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Unauffindbare Gegner


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Helau Leute,

wie aus den Trophäen zu entnehmen gibt es einige Gegner, die nicht so leicht aufzufinden sind.

Hat denn schon jemand von euch den ,,Unsterblichen Xebenbeck'' oder den ,,Uralten Dämon Hybris(Oder so) gefunden?

Ich habe keine einzige Quest ausgelassen, daher muss es noch einen anderen Trick geben...

Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir, und auch den anderen Ratlosen helfen.

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Wenn du alles gelesen hättest, da steht auch bei Beiden was man machen muss um gegen sie zu Kämpfen...

Dann zitiere ich es dem Kerl mal, bin ja der Wiki Quoter xD


The Hybris can be found by completing The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect, Second Aspect, Third Aspect. Then by entering the Hidden Dungeon on the Northeastern side of Darktown, south of the clinic.


  • 1. Outside the Dalish camp behind a wall within that loop right before the camp
  • 2. Before the Sundermount passage behind the wall
  • 3.Wounded coast to the south on dead end road.


The fist is south of Sundermount passage in the ruins

The second is between the graveyard and cave which the Pride demon for Melliviens quest can be found.

The third is south of Quanari camp on the Wounded coast.

Lairs are marked with an "X" on minimap. when you reach this "X", undead will ambush you.

Xebenkeck is an adversary character connected to a quest in Dragon Age II. She is described as being an undying.[1] She can be found in The Forgotten Lair at the end of the quest Forbidden Knowledge.

Vllt is ihm nicht klar das "Forbidden Knowledge" der Link zur Quest ist. xD

Forbidden Knowledge is a quest you acquire from a letter in your Writing Desk in the Hawke Estate. If not killed during Enemies Among Us, Idunna sends you a letter

After entering an area with a tome, the map will show an arrow towards it. Be prepared to fight several packs of demons in each cave. This quest should be completed in the second act.

  • A cave at the west end of Sundermount, next to the western exit. Newly opened passage after completing Merrill's quest for "mirror image". Cave is known as the "Abandoned Thaig" and has a nexus golem with wares in the middle chamber with the tome.
  • A cave at the east end of The Bone Pit (inside the mine).
  • A cave in the northern middle parts of The Wounded Coast. It should be named "The Dank Cave" and is not marked on your map. Note that this cave is inaccessible later in the game.
  • In The Chantry, on a table from the southern stairs, second floor.
  • In the Viscount's Keep, eastern part on a table near the throne.

You can choose any of the following options when selecting a book:

Choosing any of these options will cause several demons and abominations to appear and attack.

NOTE: Reading and accepting the book's deal will give you +2 attribute points, but this will only happen once, any books read after this will not give any attribute bonuses. Also, taking or reading any of the books makes the player unable to complete the quest, and the quest will remain in your journal. However, if you ONLY read the last book (named The Fell Grimoire) you will complete the quest, fight Xebenbeck and get 2+ attribute points.

  • Important- You may come across a locked door and will need a Rogue to unlock it, in the Forgotten Lair.

Your Journal will update, and you will get information on The Fell Grimoire. It can be found in The Forgotten Lair, which is a cave in Darktown next to the entrance. Inside the cave there are several traps. Some of them are capable of killing most members of your party rather quickly so watch out for them, there's spaces where you can walk without triggering them.

After destroying the Grimoire you will meet one of the most dangerous bosses in the game, Xebenkeck, a powerful Desire Demon. The boss itself is not very hard but she will summon hordes of Rage Demon's and Abomination, as well as a Revenant in the second wave.

NOTE: If you choose to take the books, you can sell them each 86 pieces. 5 books= 4 sovereigns 38 pieces.

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gibts keinen deutschen link ? verstehe da auch nichts ^^

ich weiß dass man für den uralten dämon die schriftrollen finden muss , eine hab ich aber wo ist der rest ?

EDIT : Sry habe das mit den Fundorten grade verstanden :D aber was hat es mit dem englischen wort LAIR auf sich ? da verstehe ich den zusammhang nicht , dachte man muss nur die 3 schriftrollen finden

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1 Rolle findet ihr an der "Die Verwundete Küste"

Wenn ihr dort seit einfach Links halten. Die liegt neben einer leiche.

2 Rolle ist am "Sunderhügel" zu finden. Vor dem Dalish lager links hinter einer Mauer.

3 Rolle ist nähe des Friedhofes.

Nach dem Friedhof tauchen 3 gegner auf die ihr erledigen müsst.

Danach Aktualliesiert sich die Quest von alleine.

Danach müsst ihr in die Dunkelstadt. Am besten Anders Krankenstation. Links befindet sich ein Eingang zum Dungeon dort findet man Hybris

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Machen wir es mal so:



Akt: 2

Ort: The Forgotten Lair

Quest: Forbidden Knowledge

DA Wiki:http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110310173129/dragonage/images/thumb/7/74/Xe.png/260px-Xe.png&imgrefurl=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Xebenkeck&usg=__pYgmp5jUt0hVKDjGM3bv8s9eg9s=&h=324&w=260&sz=105&hl=de&start=1&sig2=jNFXQXGJRzzqPFk9asuRKA&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=YS7fnH9_j2FPrM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=95&prev=/images%3Fq%3DXebenkeck%2Bdragon%2Bage%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1G1GGLQ_DEDE372%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=Qzt9TdvxLcvMtAbCuqD1Bg

Video Guide:

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0nYLBxlq5c]YouTube - Dragon Age 2 - How to Find and Kill Xebenkeck (Exorcist Trophy / Achievement Guide)[/url]



Akt: 3

Ort + Quest: The Hybris can be found by completing The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect, Second Aspect, Third Aspect. Then by entering the Hidden Dungeon on the Northeastern side of Darktown, south of the clinic.

DA Wiki: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Hybris

Video: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4qO6SfqXgs]YouTube - Dragon Age 2: Defeating Hybris (The Awiergan Scrolls: Pride Unbound). w/ Cutscene.[/url]

Ich habe mir die sachen größtenteils selbst raus gesucht + Quellen das Forum hier (Realk) + DA Wiki

Aber so hat man alles auf einem Blick

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