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Rarest achievements/trophies

  1. 1
    2042.pngEarn all the trophies in the game (excluding additional content trophies).Transcendence
    WipEout® HD Trophies
    1.91% 1.91% of people also have this achievement
  2. 2
    2052.pngObtain a gold medal for every cell in the original Wipeout HD Race Campaign on Elite difficulty.Elite Campaign Legend
    WipEout® HD Trophies
    2.27% 2.27% of people also have this achievement
  3. 3
    2067.pngEqual or beat the lap time of 30.82 seconds on Anulpha Pass (Forward), Speed Lap, Venom using the Piranha.Beat Zico
    WipEout® HD Trophies
    2.97% 2.97% of people also have this achievement
  1. Ultra rare
  2. Very rare
  3. Rare
  4. Uncommon
  5. Common
- Werbung nur für Gäste -

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