielen.

So gehts mir auch. Aber ich denke in England wird es für viele Wochen Platz 1 sein in den Top Ten. Die neigen irgendwie zu solchen Spielen :smile:

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Aus igrend einen mir völlig unklaren Grund möchte ich es nicht spielen.

Oh, ich glaub der Grund wird klar wenn man das sieht:

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJbFrBJTswk]New: Champion Jockey G1 Jockey and Gallop Racer HD video game trailer - PS3 - YouTube[/url]



Ich habs mir gerade bestellt, die Hampelei mit Move sieht echt affig aus, aber ich werds mit dem Pad spielen.

Die G1-Jockey-Reihe auf der PS2 hat bei mir damals einen enormen Suchtfaktor ausgelöst, hoffentlich kann CJ da mithalten.

Für die Rennen brauchte man echt eine Strategie da den Pferden sonst am Ende die Puste ausging, zudem lies sich jedes Pferde anders "reiten".

Aber um an den Spielen Gefallen zu finden, muss man auf Pferderennen stehen.

Laut Trophy-Beschreibung scheint sich nicht viel getan zu haben...

Naja ich bin gespannt....

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Ich zocke das Spiel mittlerweile seit 1,5 Wochen, mir macht es echt fun (aber sonst scheint es ja kaum jemand zu spielen). Weiß jemand wie man die " Quest Challenges: Completed"-Trophy und die andere Challenge-Trophy erhält?? Die anderen Trophies erklären sich ja von selbst.


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