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Call of Duty: Black Ops – Escalation Achievement Guide

Categories: COD Black Ops, COD Black Ops, COD Black Ops, PC, PS3, Xbox360 | 0 comments

codbo_standin.jpg Stand-In


In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in solo or co-op

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In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op

Both of these are for rescuing the crew in the lighthouse. Check out our full page for coverage on all the things you need to do: Call of the Dead Guide

codbo_stuntman.jpg Stuntman


In Call of the Dead, make a zombie explode using the V-R11

Stuntman may be the easiest of achievement.

It asks us to, “make a zombie explode using the V-R11”.

To do this we are going to need to follow the steps to getting the V-R11, pack-a-punching the V-R11, and finally exploding a zombie with it.

I unlocked the achievement alone, but it can be done with the full 4. Although sometimes it’s hard to find people to cooperate.

Although this achievement isn’t easy alone, it is entirely possible.

The steps I will give you here should help you do it alone, but if you have some friends, just follow the same steps, but they may be tweaked here and there with the additional players.

Step 1: Locate the Mystery Box.

- Right off the bat, the first thing you want to do is look up.

- See where the giant blue beam is shooting from.

- If the blue beam is coming out of the top of the ship on the left then that’s good. Or if it’s in front of the lighthouse on the left.

- If the blue beam is NOT in one of those two places, start the game over. The mystery box being close will save a lot of time.

Step 2: Buy a revive!

- Go to the small island behind where George (the director, the dude with the giant light as a hammer)

- On the island there will be a revive for 500 points. Buy it.

- Every time you get knocked down, and you are saved because of your revive, buy a new revive to replace it.

Step 3: Don’t buy ANYTHING, and survive for 3 or 4 rounds.

- Round one: Only use your knife. Don’t shoot, each zombie takes one knife to die.

- Round two: Only use your knife: Don’t shoot, each zombie takes two knifes to die.

- Round three: Kill the zombies with whatever you can, kill them before they come in bunches and attack at once together.

- Round 4: (Optional for more points): Stay by the shoreline, once you are overwhelmed, retreat to the small island with the revive. From there, throw grenades and and shoot from a far.

Step 4: Create a crawler

- Throw a grenade behind or next to a zombie or group of zombies.

- If the grenade is directly under them, they will die.

- If the grenade’s explosion is far enough away, it will blow their legs off and create a slow moving crawler. This allows you to explore without worrying about a zombie attacking you.

- If there is a VERY slow zombie, this isn’t needed.

Step 5: Open Mystery Box

- Go to wherever the blue light is pointing for the mystery box.

- It will cost 950 to open the box

- If it is on the boat, it will cost 2900 all together, to open doors and open the mystery box.

To go there, from the start turn left.

Move a boat that will cost 750 points

Continue up the steps, move clutter on the stairway that will cost 1200 points.

The mystery box is on this floor, in a room on the end of the ship.

- If it is in front of the lighthouse, it will cost 1650 all together.

To go there, from the start turn right.

Move the boat that will cost 750 points.

Walk up the windy pathway and up the stairs.

The box is right there.

Step 6: Get lucky

- Keep opening the mystery box until you run out of money, looking for the V-R11.

- In the mean time, keep the good weapons to fight the zombies.

- If you run out of money, go back to the start, kill the last zombie, and start the next round to save more money.

- If you open it so much that it moves to a new spot, look in the sky again to see where it is.

- If it is in one of the two spots we mentioned from the beginning, or if it is in the actual spawn point of the level, continue playing.

- If it’s in a far off place, behind many doors, quit and start over. It’s not worth it to fight the more difficult zombies and save up so much money and have to play the harder rounds.

Step 7: Turn on the power

- If your mystery box was on the ship, you are very close to the power switch.

- Go to the top of the boat by walking up the stairs and paying 750 points.

- Inside there is a giant switch on the wall, pull it.

- If your mystery box was by the lighthouse, go back to the area you started from.

- Follow the white arrows on the walls.

- Go to the right side this time

- Move the boat for 750. Move the clutter on the stairway for 1200, and go to the top of the boat and pay 750 to open the door.

- Pull the switch on the wall.

Step 8: Survive and save up at least 5000 points

- Now that the power is on, you have the V-R11, and you have a good weapon, go down to the starting area.

- Kill the zombies from the shore, while watching your back.

- Once it gets to intense, retreat to the island where the revive is.

- From there, shoot the zombies as they slow down when they walk in the water.

- Throw grenades as well.

Step 9: Locate the Pack-a-punch.

- Once you have at least 5000 points, look to the sky and locate the lighthouse beam.

- The beam circles around the map and is searching for the pack-a-punch.

- Run from the remaining zombie while continuing to look at the lighthouse beam.

- When the lighthouse finds the pack-a-punch, locate where it is.

- If the beam is pointing to an area of the map you haven’t been in yet, it’s probably best to just fight another round of the zombies. When the next round is over, the pack-a-punch will move. Hopefully to a better more convenient spot.

- If the pack-a-punch is near by, or behind maybe 1 door, go to it!

- Once there, put your V-R11 in the pack-a-punch to get the V-R11 Lazarus.

Step 10: Go back to the top of the ship and blow up a ZOMBIE!

- Almost done, run back to the top of the ship, where we turned on the power.

- Once here, re-build any broken down walls.

- Now kill the final zombie who we kept alive.

- Next aim the V-R11 inside on of the walls where the zombies charge from.

- When you see one, shoot him relentlessly, while still watching your back for more zombies.

- One hit will turn him into a human.

- Normally he will run out of control and be hard to hit, but since he is behind the wall, he is very slow and easy to hit.

- It takes many hits, but eventually he will fall to the ground and blow up in yellow smoke.

If done correctly, you should get the achievement right here!

Not an easy achievement, and there is luck involved, but with practice you should be able to get it.

Thanks for reading and watching this guide, I hope it helped you and I hope you enjoyed it!

codbo_shootingonlocation.jpg Shooting On Location


In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away

To make this easy you need 3 good people. 1 to actually fire the Scavenger when someone gets it from the Random Box, 1 to protect the sniper (optional, the sniper can protect themselves but it’s easy to have back-up), and 1 to run around like an idiot so that the zombies follow them.

You can fire from the top of the Lighthouse to the Original Area OR from the top of the ship to the area behind the Lighthouse.

Things like Jugger-Nog for the zombie wrangler is a nice bonus to help them out if they get swarmed.

codbo_quietontheset.jpg Quiet on the Set


In Call of the Dead, cut the lights on the Director

I unlocked this achievement alone, but it’s entirely possible, even easier maybe, with a group of up to 4.

GOAL: Get a Scavenger, make a crawler, and take George, the director, out!

NOTICE: There may be different ways to do this. And everything I do may not be necessary, but it worked. Some say you can beat him with a ray gun, with the V-R11, or even with regular guns. I’m not sure, I just know that THIS method works.

Also, George took quite a few punches before he went down, I was in SOLO. It may take even longer if you have more teammates, I’m not sure.

Step One: Locate the Mystery Box

- Right when you spawn, look up into the sky. Look for the blue beam shooting up in the air, this will point to where the mystery box is.

- If the mystery box is right in front of the Lighthouse, this is the most ideal spot. Another decent area is on top of the ship.

- If the mystery box is not in one of these two places, preferably in front of the lighthouse, then restart the game and hope for a better mystery box location.

Step Two: Buy a revive

- When playing alone, the fish tasting juice is your best friend.

- Got to the tiny island with the blue soda machine.

- Buy a revive, whenever you go down, buy another one.

- It’s not fun playing for 15-20 minutes and then getting killed by a random zombie or be overwhelmed.

Step Three: Survive 3 rounds without buying anything.

- Round One: Only use your knife, each zombie takes one knife slice to kill.

- Round Two: Only use your knife, each zombie takes two knife lunges to kill.

- Round Three: Kill the zombies with everything you have.

- Stay on the shoreline, if it gets to hectic, retreat to the island.

Step Four: Make a crawler…

- Throw a grenade near a zombie, hopefully it will blow of it’s legs and it will crawl.

- If it’s thrown right under the zombie, it will just die.

- It’s easiest to find a small group of zombies, chuck a grenade near them, and hope to make multiple crawlers.

Step Five: Go to your mystery box.

- If the mystery box is on the ship, it will cost 750 to move one boat on the right, 1200 to move clutter on the stairway, and 950 to open the box.

- If your box is in front of the lighthouse, it cost 750 to move the boat and clear the path in the cave on the left, and 950 to open the box.

Step Six: Pray for a Scavenger!

- This is where a lot of luck is involved, getting a scavenger shot in the mystery box is rare.

- Go to wherever your mystery box is.

- It cost 950 to open the mystery box.

- Keep opening it until you found the scavenger, which is a giant sniper rifle.

- Keep one good primary gun, whatever suits you from the box. Like an RPK, Commando, etc…

- If you run out of money, go back to the starting area and use your new weapons to beat the zombies for another round or two, then come back and try the box again.

- If the box runs out, and the new location is close, just repeat the steps and try to get a scavenger.

- If the box is far away, behind more then one new doorway to open, it’s probably best just to start the entire thing over.

- If you get the scavenger, move on to the next step!

Step Seven: Get ready for the duel! (Must have 1750 points at least)

- First thing we need to do is MOVE the crawler as far away as possible, we don’t want him to get caught in the crossfire and die, starting the next round and probably killing you in the mayhem.

- To move him, we need to have the director and the crawler follow you ALL the way to the ship. It will cost 750 to move the boat if you haven’t done it already.

- Once you have the crawler and the director on the ship, lure him into it.

(This step isn’t necessary with a full team. You can use one person to distract the crawler, the other three can fight George, the director.)

- Finally shoot him with your primary gun, not the scavenger and RUN!

- He’s not VERY fast, but you need to keep moving.

- Now run all the way to the lighthouse, open the door under where the mystery box is, and go outside. (Cost 1000 points)

- Your in the right place if there is a boardwalk that looks out into the spawn area, where you started, and if there is a small pool of water on the left.

- Lead George into the water, he’s relaxed now, and get ready to fight!

Step Eight: Lights OUT!

- If you are looking at the small pool, you should notice a metal object sticking out of the ground.

- While George is in the water, and he is close to the object, shoot the metal object with the scavenger.

- It will make a large explosion and George will go insane, he will start running after you, so just run back in the water to cool him off.

- Repeat this step over and over again until you out of ammo.

- By now, you should have noticed that the light in his hand is no longer blue, it’s yellowish orange, this means you are almost done!

- Now that you are out of ammo with the Scavenger, and George is weakened, start shooting him with your primary gun, whatever you have.

- He will continue to run after you when you shoot him, continue to cool him off in the water.

- If you run out of ammo again, start knifing him and running back instantly.

- Finally, when he’s taken enough damage, he will fall to the ground and you’ll see a massive yellow explosion.

- He will regret his wrongs and disappear into the water.

- POP, here is where you should get the achievement!

- He will also leave by a DEATH MACHINE and a bottle of…. Something…

Hope this helped!

I’m not entirely sure if you NEED the metal piece to hurt him, or if you NEED a scavenger. There may be multiple ways to accomplish it.

You do NOT need to Pack-a-punch the Scavenger, and you do NOT need the power on. It can be done without it.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


Nochmal an alle, die sich für ihre UK-Version das Mappack aus dem deutschen Store (vor 12.51 Uhr) geholt haben. Ich habe gerade bei der Hotline angerufen. Man soll sein Problem schildern und die PSN-ID in einer E-Mail an service@de.playstation.com schicken.

Jetzt soll ich innerhalb von 6 Tagen mein Guthaben wieder gutgeschrieben bekommen...

naja mal sehen


das ist anscheinend der zeitpunkt, an dem sony die blesnummern in den store hinzugefügt hat! ich bin auch noch gespannt, ob es klappt, dass ich mein geld zurückbekomme. sonst häng ich mich eben wieder in die hotline^^

ma ne frage. dauert das bei euch auch so lange ? bin jetzt bei 100 MB / 1923 MB , sprich 5 % und ich hab den um 18 uhr gestartet -.-

Bei mir dauerts auch sehr lange aber so extrem O.o

Das liegt eig. an den Leitungen ich z.B. hab nur ne 1000er und nen Kollege hat 1600er der lädt natürlich schneller als ich ;)

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Bei mir dauerts auch sehr lange aber so extrem O.o

Das liegt eig. an den Leitungen ich z.B. hab nur ne 1000er und nen Kollege hat 1600er der lädt natürlich schneller als ich ;)

ok hab mich vertan. wollte ers beide sachen runterladen laden xD ´hät ich nich aufn code geguckt wäre ich jetzt immer noch dran xD

bei mir hat dann knapp 75 min gedauert xD


Weiß jemand, ob man die Ensamble trophy auch in splittscreen zu zweit machen kann, oder MUß man die unbedingt online machen??

Bei der beschreibung steht zumindest nix davon, daß man die online machen muß... Halt nur in Koop...

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


hat sich das MapPack jemand aus dem US Store geholt und kann sagen ob man dort auch Auswahlmöglichkeiten hat und auch rein zufällig das Pack für die UK Version dabei?!

Soweit ich weiß, bekommst du nur in der Runde, wo du Ensemble Cast gemacht hast, die Wunderwaffe von George...:emot-raise: :D

Habe in Splittscrenn mode gerade ohne die Ensemble trophi gemacht zu haben von george die wunderwaffe dg 2 bekommen

hat sich das MapPack jemand aus dem US Store geholt und kann sagen ob man dort auch Auswahlmöglichkeiten hat und auch rein zufällig das Pack für die UK Version dabei?!

hey kingxslc also ich weiss das es im ösi store das mappack für die uk version gibt aber im us store glaube ich nicht also so war es bei den mappacks von cod6 .da gab es nur die us version und im ösi store gibt es 6 verschiedene bles codes .gruss der xahr

hat sich das MapPack jemand aus dem US Store geholt und kann sagen ob man dort auch Auswahlmöglichkeiten hat und auch rein zufällig das Pack für die UK Version dabei?!

Xahr liegt richtig. Erstens gibts im US-Store praktisch nie BLES-Nummern und zweitens, wieso sollten sie das hier überhaupt anbieten? Kein Gamer besorgt sind in den USA eine Importversion. Ab in den Ösi-Store mit dir.

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Xahr liegt richtig. Erstens gibts im US-Store praktisch nie BLES-Nummern und zweitens, wieso sollten sie das hier überhaupt anbieten? Kein Gamer besorgt sind in den USA eine Importversion. Ab in den Ösi-Store mit dir.

Hätte ja sein können aber noch Geld auf dem US Account. So muss man sich nun auch wieder Geld auf AT machen, das istdas einzig nevende.

Danke für die Antworten


Hey leute hatt jemand einen Tipp für mich und meinen kumpel wie man bei call of the dead sehr viele runden überlebt wir haben auf asencion 50 runden geschaft also fehlt es uns nicht an können nur wir findne nicht heraus wo man läuft und wie man in runde 30 noch die zombies killen kann weil es ja keine fallen in call of the dead gibt ich freue mich über jeden tipp ihr könnt mich online hinzufügen und mir die sachen zeigen mir eine private nachricht schreiben oder hier reinschreiben^^ bitttttteeee


Muß mir auch erstmal gameplays darüber anschauen. Die erste Zombiemap, mit der ich absolut nicht klar komme!! Ab Runde 3 wird das Messern ja fast unmöglich, da die mich grundsätzlich immer zweimal erwischen...


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