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Für alle die Sehnsüchtig auf The Pinball Arcade warten.....:)

We have good news and bad news to report on the release of the Pinball Arcade on Sony platforms in Europe. Many of our fans noticed that the PlayStation3 version did not launch in Europe today as scheduled. At the last minute Sony Computer Entertainment Europe approached us with a plan to promote both the PlayStation3 and PS Vita versions if we agreed to delay the PlayStation3 version so that they could come out together. We really can't turn down that kind of publicity when a big company like Sony offers it to us, so we consented. The good news is that both the PlayStation 3 version and the PS Vita version are now scheduled for release in Europe on July 11th, and we should get some great publicity that will help introduce many new people to the joys of pinball. Thanks for your patience, and thanks for supporting the Pinball Arcade!

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