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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

:emot-bravo:Meine absolute Traumtrophäe

Borderlands 2


k9lTiaTuWLFChHMfwHtuqscy96R8AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==Mr. Booster? Den hab ich umgelegt!

Ereiche Level 111 ohne zu boosten.

[Einzel- oder Koop-Trophäe]

Wichtig: die Trophäe ist NICHT Platinrelevant!

Einach immer weiter zocken, wenn euch das Spielen Spaß macht. Für Platin reicht Level 20. Da ihr für Bosse keine Punkte bekommt, spielt nur weiter wenn ihr Spaß daran habt mit anderen ein paar Runden online zu zocken.

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- Werbung nur für Gäste -

Gerade mal wieder etwas gepokert und dann war ich in einem Turnier, als wir dann kurz vorm Geld waren sieht Beliskner dann einen Spieler an meinem Tisch namens: deusfantasy. Ich geh mit der Maus über seinen Namen und da steht dann "Germany" - im Textchat versucht ihn anzuschreiben und was kommt? Ja es ist 'unser' deusfantasy. Da kam mir dann folgende Idee :)


1x Platin, 7x Gold, 10x Silber, 7x Bronze = 25 | 1215 Punkte

(Platinum) You're a PokerStar!

- Earn every gold, silver and bronze Trophy.

(Gold) Cracking Leaderboards

- Reach Top 1.000 in any Tournament Leaderboard

(Gold) Player of the ... Tournament.

- Take down a Tournament with at least 1.000 entrants

(Gold) Rich yet?

- Cash in a Tournament for at least $1.000

(Gold) Returned

- Have a ROI of over 100% for 120days, with at least 10 games played. (opr)

(Gold) That's a Bankroll!

- Build up your Bankroll to $5.000 or more

(Gold) SnG's are profitable!

- Profit for $1.000 in "Sit and Go"-Tournaments.

(Gold) Triple-Shootout for free

- Qualify for "Battle of the Planets"

(Silver) Bankroll builder

- Win a multi-table "Sit and Go"-Tournament.

(Silver) Semi rich

- Cash in a Tournament for at least $250

(Silver) Finished building up your roll yet?

- Build up your Bankroll to $1.000 or more

(Silver) Return maxed yet?

- Have a ROI of over 50% for 120days, with at least 10 games played.

(Silver) Final 9

- Reach Final Table in a Tournamet with at least 1000 entrants.

(Silver) 5-Aces

- Win a pot with four-of-a-kind or better in showdown.

(Silver) Winning streak

- Win 3 Tournaments (SnG or MTT) consecutively (without finishing second or worse from first to third win)

(Silver) Keep playing profitable!

- Profit for $500 in "Sit and Go"-Tournaments.

(Silver) Pokerstars fan

- Qualify for VIP Stellar Rewards

(Silver) Keep playing profitable!

- Profit for $500 in "Sit and Go"-Tournaments.

(Bronze) First win!

- Finish a "Sit and Go"-Tournament in first place.

(Bronze) Profit!

- Have a ROI of over 25% for 120days, with at least 10 games played.

(Bronze) Monied

- Reach money in a Tournament with 200-1000 entrants

(Bronze) Make some money!

- Cash in a Tournament for at least $100

(Bronze) SnG master

- Win 10 "Sit and Go"-Tournaments

(Bronze) First move up

- move up to $5-games continously

(Bronze) Playing profitable!

- Profit for $100 in "Sit and Go"-Tournaments.

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Gerade mal wieder etwas gepokert und dann war ich in einem Turnier, als wir dann kurz vorm Geld waren sieht Beliskner dann einen Spieler an meinem Tisch namens: deusfantasy. Ich geh mit der Maus über seinen Namen und da steht dann "Germany" - im Textchat versucht ihn anzuschreiben und was kommt? Ja es ist 'unser' deusfantasy. Da kam mir dann folgende Idee :)


1x Platin, 7x Gold, 10x Silber, 7x Bronze = 25 | 1215 Punkte

(Platinum) You're a PokerStar!

- Earn every gold, silver and bronze Trophy.

(Gold) Cracking Leaderboards

- Reach Top 1.000 in any Tournament Leaderboard

(Gold) Player of the ... Tournament.

- Take down a Tournament with at least 1.000 entrants

(Gold) Rich yet?

- Cash in a Tournament for at least $1.000

(Gold) Returned

- Have a ROI of over 100% for 120days, with at least 10 games played. (opr)

(Gold) That's a Bankroll!

- Build up your Bankroll to $5.000 or more

(Gold) SnG's are profitable!

- Profit for $1.000 in "Sit and Go"-Tournaments.

(Gold) Triple-Shootout for free

- Qualify for "Battle of the Planets"

(Silver) Bankroll builder

- Win a multi-table "Sit and Go"-Tournament.

(Silver) Semi rich

- Cash in a Tournament for at least $250

(Silver) Finished building up your roll yet?

- Build up your Bankroll to $1.000 or more

(Silver) Return maxed yet?

- Have a ROI of over 50% for 120days, with at least 10 games played.

(Silver) Final 9

- Reach Final Table in a Tournamet with at least 1000 entrants.

(Silver) 5-Aces

- Win a pot with four-of-a-kind or better in showdown.

(Silver) Winning streak

- Win 3 Tournaments (SnG or MTT) consecutively (without finishing second or worse from first to third win)

(Silver) Keep playing profitable!

- Profit for $500 in "Sit and Go"-Tournaments.

(Silver) Pokerstars fan

- Qualify for VIP Stellar Rewards

(Silver) Keep playing profitable!

- Profit for $500 in "Sit and Go"-Tournaments.

(Bronze) First win!

- Finish a "Sit and Go"-Tournament in first place.

(Bronze) Profit!

- Have a ROI of over 25% for 120days, with at least 10 games played.

(Bronze) Monied

- Reach money in a Tournament with 200-1000 entrants

(Bronze) Make some money!

- Cash in a Tournament for at least $100

(Bronze) SnG master

- Win 10 "Sit and Go"-Tournaments

(Bronze) First move up

- move up to $5-games continously

(Bronze) Playing profitable!

- Profit for $100 in "Sit and Go"-Tournaments.

sachen gibts

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