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Fundorte der Schatskisten - englische Beschreibung


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  • Right across the street from Bob's Skate Shop there is a garage that's wide open.
  • If you are facing the large ship on this map you want to go to your right and away from the water. Here you find ground you can shape. Shape it down and there is a chest.
  • Near the gas station there is a roof that you can get onto and it will be there. Facing the gas station use shaping rails to get on top of the awning at the gas station and then ride towards the gas station to the roof right above it. You'll find it back here.
  • Inside of a garage in the southeastern corner of the map. Use shaping rails to get it.


  • When doing the mission where you rescue Shaun White you will pass right by this when getting into the building that Shaun is held.
  • This one is kind of confusing. Go to the north-central part of the map and find an intersection that looks like a V. From here you will see an awning but you need to get onto the building across from this awning and grind/shape your way around to get this.

Rising Island

  • The first one is right after you get into the main part of the park. As soon as you enter you will see a large tower like structure with two shaping ramps inside of it. You will need shaping rails to get here and it's kind of a big line you have to set up. Once you get onto the tower you can go inside the dome and the chest is right in the center.
  • The second, and last, chest in this area is by the roller coaster. You want to get to the right of the roller coaster (if you were facing it as you entered the area) and there is a row of small buildings. One says "The Headless Woman" on it. Just use the nearby shaping rail to get on top and it's right there.

Ministry Quarter

  • As soon as you learn the ground shaping ability you will be put in front of an area where you can use it. Shift the ground down and ride in for the chest.
  • Noted above under one of the Shaun White Challenges you will come across another chest while riding around the large ministry building (the one you can rid the elevator to the top)
  • Find Bob's Skate Shop in this area and it's right on top of that building. You can use nearby shaping rails to get up there.
  • Find a building with a unicorn on it in the southeastern corner of the map. There is a shaping rail directly across that you can use to get up there.
- Werbung nur für Gäste -


also, hab alle kisten auf anhieb gefunden, bis auf eine bei ministry. da ich mir beim ersten durchlauf leider nicht gemerkt habe, welche ich von den vieren tatsächlich gefunden hab, jetzt noch ma zur klarstellung:

1. Kiste: aufen Skateshop (genau oben drüber)

2. Kiste: im linken Kartenbereich, nördlich, findet man eine wand mit einem einhorngrafitti, links daneben aufen dach

3. Kiste: an der Stelle, wo man das geländemorphen erlernt hat (vor so einem gerüst), verschiebt man gleich das erste bewegliche gelände nach unten! nun ist man innem abwasserschacht

4. Kiste: aufen ministryturm (oben! bei der shaun white herausforderung), wenn man n bischen !oben! rumfährt, findet mans sofort

so... bin die fundstellen nochmal abgefahren, leider ist keine kiste mehr zu finden und dennoch hab ich nur 3/4 kisten... was is da los?

HELP PLEASE :banghead:


bin es jetzt noch einmal komplett durchgegangen und habe folgenes festgestellt, es gibt im ministry gebiet 2 gebäude mit nem einhorn drauf. das, auf dem sich die kiste befindet ist nicht südöstlich sondern einfach nur im süden der karte. wenn man das weiß, findet mans schon. haunse rin


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