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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -

- Werbung nur für Gäste -


We've been doing squats

Party on the dock

Take of every top

Time to pump it up

Drink until we drop (drop)

Let's take another shot (shot)

We don't give a fuck

Now take it from the top

drinking drinking drinking drinking

drinking till we drop

Party party party party

party 'round the clock



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- Werbung nur für Gäste -



We've been doing squats

Party on the dock

Take of every top

Time to pump it up

Drink until we drop (drop)

Let's take another shot (shot)

We don't give a fuck

Now take it from the top

drinking drinking drinking drinking

drinking till we drop

Party party party party

party 'round the clock



Wer beim Schnaps kaufen Gefahr läuft den Ausweis zeigen zu müssen :xd::'>

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