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hey leute, ich hab ehrlichgesagt kein plan ob ich hier richtig bin, aber bevor ich irgendwo unabsichtlich rumspamm dacht ich mir ich mach den thread hier auf wo die beiträge eh nicht gezählt werden, also folgendes, gamestop hat ja immoment ne 9.99euro aktion bei diem spiel alice madness returns, jetz zu meinem problem, auf der gamestop seite kann man die eintauschliste nur noch runterladen, is ja ganz nett, allerdings is mein laptop im arsch und mit der ps3 kann ma des net laden, deshalb wollt ich fragen ob jemand so freundlich wär die liste zu laden und hier reinzu kopieren, also die liste für ps3 natürlich :D würd mich riesig freun, und sorry nochma wenn ich hier im falschen eck bin.

EDIT: hier der link, is ne pdf datei http://www.gamestop.de/locale/assetsHomepage/imgPromo/mailights/include_de.pdf

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PS3 360

PS3 Apache 360 ACE COMBAT 6

PS3 Assassins Creed 2 DE 360 Alan Wake

PS3 Assassins Creed Brotherhood DE 360 Apache

PS3 Batman Arkham Asylum DE 360 Arcania Gothic 4

PS3 Bayonetta 360 Ass Brotherhood

PS3 BF Bad Company 2 360 Assassins Creed 2

PS3 BlazeBlue Calamatry Shift 360 Batman Asylum

PS3 Blur 360 BF Bad Company 2

PS3 Brink 360 BlazeBlue Calamatry Shift

PS3 Cabela Danger Hunts 11 360 Brink

PS3 Castlevania Lords of Shadow 360 Bulletstorm

PS3 COD 4 360 Bully Ehrenrunde

PS3 COD 7 Black Ops DE 360 Castlevania Lords of Shadow

PS3 COD Modern Warfare 2 DE 360 COD 4

PS3 Crysis 2 360 COD 7 Black Ops

PS3 DBZ Raging Blast 360 COD Modern Warfare 2

PS3 DBZ Raging Blast 2 360 Crash Herrscher d Mutan

PS3 Dead Space 2 360 Crysis 2

PS3 DEF JAM ICON 360 Dantes Inferno

PS3 Demons Souls Black Phan 360 DBZ Raging Blast

PS3 Der Pate 2 360 DBZ Raging Blast 2

PS3 Dirt 3 360 Dead Space 2

PS3 Disgaea 3 360 Der Pate 2

PS3 Duke Nukem forever 360 Dirt 3

PS3 Dynasty Warriors 6 360 Divinity 2 Dragon Knigh

PS3 Dynasty Warriors 7 360 Dreamcast Collection

PS3 F1 2010 360 Duke Nukem Forever

PS3 FF 13 360 Enslaved

PS3 Fight Night Champion 360 F1 2010

PS3 Fist of the North Star 360 Fable 3

PS3 Ghostbusters 360 Fallout New Vegas

PS3 God of War 3 360 FF 13

PS3 God of War Collection 360 Fight Night Champion

Ps3 God of War Trilogy 360 Forza 3

PS3 Great Battles Medieval 360 Game Party 4 In Motion

PS3 GT 5 360 GTA 4 Complete Edition

PS3 GTA 4 Complete Edition 360 Halo 4 Reach

PS3 HDR Abenteuer Aragorn 360 HDR Eroberung

PS3 HDR Die Eroberung 360 Homefront

PS3 Heavy Rain 360 HP Heiligtuemer Todes 1

PS3 Heavy Rain Move Edition 360 Hunted

PS3 Homefront 360 Just Cause 2

PS3 HP Heiligtuemer Todes 1 360 Kane + Lynch 2

PS3 Hunted 360 Kinect Fighters Uncaged

PS3 Il 2 Sturmovik 360 Kinect Sports

PS3 Infamous 360 L.A. Noire

PS3 Just Cause 2 360 Left 4 Dead 2

PS3 Killzone 3 360 Lego FDK 4

PS3 Knights Contract 360 Lego SW 3 CloneW

PS3 L.A. Noire 360 Lego SW the Comp

PS3 Lego FDK 360 Majin Forsaken Kingdom

PS3 Lego HP Year 360 Marvel vs Capcom 3

PS3 Lego Indiana Jones

PS3 Lego Indiana Jones 2 360 MOH 5

PS3 Lego SW 3 CloneWars 360 Monopoly Streets

PS3 Mafia 2 360 MX vs ATV Reflex

PS3 Majin Forsaken Kingdom 360 Naruto Ulti Ninja Storm 2

PS3 Marvel vs Capcom 3 360 Naughty Bear

PS3 Mass Effect 2 360 NBA 2k11

PS3 ModNation Racers 360 NHL 11

PS3 MOH 5 360 Nier

PS3 Monopoly 360 Ninety Nine Nights 2

PS3 Monopoly Streets 360 Operation Flashpoint Re

PS3 Motorstorm Apocalypse 360 PES 11

PS3 MX vs. ATV Reflex 360 Portal 2

PS3 Naruto Ulti Ninja Storm 2 360 Rainbow Six Vegas 2

PS3 Naughty Bear 360 Red Dead Redemption

PS3 NBA Jam 360 Red Dead Undead Nightm

PS3 NBA Live 10 360 Red Faction Armageddon

PS3 NHL 11 360 Resonance of Fate

PS3 Nier 360 Saboteur

PS3 Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 360 Sacred 2 Fallen Angel

PS3 Operation Flashpoint Re 360 SAW 2

PS3 PES 11 360 Sims 3

PS3 POP Trilogy 3D 360 Singularity

Ps3 Portal 2 360 Sniper Ghost Warrior

PS3 Prison Break 360 Spiderman Shattered Dim

PS3 Ratch+Clank Crack Time 360 Split Second

PS3 Red Dead Redemption 360 Sports Island Freedom

PS3 Red Dead Undead Nightma 360 SW Force Unleashed 2

PS3 Red Faction Armaggedon 360 SW Force Unleashed Sith

PS3 Resonance of Fate 360 TC Hawx 2

PS3 Saboteur 360 Test Drive Unlimited 2

PS3 Sacred 2 360 The First Templar

PS3 SAW 2 360 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12

PS3 Silent Hill 5 HC 360 Top Spin 4

PS3 Simpsons Spiel 360 Toy Story 3

PS3 Sims 3 360 TRON Evolution

PS3 Sniper Ghost Warrior 360 WWE All Stars

PS3 Socom Special Forces D 360 WWE Smackdown v Raw 11

PS3 Spiderman Shattered Dim 360 Your Shape Fitness

PS3 Split Second

PS3 Sports Champions

PS3 Spyro Dawn of the drago

PS3 Star Ocean 4 Internatio

PS3 Start the Party DE

PS3 Super SF 4

PS3 SW Force Unleashed 2

PS3 SW Force Unleashed Sith

PS3 SW the Complete

PS3 TC Hawx 2 DE

PS3 Tekken 6

PS3 Test Drive Unlimited 2

PS3 The Sly Trilogy DE

PS3 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12

PS3 Tomb Raider Trilogy

PS3 Tony Hawk Proving

PS3 Top Spin 4

PS3 Toy Story 3 DE

PS3 Transformers Cybertron

PS3 TRON Evolution

PS3 Uncharted 2 DE

PS3 Venetica

PS3 Warriors: Legends Troy

PS3 Way of the Samurai 3

PS3 White Knight Chronicles

PS3 WRC World Rally Champio

PS3 WWE All Stars

PS3 WWE Smackdown v Raw 11

PS3 Yakuza 3 DE

PS3 Yakuza 4 Kuro Edition

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